Kolaiti, Christina
My Latest
- Kolaiti, Christina (2024) Paradoxical Lucidity. [Show/Exhibition]
- Kolaiti, Christina, Bosch, Jolande, Yee, Poyan and Dorsett, Chris (2024) Garage Imaginaries: Doctoring the Evidence III. Belsyre Garage, 75 Woodstock Road, Oxford. [Show/Exhibition]
- Kolaiti, Christina and O'Donnell, Lucy (2024) Reflections on Lucy O'Donnell's 'our little earthbound tales' and the art of holding a likeness. In: O'Donnell, Lucy, (ed.) Our little earth bound tales. D.C. Thomson
- Kolaiti, Christina (2023) Kolaiti, C. (2023) 'Lines Indent' [Poem] 'Rowan' [Image], The Paper (June 2023). Glasgow: Good Press. Good Press, Glasgow.
- Kolaiti, Christina (2022) The Teddy Bear Cabinet - Photography Project and Exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]
- Kolaiti, Christina (2023) Teddy Bear Cabinet: Photography Exhibition at Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. [Show/Exhibition]
- Kolaiti, Christina (2022) Inertia. 1 ed. Malton, Inprint
- Kolaiti, Christina (2023) The Teddy Bear Cabinet: Please Mind The Gap. [Show/Exhibition]
- Kolaiti, Christina (2018) SSW 30 Knots or Boukadoura. [Show/Exhibition]
- Kolaiti, Christina (2019) Metafora: Narratives of Floating and Guided Visualisation. In: Metafora: Narratives of Floating and Guided Visualisation, 28 February 2019, St Peter’s School, Clifton, York.
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