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Cultivated meat in tourism and hospitality: setting the scene and outlining future research agenda

Bui, Hien Thu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3146-7098, Filimonau, Viachaslau and Ermolaev, Vladimir A. (2024) Cultivated meat in tourism and hospitality: setting the scene and outlining future research agenda. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.

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The major societal challenges of climate change and animal welfare call for novel solutions to produce food. Cultivated meat may represent one of such solutions and research is emerging to understand its implications for food consumption. However, to date research has excluded the sector of foodservice provision as part of the wider tourism and hospitality industry from analysis. The current conceptual paper addresses this critical gap in knowledge by introducing cultivated meat to the context of food consumption outside the home. The paper elaborates upon the implications of cultivated meat for global foodservice provision and outlines an agenda for future research. This agenda considers the interests of multiple stakeholders, including developers/manufacturers of cultivated meat, foodservice providers, consumers, policymakers, and digital technology providers to highlight research avenues that warrant in-depth empirical investigation.

Item Type: Article
Status: Published
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15378020.2024.2355373
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General)
School/Department: York Business School
URI: https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/id/eprint/9998

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