Items where Subject is "BR Christianity"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (196)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (196)
- BR Christianity (196)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (196)
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Communication, Punishment, and Virtue: The Theological Limitation of (Post)Secular Penance.
Journal of Religious Ethics, 42 (1).
pp. 78-107.
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Review of J. Alexander Sider To See History Doxologically: History and Holiness in John Howard Yoder’s Ecclesiology (Eerdmans, 2011).
Ecclesiology, 9 (1).
pp. 148-150.
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Review of Margaret D. Kamitsuka (ed) The Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity (Fortress Press, 2010).
Theology & Sexuality, 18 (3).
pp. 273-275.
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Review of Stanley Hauerwas Learning to Speak Christian (SCM, 2011).
Modern believing, 53 (4).
pp. 470-472.
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Vertigo in the City: Urban Crime, Consumerism and the Theopolitical Act.
International Journal of Public Theology, 10 (2).
pp. 167-192.
Christie, Ann (2013) Responding to ordinary Christology. Journal of Adult Theological Education, 10 (1). pp. 38-49.
Dawson, Mark ORCID:
Church Action for Fair Trade as Public Theology: Learning from the Experience of the Mainstreaming of Fair Trade in the United Kingdom.
International Journal of Public Theology, 13 (1).
pp. 55-71.
Dawson, Mark ORCID:
Justice and demonstration of Christian principles: why churchgoers support Fair Trade.
The Expository Times.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Christian ethos secondary schools, parental church attendance and student attitude
toward Christianity: Exploring connections in England and Wales.
British Journal of Religious Education.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Exploring the connections between confidence in the digital/online future and changes in Anglican clergy psychological wellbeing during the third Covid lockdown in England during 2021.
Journal of Anglican Studies.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Go and Observe the Sower: Seeing Empirical Theology at Work.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 28 (2).
pp. 155-183.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Introducing The Index of Balanced Affect Change (TIBACh):
A study among Church of England clergy and laity.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Viewing the impact of Covid-19 through the eyes of retired clergy.
Theology, 124 (1).
pp. 24-31.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Haley, John M.
The Francis Burnout Inventory: Testing the balanced affect model among Methodist circuit ministers in Great Britain.
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 33.
pp. 90-101.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Lawson, S. Anne
Impact of Covid-19 on Fragile Churches: Is the Rural Situation Really Different?
Rural Theology, 18 (2).
pp. 72-78.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Lewis, Christopher Alan
Spiritual awakening among church members during the pandemic:
An empirical study in England and Wales.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 35 (1).
pp. 47-75.
Francis, Leslie J., Village, Andrew ORCID: and Powell, Ruth
Quest religious orientation among church leaders in Australia: A function of psychological predisposition or openness to mystical experience?
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Powell, Ruth
Religious experience and religious motivation among Catholic and mainstream protestant churchgoers in Australia: testing and applying five short measures.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 19 (8).
pp. 1-11.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Voas, David
Psychological type theory, femininity and the appeal of Anglo-Catholicism:A study among Anglican clergymen in England.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Walker, David S.
ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Christianity, Personality and Environmental Concern among 13- to 15-year-old Students in England and Wales.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 36 (1).
pp. 45-68.
Fry, Alex and Jagger, Sharon ORCID:
What shapes ambivalence towards ‘feminism’ amongst the clergy? Comparing responses from clergywomen and theologically conservative clergymen in the Church of England.
Gender and Religion, 14 (3).
pp. 265-290.
Garland, Gareth and Village, Andrew ORCID:
Psychological type profiles and temperaments of ministers in the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB).
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25 (9).
pp. 860-874.
Gibbons, Tom, Watson, Nick J. and Mierzwinski, Mark ORCID:
Christianity as public religion: a justification for using a Christian sociological approach for studying the social scientific aspects of sport.
Sport in Society.
pp. 1-15.
Hargaden, Kevin and Watson, Nick J. (2017) Introduction for Journal of Disability & Religion Special Issue: Theology, Disability and Sport: Reflections on Physical and Intellectual Impairment and Well-Being. Journal of Disability & Religion, 21 (2). pp. 137-141.
Jagger, Sharon ORCID:
Mutual Flourishing? Women Priests and Symbolic Violence in the Church of England.
Religion and gender, 11 (2).
pp. 192-217.
