Items where Author is "Higgins, Lee"
Higgins, Lee (2025) Trawling the LIPA Metaverse: Community Music, my LIPA, and Questions of Research and Scholarship. NOP.
Higgins, Lee (2022) Editorial. International Journal of Community Music, 15 (1). pp. 3-6.
Gibson, Sarah-Jane ORCID: and Higgins, Lee
The Ethno Hope Sessions: Sustaining Intercultural Exchange during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Journal of music, health and wellbeing.
Higgins, Lee (2020) Note 57: Hospitable approaches to community music scholarship. International Journal of Community Music, 13 (3). pp. 223-233.
Higgins, Lee (2020) Fußnote 57 – Gastfreundschaft als Denkansatz für die Community Music-Forschung. Zeitschrift Diskussion Musikpädagogik, 87. pp. 11-17.
Henley, J. and Higgins, Lee (2020) MUSOC: Music and Social Intervention Network Excellence, inclusion and intervention in music: Navigating contexts and building sustainable working practices for musicians. International Journal of Community Music, 13 (2). pp. 127-134.
Henley, J. and Higgins, Lee (2020) Redefining Excellence and Inclusion. International Journal of Community Music, 13 (2). pp. 207-216.
Higgins, Lee (2018) Editorial. International Journal of Community Music, 11 (1). pp. 3-5.
Higgins, Lee (2017) Editorial. International Journal of Community Music, 10 (2).
Higgins, Lee (2016) Editorial. International Journal of Community Music, 9 (3). pp. 219-221.
Higgins, Lee (2016) Editorial. International Journal of Community Music, 9 (2). pp. 119-120.
Higgins, Lee and Mantie, Roger (2015) Paideia con Salsa: Charles Keil, Groovology, and the Undergraduate Music Curriculum. College Music Symposium, 55.
Higgins, Lee and Mantie, R. (2013) Improvisation as Ability, Culture, and Experience. Music Educators Journal, 100 (2). pp. 38-44.
Higgins, Lee (2013) Музыка сообществ. Music in school (August).
Higgins, Lee (2013) Música comunitaria: Facilitadores, Participantes y Amistad. Revista Internacional de Educación Musical, 1. pp. 53-59.
Higgins, Lee (2012) One-to-One Encounters: Facilitators, Participants, and Friendship. Theory Into Practice, 51 (3). pp. 159-166.
Higgins, Lee (2012) Diciamo "si" All'Imrovvisazione. Esperienze di educazione musicale nella scola (Let’s Say “Yes” To Improvisation: School Music Education And Improvisation As Experience). Quederni della Society of Italian Music Education. pp. 28-47.
Higgins, Lee (2010) Representação de prática: música na comunidade e pesquisa baseada nas artes [Representing practice: community music and arts-based research]. Revista de Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical, 18 (23). pp. 7-14.
Higgins, Lee (2010) 成长、路径与根基:英国的社区音乐 Growth, pathways and groundwork: Community music in the United Kingdom. The Many Ways of Community Music: Chinese supplement of The International Journal of Community Music. pp. 81-94.
Higgins, Lee (2009) Community music and the welcome. International Journal of Community Music, 1 (3). pp. 391-400.
Higgins, Lee (2008) The creative music workshop: event, facilitation, gift. International Journal of Music Education, 26 (4). pp. 326-338.
Higgins, Lee (2007) The Impossible Future. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, 6 (3). pp. 74-96.
Higgins, Lee (2007) Growth, pathways and groundwork: Community music in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Community Music, 1 (1). pp. 23-37.
Higgins, Lee (2007) Acts of hospitality: the community in Community Music. Music Education Research, 9 (2). pp. 281-292.
Higgins, Lee (2007) Safety without Safety: Participation, the workshop, and the welcome. Musiké : international journal of ethnomusicological studies, 3.
