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A balanced argument? Communicating the power of argument to History undergraduates

Goodwin, Elizabeth (2014) A balanced argument? Communicating the power of argument to History undergraduates. Historical transactions.

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In March 2024, the Royal Historical Society visited historians at the Universities of York and York St John. The event included a panel discussion on the subject of communicating History to different audiences.

In this post, Dr Elizabeth Goodwin (York St John) develops the themes of her presentation at the Visit. Elizabeth’s subject is how historians as teachers best communicate the potential of their discipline; and how learning to build, articulate and communicate an argument — in which the student is central — is a core purpose of the undergraduate experience.

As Elizabeth contends, the need for such skills is pressing. Many students urgently seek the skills to build their confidence, while — more than ever — History as a discipline requires informed and eloquent advocates.

Item Type: Other
Status: Published
School/Department: School of Humanities
URI: https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/id/eprint/10056

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