Jesson, Stuart ORCID:
Simone Weil: Suffering, Attention and Compassionate Thought.
Studies in Christian Ethics, 27 (2).
pp. 185-201.
Kim, Sebastian (2005) Evangelical understandings of conversion and their implications for Christian mission. Dharma Deepika, 9 (2). pp. 21-36.
Kim, Sebastian (2015) ‘Justice and Peace Will Kiss Each Other’ (Psalm 85.10b): Minjung Perspectives on Peace-building. Transformation: an international journal of holistic mission studies, 32. pp. 188-201.
Kim, Sebastian (2017) Mission’s public engagement: The conversation of missiology and public theology. Missiology, 45 (1). pp. 7-24.
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Between Judaism and Christianity: the case of Messianic Jews.
Journal of religion and society, 8.
Kretchmar, Scott and Watson, Nick J. (2017) Chesterton on Play, Work, Paradox, and Christian Orthodoxy. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. pp. 1-11.
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Apparitions of Mary in Late 20th century Ireland: visions and reflections Part 1.
Maria, 1.
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Mapping the presence of Mary: Germany's modern apparition shrines.
Journal of Contemporary Religion, 28 (1).
pp. 79-93.
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Marian visionaries in Roman Catholicism as popular theologians: ‘The Lady of All Nations’ of Amsterdam.
Journal of Contemporary Religion, 27 (2).
pp. 291-304.
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
The footprints of religious enthusiasm: great memorials and faint vestiges of Belgium's apparition mania of the 1930s.
Journal of religion and society, 15.
p. 1.
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Belonging without Believing: Church as Community in an Age of Digital Media.
International Journal of Public Theology, 9 (2).
pp. 131-155.
McIntosh, Esther ORCID: and Jagger, Sharon
The Construction of Safe Space: Empowerment and the Perception of Vulnerability at Anglican Foundation Universities in England.
Journal of Gender Studies, 33 (5).
pp. 711-724.
McIntosh, Esther ORCID: and Jagger, Sharon
Ritual and the Trans Body in the Church of England.
Religion and gender.
(In Press)
McIntosh, Esther ORCID: and Ranawana, Anupama
Silence is Complicity: Theological Failure in the Face of Genocide.
International Journal of Public Theology, 18 (4).
pp. 463-487.
McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Contrasting approaches to managing the debate on same-sex blessing and same-sex marriage in New Zealand and Australia: Applying insights from Jungian psychological type theory.
Journal of Anglican Studies.
Mckenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Stewart, Francis
Exploring the responses of non-churchgoers to a cathedral pre-Christmas son et lumiere.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 80 (1).
Moreh, Chris ORCID:
Inhabiting Heritage: Living with the Past in the Albayzín of Granada.
Open Library of Humanities, 2 (1).
pp. 1-33.
Muskett, Judith A. (2011) Deferential or Dazzled? Rural Cathedral Friends’ Associations and Their Royal Patronage, Past and Present. Rural Theology, 9 (1). pp. 7-25.
Muskett, Judith A. (2013) ‘Friends’ of Anglican cathedrals: norms and values. Befriending, friending or misnomer? Journal of Beliefs & Values, 34 (2). pp. 189-203.
Muskett, Judith A. (2016) From Action Learning to bonding social capital? The potential of action learning sets among isolated rural clergy. Rural Theology, 14 (1). pp. 25-43.
Muskett, Judith A. (2012) From Sixpenny Entry to Five Shilling Subscription: Charting Cathedral Outreach and Friends’ Associations in the 1920s and 1930s. Journal of Anglican Studies, 10 (01). pp. 94-118.
Muskett, Judith A. (2017) The Greater Church as ‘sacred space, common ground’: a narrative case study in a rural diocese. Rural theology, 15 (1). pp. 22-38.
Muskett, Judith A. (2014) Measuring religious social capital: scale properties of the modified Williams Religious Social Capital Index among Friends of cathedrals. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 35 (2). pp. 242-249.
Muskett, Judith A. (2016) Mobilizing cathedral metaphors: The case of 'sacred space, common ground'. Practical Theology, 9 (4). pp. 275-286.
Muskett, Judith A. (2021) Reading Other People’s Prayers: A Pilot Study around a Prayer Tree at a Church Christmas Tree Festival. Rural Theology, 19 (2). pp. 100-109.
