Items where Author is "Rowe, Nick"
Rowe, Nick (2023) Converge: Releasing the Potential of University Arts Education to Benefit Adults with Mental Health Problems. Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health, 5 (1). pp. 1-8.
Heinemeyer, Catherine ORCID:, Rowe, Nick and Birch, Paul
The promise and pain of devising as deliberative democracy: Out Of Character Theatre Company’s Fresh Visions trilogy.
Research in Drama Education, 27 (3).
pp. 286-303.
Lambley, Ruth ORCID:, Kaley, Elizabeth, Morris, Rebecca, Robinson, Anna, Rowe, Nick
ORCID:, Sellar-Edmunds, Jean, Wynn-Werninck, Tim and Anderson, Emma
'Wow, it's at the University'! Experiences of people with mental illness of an educational arts programme.
Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 10 (3).
pp. 315-332.
Heinemeyer, Catherine ORCID: and Rowe, Nick
Being known, branching out: troupes, teams and recovery.
Mental Health Review Journal, 24 (3).
pp. 212-227.
Pendle, Andrew, Rowe, Nick and Britten, David (2017) Coaching in a non-clinical setting with coachees who access mental health services. International Journal of Evidence Based coaching and Mentoring, 15 (1). pp. 78-93.
Asghar, Mandy and Rowe, Nick (2017) Learning from the unfamiliar: How does working with people who use mental health services impact on students’ learning and development? Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42 (3). pp. 339-351.
Asghar, Mandy and Rowe, Nick (2016) Reciprocity and critical reflection as the key to social justice in service learning: a case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54 (2). pp. 117-125.
Rowe, Nick, Forshaw, Nicola and Alldred, Gemma (2013) A return to ordinariness: How does working alongside people who use mental health service effect theatre students’ attitudes to mental illness? Journal of applied arts & health, 4 (2). pp. 151-162.
Rowe, Nick, Jones, Colin H., Seeger, Lesley, Greaves, Gill, Holman, Cathy and Turner, Helen (2011) Forgetting the machine: patients' experiences of engaging in artwork while on renal dialysis. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 2 (1). pp. 57-72.
Pendle, Andrew and Rowe, Nick (2010) Beyond dramatic truth: theatre within the therapeutic encounter. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15 (1). pp. 89-102.
Rowe, Nick (2010) Border crossings: arts and health work in a university. Journal of applied arts & health, 1 (3). pp. 241-250.
Rowe, Nick, Larkinson, Louise, Molineux, Matthew and Smith, Sue (2006) Integrating medical humanities into physiotherapy and occupational therapy education. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 13 (9). pp. 421-427.
Wright, Cathy and Rowe, Nick (2005) Protecting Professional Identities: Service User Involvement and Occupational Therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68 (1). pp. 45-47.
Rowe, Nick (2004) The drama of doing: occupation and the here-and-now. The journal of occupational science, 11 (2). pp. 75-79.
Larkinson, Louise and Rowe, Nick (2003) A ‘playback theatre’ project with users of mental health services. A Life in the Day, 7 (3). pp. 21-25.
Nash, Steve and Rowe, Nick (2000) Safety, Danger and Playback Theatre. Dramatherapy, 22 (3). pp. 18-20.
Rowe, Nick (2000) Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Dramatherapy. Dramatherapy, 22 (2). pp. 13-17.
Book Section
Wall, Tony, Fries, J., Rowe, Nick, Malone, E. and Osterlind, E. (2020) Drama and Theatre for Health and Wellbeing. In: Filho, Walter Leal, Wall, Tony, Azul, Anabela Marisa, Brandli, Luciana and Özuyar, Pinar Gökcin, (eds.) Good Health and Well-Being. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals . Springer
Newton, S. and Rowe, Nick (2018) Students not Patients: Opening up the University to those with mental health problems. In: Billingham, S., (ed.) Access to Success and Social Mobility Through Higher Education. Emerald, pp. 147-162
Rowe, Nick (2015) Creating a Healing Campus: A Partnership between a University and a Provider of Mental Health Services. In: Cozza, Barbara and Blessinger, Patrick, (eds.) University Partnerships for Community and School System Development. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (5). Emerald, pp. 119-134
Rowe, Nick (2010) Bridging the divide : supporting people who use mental health services to enter higher education. In: Cooper, Michael, (ed.) Changing the culture of the campus : towards an inclusive higher education - ten years on. London, European Access Network, pp. 6-16
Rowe, Nick (2003) Researcher as storyteller and performer: parallels with playback theatre. In: Finlay, Linda and Gough, Brendan, (eds.) Reflexivity: a practical guide for researchers in health and social sciences. Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 187-199
Gibson, Jo ORCID:, Lambley, Ruth, Rowe, Nick, Blackburn, Roisin, Hindle, Ruth and Sellar-Edmunds, Jean
Support to Continue Studying: Greater Manchester Mental Health in Further Education Evaluation Final Report.
Project Report.
York St John University.
Rowe, Nick (2010) Playing the Other: Dramatizing personal narratives in playback theatre [Arabic version]. Cairo, National Centre for Translation
Rowe, Nick (2008) 당신의 이야기로 놀아드립니다 플레이백 시어터의 세계 [Playing the Other: Dramatizing personal narratives in playback theatre]. Jessica Kingsley
Rowe, Nick (2007) Playing the other: dramatizing personal narratives in playback theatre. Jessica Kingsley
Rowe, Nick (2020) Converge: University arts education and adults with mental health problems. York St John University. (Unpublished)