Lawson Welsh, Sarah
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Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2023) Review article on Robyn Cope, The Pen and the Pan: Food, Fiction and Homegrown Caribbean Feminism(s). Kingston: University Press of the West Indies, 2021. x + 260 pp. (Cloth US$45.00). Koninklijke Brill (Netherlands).
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2003) ‘New Wine in New Bottles: The Critical Reception of West Indian Writing in Britain in the 1950s and the early 1960s’. In: Open University A430 – Post-Colonial Literatures in English: readings and interpretations (course materials). Milton Keynes, Open University
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2013) 'En/Countering the Elephant in the (Class)room: Teaching Race and Ethnicity', HEA Postcolonial Pedagogies paper 2014. In: Towards a postcolonial pedagogy: Engaging with literary representations of ‘race’, racism and ethnicity, 14.04.2014, University of Reading. (Unpublished)
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2000) ‘"Out in the Open”: ‘Under-represented Sexualities in Shani Mootoo’s Cereus Blooms at Night and Lawrence Scott’s Aelred’s Sin’. In: The Vitality of West Indian Literature: Caribbean and Indian Essays. India, Dvanyaloka Publications, pp. 208-223
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (1997) ‘Experiments in Brokenness: The Creative Use of Creole in David Dabydeen’s Slave Song’. In: The Art of David Dabydeen. Leeds, Peepal Tree Press, pp. 27-46
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (1991) ‘Linton Kwesi Johnson's Tings an Times’, Bete Noire (Hull Poets Special Commemorative Issue (Autumn/Spring 1992), pp.406-424. Bete Noire, 1992. pp. 406-424.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2017) Editor's Note to Journal of Postcolonial Writing 52.6 2017. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 52 (6). pp. 641-644.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID:, Ringrose, Chris and Wilson, Janet (2010) Editor's Note to Journal of Postcolonial Writing 46.1 2010. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 46 (1). pp. 1-4.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2017) Introduction to Kumar Mahabir, Multiple Identities: Essays in Caribbean Literature. In: Multiple Identities:essays in Caribbean Literature. Trinidad, Chakra Press
Lawson Welsh, Sarah
ORCID: (2005) Editor's Comments to 'Special Issue of World Literature Written in English', edited by Sarah Lawson Welsh. World Literature Written in English, 39 (1). pp. 3-8.
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