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New Experimental Data for Investigating Uniform Colour Space

Zhu, Shao Ying, Luo, M. R. and Cui, G. H. (2001) New Experimental Data for Investigating Uniform Colour Space. In: The 9th Congress of International Colour Association. SPIE, pp. 626-629

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An experiment was carried out using CRT colors. The stimuli were selected along 24 vectors in CIELAB color space. The data was used to test various color difference formulae and uniform color spaces. The results show that there are some discrepencies between CIELAB space and experimental data. The results also suggest that there are three types of color models according to the data used to develop these models: small color-difference, large color-difference and Munsell data.

Item Type: Book Section
Status: Published
DOI: 0.1117/12.464669
School/Department: School of Science, Technology and Health
URI: https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/id/eprint/10007

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