Items where Division is "School of Humanities" and Year is 2017
Bailey, Joseph ORCID:, Boyd, Doreen S., Hjort, Jan, Lavers, Chris P. and Field, Richard
Modelling native and alien vascular plant species richness: At which scales is geodiversity most relevant?
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26 (7).
pp. 763-776.
Beaumont, Alexander ORCID: and Magennis, Caroline
Melancholy Island Introduction.
C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-century Writings, 5 (1).
Campanello, Kimberly (2017) Six poems from MOTHERBABYHOME. Poetry Wales, 53 (1).
Cooper, James (2017) In Search of the Gipper: Ronald Reagan and the 1980s. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 47 (4). pp. 831-834.
Cooper, James (2017) ‘The situation over there really bothers me’: Ronald Reagan and the Northern Ireland conflict. Irish Historical Studies, 41 (159). pp. 97-116.
Duché, Elodie ORCID:
'Captives in plantations: British prisoners of war and visions of slavery in Napoleonic France and Mauritius'.
French History and Civilization, 7.
pp. 108-124.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Psychological type and reported religious experience: An empirical enquiry among Anglican clergy and laity.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 20 (4).
pp. 367-383.
Francis, Leslie J., Village, Andrew ORCID: and Powell, Ruth
Quest religious orientation among church leaders in Australia: A function of psychological predisposition or openness to mystical experience?
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Powell, Ruth
Religious experience and religious motivation among Catholic and mainstream protestant churchgoers in Australia: testing and applying five short measures.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 19 (8).
pp. 1-11.
Gol, Ayla ORCID:
The paradoxes of ‘new’ Turkey: Islam, illiberal democracy and republicanism.
International Affairs, 93 (4).
pp. 957-966.
Goodwin, Elizabeth (2017) The Selfie, Medieval Style. History today.
Hall, Martin ORCID:
Roman Polanski's treatment of mutable identity in his film, The Tenant (1976).
Cogent Social Sciences, 3 (1).
pp. 1-7.
Jarvis, Samuel ORCID:
Assessing the Responsibility to Protect’s motivational capacity: The role of humanity.
Journal of International Political Theory, 14 (1).
pp. 107-124.
Kim, Sebastian (2017) Mission’s public engagement: The conversation of missiology and public theology. Missiology, 45 (1). pp. 7-24.
King, Liesl (2017) On Secular Spirituality in the Duffer Brothers’ Stranger Things, Series 1. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 9 (3). pp. 9-15.
Kirkland, Christopher ORCID: and Wood, Matthew
Legitimacy and Legitimization in Low Turnout Ballots.
Government and Opposition, 52 (3).
pp. 511-531.
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
The Hatred of Lerner: Caleb Klaces on his struggle with Ben Lerner’s poetics.
Poetry London.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
Editor's Note to Journal of Postcolonial Writing 52.6 2017.
Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 52 (6).
pp. 641-644.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
‘On the “not translated”: rethinking translation and food in cross-cultural contexts: a response to “Translation and food: The case of mestizo writers” by Ma Carmen Africa Vidal Claramonte and Pamela Faber’.
Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 12 (3).
pp. 205-213.
López Galviz, Carlos, Bartolini, Nadia, Pendleton, Mark and Stock, Adam ORCID:
Reconfiguring Ruins: Beyond Ruinenlust.
MacKay, Niall, Price, Christopher and Wood, Jamie (2017) Dogger Bank: Weighing the fog of war. Significance, 14 (3). pp. 14-19.
Mallalieu, Joseph ORCID:
Ice-dammed lake drainage evolution at russell glacier, west greenland.
Frontiers in Earth Science.
Mallalieu, Joseph ORCID:
An integrated Structure-from-Motion and time-lapse technique for quantifying ice-margin dynamics.
Journal of Glaciology.
Mfon, Philip, Akintoye, Oluyemi Ayorinde, Mfon, Glory, Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID:, Ukata, Sammy and AdesolaAkintoye, Taiwo
Challenges of Deforestation in Nigeria and the Millennium Development Goals.
International journal of environment and bioenergy, 9 (2).
pp. 76-94.