Book Section
Higgins, Lee (2026) Higgins, L. (Due 2026). Inclusion and excellence in singing and music education. In C. Nardi & J. v. d. Sandt (Eds.), Singing and Inclusion: Promoting social justice in collective singing with children and youth. Routledge. In: Nardi, C. and Sandt, J. v.d., (eds.) Singing and Inclusion: Promoting social justice in collective singing with children and youth. Routledge (In Press)
Gibson, Sarah-Jane ORCID: and Higgins, Lee
Intersections between Grassroots Choral Music Practice and Community Music Principles in Northern Irish Community Choirs.
In: Dromey, C., (ed.)
Companion to Applied Musicology.
Mosley, P., Higgins, Lee, Lugo-Ocando, J. and Antonella, C. (2020) Musica e inclusione sociale: proposte di ricerca. In: Coppi, A., (ed.) Donare-Donarsi: Relazioni, interdipendeze e inclusione nella pedagogia della Community Music. Lucca, Libreria Musicale Italiana, pp. 49-62
Higgins, Lee (2020) Rethinking community in community music: the call, the welcome, and the ‘yes’. In: Jansen, Bettina, (ed.) Rethinking Community through Transdisciplinary Research. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 231-246
Mosley, P., Higgins, Lee, Lugo-Ocando, J. and Antonella, C. (2020) Musica e inclusione sociale: proposte di ricerca. In: Coppi, A., (ed.) Donare-Donarsi: Relazioni, interdipendeze e inclusione nella pedagogia della Community Music. Lucca, Libreria Musicale Italiana, pp. 49-62
Birch, Catherine ORCID:, Higgins, Lee and Antonella Di Coppi, Antonella Di Coppi
Qui sarai sempre il benvenuto.
In: Di Coppi, Antonella, (ed.)
Libreria Musicale Italiana, pp. 139-151
Birch, Catherine and Higgins, Lee (2020) Qui sarai sempre il benvenuto: Welcome, willkommen, добро, velkommen, пожаловать, 欢迎, ترحيب. In: Donare-Donarsi: Relazioni, interdipendeze e inclusione nella pedagogia della Community Music. Lucca, Libreria Musicale Italiana, pp. 96-106
Higgins, Lee (2019) Improvisation as experience in music education: Context and ideas. In: Astuti, K. S., McPherson, G., Sugeng, B., Kurniasari, N., Drake, C., Ashadi, Retnowati, E. and Pierewan, A. C., (eds.) 21st Century Innovation in Music Education. Routledge, pp. 1-8
Currie, Ruth and Higgins, Lee (2019) From Problem to Progression: [Re}conceptualizing a Young People's Music Program in the UK. In: Kaufman, B. and Scripp, L., (eds.) Music Learning as Youth Development. New York, Routledge, pp. 95-112
Campbell, P. S. and Higgins, Lee (2019) Intersections between ethnomusicology, music education, and community music. In: Pettan, Svanibor and Titon, Jeff, (eds.) Public Ethnomusicology, Education, Archives and Commerce. Oxford University Press, pp. 156-188
Higgins, Lee (2018) The Community in Community Music. In: McPherson, G. and Welch, G. F., (eds.) Special Needs, Community Music, and Adult Learning. Oxford Handbook of Music Education (4). New York, OUP, pp. 104-119
Coffman, D. and Higgins, Lee (2018) Community Music Ensembles. In: McPherson, G. and Welch, F., (eds.) Vocal, Instrumental, and Ensemble Learning and Teaching. Oxford Handbook of Music Education (3). New York, OUP, pp. 301-316
Higgins, Lee and Bartleet, B.-L. (2018) The Community Music Facilitator and School Music Education. In: McPherson, G. and Welch, G.F., (eds.) Music Learning and Teaching in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence. Oxford handbook of Music Education (2). New York, OUP, pp. 277-294
Bartleet, B.-L. and Higgins, Lee (2018) Introduction: An Overview of Community Music in the Twenty-First Century. In: Bartleet, B.-L. and Higgins, Lee, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Community Music. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-20
Higgins, Lee (2017) 히긴스, 리. (2016) 세계 생활예술오케스트라 포럼 발표집. (Korean translation: Community Orchestras and Community Music: Working Together Towards a Dynamic Future). In: 서울. 세종문화회관. ICCM Research Committee Report. ICCM
Higgins, Lee (2017) Community Music verstechen - Theorie ans Praxis. In: Hill, Burkhard and de Banffy-Hall, Alicia, (eds.) Community Music. Munster, Waxmann, pp. 45-62
