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No Matter How Strong

Cullen, Charlotte and Khan, Nisa (2019) No Matter How Strong. [Show/Exhibition]

Item Type: Show/Exhibition
Creators: Cullen, Charlotte and Khan, Nisa
Date: 19 September 2019
Funders: n/a
Event Title: No Matter How Strong
Event Location: Artcore, Derby
Event Dates: 19th September 2019 - 1st October 2019
Additional Information: Nisa Khan and Charlotte Cullen have been the first artists in residence to use Artcore’s new City Centre space, which has given them scope to make work on a large scale, and for Artcore to reach new audiences in Derby. In many ways this has been the archetype of the perfect residency; individually, both have made ambitious new work and extended their respective practices, and collaboratively they have made experimental work together. There are fascinating formal and thematic links between their work – both use elemental and natural materials such as salt, mud, steel, and water, which flows and drips literally and figuratively through the exhibition. Both artists use what appears to be a deceptively simple pallete of materials to allude to the complexities and contradictions of identity, emotion and their essential humanity. In our conversations we talked about simplicity, about paring back the work to only what is essential, about the artist doing what is essential to the work, and to its meaning, and nothing more, and I think that is what they have achieved – a synthesis of the simple and the complex.
School/Department: School of the Arts
URI: https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/id/eprint/7833

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