Muskett, Judith A. (2017) The Greater Church as ‘sacred space, common ground’: a narrative case study in a rural diocese. Rural theology, 15 (1). pp. 22-38.
Okon, Inah E., Okpiliya, Francis I., Agbor, Emmanuel A., Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID:, Chukwudi, Njoku G. and Ikelegu, Mark E.
Residents’ cycling perception as a fundamental alternative to cycling promotion in Calabar, Southern Nigeria. Journal of Development.
International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 6 (8).
pp. 685-699.
Richter, Anna and Fitzpatrick, Su (2017) Situated responses to the post-political city: An introduction. Area, 50 (1). pp. 3-6.
Robinson, Stephen (2017) African American Citizenship, the 1883 Civil Rights Cases and the Creation of the Jim Crow South. History: The Journal of the Historical Association, 102 (350). pp. 225-241.
Saxon, David, Ashley, Kate, Bishop-Edwards, Lindsey, Connell, Janice, Harrison, Phillippa, Ohlsen, Sally, Hardy, Gillian E., Kellett, Stephen, Mukuria, Clara, Mank, Toni, Bower, Peter, Bradburn, Mike, Brazier, John, Elliott, Robert, Gabriel, Lynne ORCID:, King, Michael, Pilling, Stephen, Shaw, Sue, Waller, Glenn and Barkham, Michael
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial assessing the non-inferiority of counselling for depression versus cognitive-behaviour therapy for patients in primary care meeting a diagnosis of moderate or severe depression (PRaCTICED): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Schofield, Lucy A. (2017) Measuring trees in 3D: what lasers can reveal about our forests. Geography, 102 (3). pp. 132-140.
Smith, Adam James ORCID:
Property, Patriotism and Independence: The Figure of the Freeholder in Eighteenth-Century Partisan Print.
Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies, 40 (3).
pp. 345-362.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Critical exchange: Avoiding schooling taboos: A reply to Rasmussen.
Research in Education, 97 (1).
pp. 30-32.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Critical exchange: Religion and schooling in conversation.
Research in Education, 97 (1).
pp. 16-26.
Stripe, Adelle (2017) Justified & Ancient Seems A Long Time Ago: The JAMs In Liverpool. The Quietus.
Stripe, Adelle (2017) Why the Royal Court is right to reinstate Rita, Sue and Bob Too. New Statesman.
Tamás, Rebecca (2017) The Enchantment of Disenchantment: Wallace Stevens’ ‘Sunday Morning’ & Ecopoetic Potential. Wild Court Magazine.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Muskett, Judith A.
Flagships in a sea of unbelief? Christian affiliation around big church buildings in England.
Journal of Contemporary Religion, 32 (3).
pp. 479-493.
Waugh, Jo (2017) Ross G. Forman, “A Parasite For Sore Eyes: Rereading Infection Metaphors in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.” Victorian Literature and Culture 44. 4 (2016): 925-47. Journal of Literature and Science, 10 (1). pp. 89-90.
Book Section
Cooper, James (2017) For better and for worse: The relationship between Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, 1981 – 1983. In: Coleman, Bradley L. and Longley, Kyle, (eds.) Reagan and the World: Leadership and National Security, 1981-89. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, pp. 127-146
Cregan-Reid, Vybarr ORCID:
Essay on perspiration.
In: Newkey-Burden, Chas, (ed.)
Running: Cheaper Than Therapy: A Celebration of Running.
Duché, Elodie ORCID:
Revolutionary Ruins: The Re-imagination of French Touristic Sites during the Peace of Amiens.
In: Sweet, Rosemay, Verhoeven, Gerrit and Goldsmith, Sarah, (eds.)
Beyond the Grand Tour: Northern metropolises and early modern travel behaviour.
Routledge, pp. 203-221
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
The Aesthetics of the Arena: Live and Recorded.
The Screen Media Reader Culture, Theory, Practice.
Bloomsbury, pp. 421-434
Enstone, Zoe ORCID:
Melusine and Purgatorial Punishment: The Changing Nature of Fays.
In: Urban, Misty, Kemmis, Deva and Ridley Elmes, Melissa, (eds.)
