Jee, Hana
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Jee, Hana
ORCID:, Tamariz, Monica and Shillcock, Richard (2023) Quantified Grapho-Phonemic Systematicity in Korean Hangeul. Asian Culture and History, 15 (1).
Jee, Hana
ORCID:, Tamariz, Monica and Shillcock, Richard (2022) Letters and their sounds are not perfectly arbitrary : exploring grapho-phonemic systematicity in multiple orthography systems. In: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE) Evolution of Language. Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE) Evolution of Language
Jee, Hana
ORCID:, Tamariz, Monica and Shillcock, Richard (2022) Systematicity in language and the fast and slow creation of writing systems: Understanding two types of non-arbitrary relations between orthographic characters and their canonical pronunciation. Cognition, 226 (105197).
Du, Fiona, Jee, Hana
ORCID:, Tamariz, Monica and Shillcock, Richard (2022) Grapho-Syllabic Systematicity in Chinese: Chinese Pictographs Have a Non-Arbitrary relation with their Pronunciations. Cognitive Science Society, 44.
Jee, Hana
ORCID:, Tamariz, Monica and Shillcock, Richard (2022) Exploring meaning-sound systematicity in Korean. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 31. pp. 45-71.
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