Howell, Gillian, Higgins, Lee and Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh (2017) Community Music Practice: Intervention Through Facilitation. In: Mantie, Roger and Smith, Gareth Dylan, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Making and Leisure. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 601-618
Higgins, Lee (2016) International Corporation in Music Teaching and Learning: Perspectives from the International Society of Music Education. In: De Baets, T and Sammer, G, (eds.) European Perspectives on Music Education 5: International Collaboration. Esslingen, Germany, Helbling Verlag
Higgins, Lee (2016) Community Music as Cultural Capital: Non-formal Music Experiences and Young People. In: Bildiriler Proceedings: Muzed Regional Conference: Music, Culture & Education on the Silk Road. Sevda - Canap and Muzik Vakfi, pp. 27-30
Higgins, Lee (2016) Community orchestras and community music: working together towards a dynamic future. In: The International Community Orchestra Forum. Seoul, Sejong Center of Performing Arts, pp. 39-36
Currie, Ruth, Gibson, Jo, Murata, Mary and Higgins, Lee (2016) Lines of Flight: International Centre for Community Music as a Crucible for PhD Research. In: Cohen, Mary L., (ed.) Innovation and Change in Community Music: Proceedings of the XV International Seminar of the. ISME, pp. 49-59
Higgins, Lee (2015) My Voice is Important Too: Non-Formal Music Experiences and Young People. In: McPherson, Gary E., (ed.) The Child as Musician. 2nd ed. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 594-605
Campbell, Pat and Higgins, Lee (2015) Intersections between ethnomusicology, music education, and community music. In: Pettan, Svanibor and Titon, Jeff Todd, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 638-688
Higgins, Lee (2015) Hospitable Music Making Community Music as a Site for Social Justice. In: The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice and Music Education. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 446-455
Higgins, Lee and Campbell, Patricia Shehan (2015) Ideas for Instrumental Music Making. In: Burton, Suzanne L. and Snell, Alden H., (eds.) Engaging musical practices : a sourcebook for instrumental music. Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 145-162
Higgins, Lee (2014) Community Music, Community Music Therapy, & Applied Ethnomusicology: Building Bridges between Scholarship and Practice. In: Cohen, Mary L., (ed.) CMA XIV: Listening to the World: Experiencing and Connecting the Knowledge from Community Music. ISME, pp. 77-86
Higgins, Lee and Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh (2012) The Community Music Facilitator and School Music Education. In: McPherson, G. and Welch, G. F., (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Education. Vol.1. Oxford handbooks . New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 495-511
Coffman, D. and Higgins, Lee (2012) Community music ensembles. In: McPherson, G. and Welch, G. F., (eds.) The Oxford handbook of music education. Vol.1. Oxford handbooks . New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 844-859
Higgins, Lee (2010) Representing practice : community music and arts-based research. In: Coffman, Don D., (ed.) CMA XII : harmonizing the diversity that is community music activity: proceedings from the International Society for Music Education (ISME) 2010 seminar of the Commission for Community Music Activity. ISME, pp. 103-109
Higgins, Lee and Abrahams, F. (2010) Making the grade : assessing preservice teachers and facilitators for school and community music programs. In: Brophy, T. S., (ed.) The Practice of Assessment in Music Education: Frameworks, Models, and Designs. Chicago, GIA Publications, pp. 485-496
Gibson, Sarah-Jane ORCID:, Higgins, Lee and Schippers, Huib
Understanding the ‘Magic’ of the Ethno Experience Key findings of Ethno Research 2019-2022.