Melusine’s Footprint: Tracing the Legacy of a Medieval Myth.
Explorations in Medieval Culture
Leiden, Brill, pp. 259-281
Evans, Anne-Marie (2017) “Funny Women: Political Transgressions and Celebrity Autobiography”. In: Fuchs-Abrams, Sabrina, (ed.) Transgressive Humor of American Women Writers. Palgrave studies in comedy . Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 155-173
Horwood, Ian (2017) 'The development of airpower roles and missions in the First World War “Biggles” stories of Captain W.E. Johns’. In: de Almeida, Jose Domingues, Faria, Dominique, Outeirinho, Maria de Fatima and Monteiro, Antonio, (eds.) Aviateurs-écrivains: Témoins de l’histoire. First ed. Exotopies . Paris, Le Manuscrit, pp. 147-165
Jarvis, Samuel ORCID:
A critical examination of "Humanity".
In: Hehir, Aidan and Murray, Robert, (eds.)
Protecting Human Rights in the 21st Century.
Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding
Routledge, pp. 34-50
Jesson, Stuart ORCID:
Compassion, Consolation, and the Sharing of Attention.
In: Rozelle-Stone, Rebecca A., (ed.)
Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy.
Reframing Continental Philosophy of Religion
Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 121-142
Kim, Sebastian (2017) Public Theology in the History of Christianity. In: Kim, Sebastian and Day, Katie, (eds.) A companion to public theology. Brill
Kim, Sebastian (2017) Towards a Hermeneutic for Public Theology: Conversation with Habermas and Schillebeeckx. In: van Erp, Stephan, Poulsom, Martin and Boeve, Lieven, (eds.) Grace, Governance and Globalization. Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, pp. 28-45
King, Liesl
On Becoming a Human Animal.
In: Curtis, Abi ORCID:, (ed.)
The York St John Pollination Project: An Anthology of Poetry, prose and Artwork.
York St John University, York St John University
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
'Open-Plan It'.
Poetry London Summer 2017.
Poetry London
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Two Poems: 'Prisoner's Dilemma' and 'Why I Voted to Leave'.
Blackbox Manifold.
Blackbox Manifold
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Biblical Jewish Values on Care of the Stranger and the Neighbour in Israel: The Case of the Bedouin of the Negev.
In: Kollontai, Pauline, Yore, Sue and Kim, Sebastian, (eds.)
The role of religion in peacebuilding : Crossing Boundaries of Prejudice and Distrust.
Jessica Kingsley, pp. 260-285
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Who is My Neighbour? The Laïcité-Islam Encounter in France.
In: Kim, David William, (ed.)
Religious encounters in transcultural society : collision, alteration, and transmission.
Lexington Books, pp. 23-46
Kramer, Kaley ORCID:
"How do you like my darkness now?": Women, Violence, and the 'Good Bad' Girl in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
In: Chappell, Julie and Young, Mallory, (eds.)
Bad girls and transgressive women in popular television, fiction and film.
USA, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 15-31
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
Introduction to Kumar Mahabir, Multiple Identities: Essays in Caribbean Literature.
Multiple Identities:essays in Caribbean Literature.
Trinidad, Chakra Press
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
'I Met God, She's Black': Racial, Gender and Sexual Equalities in Public Theology.
In: Kim, Sebastian and Day, Katie, (eds.)
A Companion to Public Theology.
Brill, pp. 298-324
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Learning to be human in a post-liberal era : revisiting a Macmurrian account of arts and ethical relationality.
In: Wood, Benjamin J., (ed.)
Renewing the self : contemporary religious perspectives.
Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 96-116
Rivett, Gary ORCID:
Revivifying and Reconciling the State: Peacemaking and Narrative Hegemony in Post-Civil-War England, 1646-7.
In: Tribout, Bruno, Mourlon, Fabrice and Deslandes, Karine, (eds.)
Civil War and Narrative : testimony, historiography, memory.
