Items where Author is "Carpenter, Victoria"
Montasari, Reza, Carpenter, Victoria ORCID: and Hill, Richard
A Road Map for Digital Forensics Research: A Novel Approach for Establishing the Design Science Research Process in Digital Forensics.
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 11 (2).
pp. 194-224.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Between the Stone and the Mirror: Tlatelolco 1968 Massacre and Poetic Debates on the History of Violence.
Chasqui, 47 (2).
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
“La Plaza era una trampa”:
Emotional Violence of Tlatelolco 1968 in Luis Spota’s La Plaza.
Confluencia, 33 (2).
pp. 40-52.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
‘Y el olor de la sangre manchaba el aire’: Tlatelolco 1521 and 1968 in José Emilio Pacheco’s ‘Lectura de los “Cantares Mexicanos”’.
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 95 (4).
pp. 451-474.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
‘You Want the Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth’: Poetic Representations of the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre.
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 21 (1).
pp. 35-49.
Jiang, Nan and Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
A Case Study of Emerging Challenges and Reflections on Internationalization of Higher Education.
International Education Studies, 7 (9).
pp. 50-56.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Realidades en lucha abierta: el conflicto entre la realidad objetiva y el descubrimiento científico en la ciencia-ficción mexicana.
Revista Iberoamericana, 78 (238-9).
pp. 165-179.
Lees, Dave and Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
A Qualitative Assessment of Providing Quality Electronically Mediated Feedback for Students in Higher Education.
International Journal of Learning Technology, 7 (1).
pp. 95-110.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID: and Halpern, Paul
Quantum Mechanics and Literature: An Analysis of El túnel by Ernesto Sábato.
The Ometeca Journal, 17.
pp. 167-187.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Erasing Male Characters from Álbum de familia by Rosario Castellanos.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe, 21 (2).
pp. 61-76.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Under My (Editorial) Thumb: Hegemonic Masculinity and Text Ownership in the Works of Mexican Onda.
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 87 (6).
pp. 667-683.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
“Me cae que no me entiendes”: Multi-language Text in the Mexican Onda.
Romance Studies, 27 (3).
pp. 180-191.
Book Section
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
‘2 October Is Not Forgotten’: Tlatelolco 1968 Massacre and Social Memory Frameworks.
In: Göttsche, Dirk, (ed.)
Memory and Postcolonial Studies: Synergies and New Directions across Literatures from Europe, Africa and the Americas.
Oxford; Bern, Peter Lang, pp. 363-392
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
The Tlatelolco Massacre, Mexico 1968, and the emotional triangle of anger, grief and shame : discourse of truth (s).
Cardiff, University of Wales Press
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Power Tug of War: Hegemonic and Posthegemonic Text Control in Gustavo Sainz’s Obsesivos días circulares (1969).
In: Thakkar, Amit and Harris, Chris, (eds.)
Men, Power and Liberation: Readings of Masculinities in Spanish American Literatures.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID: and Halpern, Paul
Out of the Darkness into the Darkness:
Time Travel in Ernesto Sábato’s El túnel and Connie Willis’ Blackout and All Clear.
In: Carpenter, Victoria
ORCID:, (ed.)
Interface between Literature and Science: Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Latin American Texts.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 91-114
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Strings, Branes and Hidden Texts in Obsesivos días circulares (1969) by Gustavo Sainz.
In: Carpenter, Victoria
ORCID:, (ed.)
Interface between Literature and Science: Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Latin American Texts.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 141-158
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
Temporal Permutations in Octavio Paz’s ‘Piedra de sol’.
In: Carpenter, Victoria
ORCID:, (ed.)
A World in Words, A Life in Texts: Revisiting Latin American Cultural Heritage.
Peter Lang, pp. 137-160
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
When Was Tomorrow? Manipulation of Time and Memory in the Works of Mexican Onda.
In: Carpenter, Victoria
ORCID:, (ed.)
(Re)Collecting the Past: History and Collective Memory in Latin American Literature.
Oxford, Peter Lang, pp. 37-57
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
"La sangre en el cement": Violence, Fantasy and Myth in the Poetic Accounts of the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre.
In: Carpenter, Victoria
ORCID:, (ed.)
A World Torn Apart: Representations of Violence in Latin American Narrative.
Oxford, Peter Lang, pp. 201-229