Project Report.
York St John University, York.
Currie, Ruth, Chalcraft, Jasper, Boswall, Karen, Gottesman, Shoshana and Higgins, Lee (2021) MOVE 2012–2020 : an evaluation of the design, development and direction of the MOVE. Project Report. York St John University, York.
Gibson, Sarah-Jane ORCID:, Higgins, Lee, Humphrey, Ryan, Ellstrom, Linus, Reis, Helena and Roosioja, Lisandra
30 Years of Ethno : history report.
Project Report.
York St John University, York.
Mosley, P., Achieng, E., del Cassale, M. A., Coppi, A., Heyes, N.-K. and Higgins, Lee (2021) Collective music-making as ‘asset-based social policy’: a pilot study. Discussion Paper. University of Sheffield, Sheffield.
Higgins, Lee (2019) Ethno Portugal : Crossing the Threshold. Project Report. York St John University, York.
Campbell, Patricia Shehan, Myers, David, Sarath, Ed, Chattah, Juan, Higgins, Lee, Levine, Victoria Lindsay, Rudge, David and Rice, Timothy (2014) Transforming Music Study from its Foundations: A Manifesto for Progressive Change in the Undergraduate Preparation of Music Majors. Project Report. The College Music Society.
Conference or Workshop Item
Higgins, Lee (2017) The Community in Community Music: People, Places, Participation, Inclusivity, and Diversity. In: Re-thinking Community, 26-28 October 2017, Culture Palace Dresden, Central Library. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2017) An Overview of Community Music in the 21st Century. In: Center of Educational Research in Music, March 2017, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2017) Challenges in music teaching and learning. In: NAMM Show, 19-22 January 2017, Anaheim, USA. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2016) Music education for the many not the few: a transformative approach to collaborative music learning based on the practices of popular musicians. In: Shanghai Music Live, October 2016, China. (Unpublished)
Creech, Andrea and Higgins, Lee (2016) Resilience/Resistance: Are there ways Sistema-Inspired Programmes could be reframed as a context for community music or is it fundamentality quiet different? In: Reframing El Sistema, 8-9 April 2016, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2016) Community Music as a Site for Social Justice. In: Community Music:, Feb 2016, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2016) Community Music as a Site for Social Justice. In: I'm Inclusive Too, 27 Feb 2016, University of York, UK. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2016) The call, the welcome and the “yes”: Community music and music education. In: Public Lecture Series, 15 Feb 2016, University of Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Celebrating the Margins: Community music as boundary-walker. In: Creative Collaboratorium, Nov 2015, The University of Queensland, Australia. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Community Music as a Crossroads of Interdisciplinary Research and Practice. In: Community Music Conference, Nov 2015, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Community Music and Music Education: Natural bedfellows or merely exchanging pleasantries? In: Music and Ideas, 15 Oct 2015, Royal College of Music, London. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Community Music and Cultural Democracy. In: Guest Lecture Series, Sept 2015, Research in Music, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) The call, the welcome and the “yes”: Community music and music education. In: Music Education and Community, May 2015, The Centre of Excellence in Music Pedagogy, Lavel University, Quebec City, Canada. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2024) Thinking community music. Oxford University Press
Higgins, Lee and Willingham, L. (2017) Engaging in community music: an introduction. New York, Routledge
Higgins, Lee (2012) Community Music: In Theory and in Practice. New York, Oxford University Press
Higgins, Lee (2010) Free to be musical: group improvisation in music. Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield
Higgins, Lee (2017) Community Music and Entrepreneurship, Stamp Webinar Series, Training and Lifelong Learning for Music Professionals. STAMP. (Unpublished)