Palgrave, pp. 175-190
Yore, Sue (2017) Utopian Visions of Harmonious Existence in Ursula LeGuin’s Left Hand of Darkness. In: Kollontai, Pauline, Yore, Sue and Kim, Sebastian, (eds.) The role of religion in peacebuilding : crossing boundaries of prejudice and distrust. London, Jessica Kingsley, pp. 183-207
Conference or Workshop Item
Aov, Kyegh F., Inah, Okon, Njoku, Chukwudi G., Thaddeus, Kyegh A., Iorkua, Salemkaan A., Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID: and Lekam, Ibiang J.
Spatial Analysis of Crime Incidents in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria.
In: 58th Association of Nigerian Geographers Annual Conference, 12th – 17th March, 2017, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Hiatus: Music, Memory and Liminal Authenticity.
In: Storying the Self, Brighton University.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Jews, Palestinians and Bedouin: Land Rights in the Context of Jewish Teachings.
In: U3A Symposium, 11 February 2017, FMH, York, UK.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Religion Promoting Communities of Peace and Security.
In: International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Development, 15-18 May 2017, Mount Kenya University, Nairobi, Kenya.
McDonald, Keith ORCID:
The Past is Never Dead: Monsters as Nostalgia Vehicles.
In: Fear 2000 Conference Sheffield Hallam University, 7 July 2017, Sheffield.
Kim, Sebastian and Day, Katie, eds. (2017) A Companion to Public Theology. Brill
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:, Yore, Sue and Kim, Sebastian, eds.
The Role of Religion in Peacebuilding. Crossing the Boundaries of Prejudice and Distrust.
Jessica Kingsley
Booth, Naomi (2017) Sealed. Liverpool, Dead Ink
Callister, Graeme ORCID:
War, Public Opinion and Policy in Britain, France and the Netherlands, 1785-1815.
War, Culture and Society, 1750 –1850
Palgrave Macmillan
Campanello, Kimberly and Birch, Simon (2017) Prideaux Angels. Valley Press
Challis, John ORCID:
The Black Cab.
Poetry Salzburg Review
Cooper, James (2017) The Politics of Diplomacy: U.S. Presidents and the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1967-98. Edinburgh studies in Anglo-American relations . Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press
Cregan-Reid, Vybarr ORCID:
Footnotes: How running makes us human.
London, Ebury Press
Curtis, Abi ORCID:
Water & Glass.
London, Cloud Lodge Books
Kirkland, Christopher ORCID:
The Political Economy of Britain in Crisis.
1st ed.
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Parry, Abigail, Campanello, Kimberly and Lock, Frances (2017) Chapbook Anthology: Volume Two (Abigail Parry, Kimberly Campanello, Frances Lock). London, Laudanum Publishing
Reese, Sam VH ORCID:
The Short Story in Midcentury America: Countercultural Form in the Work of Bowles, McCarthy, Welty, and Williams.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, Louisiana State University Press
Stripe, Adelle (2017) Black Teeth and a Brilliant Smile. 2nd ed. London, Fleet (Little, Brown)
Stripe, Adelle (2017) Black Teeth and a Brilliant Smile. 1st ed. Hull, Wrecking Ball Press
Tamás, Rebecca (2017) Savage. Clinic Press
Kellett, Lewis (2017) Nostalgia in the British Cinema: The Significance of Nostalgia in the Social Realist Filmmaking Tradition with a Focus on the Work of Shane Meadows. Masters thesis, York St John University.
Cross, Katherine ORCID:, Elsner, Jas, Lenk, Stefanie, Adrych, Philippa, Ali, Nadia, Bracey, Robert, Dalglish, Dominic, Lidova, Maria, Parpulov, Georgi, Sharma, Yuthika and Wood, Rachel
Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions.
Birch, Simon, Campanello, Kimberly, Hughes, Jon and Ingleheart, Claire (2017) Prideaux Angels. [Performance]
Cregan-Reid, Vybarr ORCID:
Taking up Running? Here?s what you need to know to make it to February.
The Conversation.
Gol, Ayla ORCID:
What went wrong with Turkey’s referendum.
Open Democracy.
Hall, Martin ORCID:
Book Review: From self-fulfilment to survival of the fittest: work in European cinema from the 1960s to the present.
Taylor & Francis.