O'Donnell, Dr Lucy
My Latest
- Kolaiti, Christina and O'Donnell, Lucy (2024) Reflections on Lucy O'Donnell's 'our little earthbound tales' and the art of holding a likeness. In: O'Donnell, Lucy, (ed.) Our little earth bound tales. D.C. Thomson
- O'Donnell, Lucy (2024) Our little earth bound tales. D.C. Thomson
- O'Donnell, Lucy (2022) The partly present mother. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 7 (2). pp. 199-212.
- O'Donnell, Lucy (2021) All the Thoughts I Ever Had or Sitting With Uncertainty. Tracey, 15 (1). pp. 37-49.
- O'Donnell, Lucy (2019) Sitting With Uncertainty. Lucy o'Donnell.
Corby, Vanessa
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4019-9195 and O'Donnell, Lucy (2021) 'Editorial' TRACEY: Drawing, Visualisation, Research. Tracey, 15 (1).
- O'Donnell, Lucy (2018) The magnified glass of liberation: A review of fictional drawings. Drawing, research, theory, practice, 3 (1). pp. 47-62.
- Taylor, Sally, Black, Kate and O'Donnell, Lucy (2017) State of Line: A Survey of Contemporary Drawing - Group Show. [Show/Exhibition]
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