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Brain Re-Engineering Concept and Reimagination: Strategy for Rebranding Agriculture and Youth Engagement in Promoting Food Production

Agbugba, Ikechi (2023) Brain Re-Engineering Concept and Reimagination: Strategy for Rebranding Agriculture and Youth Engagement in Promoting Food Production. European Modern Studies Journal, 7 (5).

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This paper explores the critical role that youths play in reshaping and advancing the agriculture sector, especially in the age of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). The core of this discourse is the "Brain Re-Engineering and Reimagination" which seeks to foster youth engagement and agricultural entrepreneurship. This concept recognizes the need to shift from traditional perceptions of agriculture to a more dynamic, technology-driven innovative approach. It emphasizes harnessing the potential of the youth by redirecting their energy and innovative capabilities towards modernized agricultural practices. Through this, it aims to foster a generation of agripreneurs equipped to transform the agriculture sector.

Item Type: Article
Status: Published
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59573/emsj.7(5).2023.19
School/Department: London Campus
URI: https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/id/eprint/10221

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