Muskett, Judith A. (2015) Reflections on the Shop Windows of the Church of England: Anglican Cathedrals and Vicarious Religion. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 30 (2). pp. 273-289.
Muskett, Judith A. and Village, Andrew ORCID:
Action learning sets and social capital. Ameliorating the burden of clergy isolation in one rural diocese.
Action Learning: Research and Practice, 13 (3).
pp. 219-234.
Muskett, Judith A. and Village, Andrew ORCID:
Created to be guardians? Psychological type profiles of members of cathedral Friends associations in England.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 18 (8).
pp. 641-654.
Simpson, Gillian (2020) In Commuity, Alone, in Community: Towards an Understanding of Christian Faith for the Post-Enlightenment, Post-Evangelical, Post-1960s Revolution Generation. Paedagogia Christiana, 1 (45). pp. 149-170.
Stuart-White, Bill, Vaughan-Wilson, Jane, Eatock, John, Muskett, Judith A. and Village, Andrew ORCID:
Isolation among rural clergy: Exploring experiences and solutions in one diocese.
Rural Theology, 16 (2).
pp. 65-79.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Attitude Toward Virtual Communion in Relation to Church Tradition during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 35 (1).
pp. 95-117.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The Charismatic Imagination: Clergy Reading Mark 9: 14-29.
PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 11 (2).
pp. 212-237.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Debated issues in the Church of England: The roles of theology and psychology.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 37 (1).
pp. 71-93.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Liberalism and Conservatism in Relation to Psychological Type among Church of England Clergy.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 32 (1).
pp. 138-154.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Nature or Nurture? What Makes People Feel Confident in Faith?
Rural Theology, 13 (1).
pp. 82-93.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Psychological and theological predictors of environmental attitudes among a sample of UK churchgoers.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 33 (2).
pp. 220-244.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Psychological type functions and biblical scholarship: an empirical enquiry among members of the Society of Biblical Literature.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 18 (7).
pp. 605-621.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Traditions within the Church of England and psychological type: a study among the clergy.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 26 (1).
pp. 22-44.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Was White right? Biblical interpretation, theological stance and environmental attitudes among a sample of UK churchgoers.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 28 (1).
pp. 23-48.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Who Goes There? Attendance at Fresh Expressions of Church in Relation to Psychological Type Preferences among Readers of the Church Times.
Practical Theology, 8 (2).
pp. 112-129.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The psychological-type profile of cathedral worshippers.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44 (4).
pp. 604-610.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The relationship of psychological type to interpretations of Genesis among churchgoers in England.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 6 (1).
pp. 72-82.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
A survey of provinces in the Anglican Communion that have allowed same-sex blessings or same-sex marriages.
Journal of Anglican Studies.
(In Press)
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Baker, Sylvia
Reasons given by UK churchgoers for their stance on evolution.
Journal of Beliefs & Values, 34 (2).
pp. 165-177.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Baker, Sylvia
Rejecting Darwinian evolution: The effects of education, church tradition, and individual theological stance among UK churchgoers.
Review of Religious Research, 60 (3).
pp. 285-303.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Churches and faith: Attitude towards church buildings during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown among churchgoers in England.
Ecclesial Practices, 8 (2).
pp. 216-232.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Exploring affect balance: Psychological wellbeing of Church of England clergy and laity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Religion and Health.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Factorial structure and validity of the Francis Psychological Type and Emotional Temperament Scales (FPTETS).
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25 (9).
pp. 897-909.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
God is in his heaven, all’s right with the world: Psychological wellbeing and belief
in divine control during the third Covid-19 lockdown among
Anglican clergy and laity in England.
Journal of Psychology and Theology, 51 (2).
pp. 263-277.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
How did psychological wellbeing of Church of England clergy and laity change from the first to the third national COVID-19 lockdowns?
Pastoral Psychology, 71.
pp. 653-666.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Psychological Wellbeing and Sources of Support for Church of England Clergy and Laity During the Third National Covid-19 Lockdown.
Rural Theology, 20 (2).
pp. 79-90.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Shaping attitudes toward church in a time of Coronavirus: Exploring the effects of personal, psychological, social, and theological factors among Church of England clergy and laity.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 34 (1).
pp. 102-128.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Wellbeing and perceptions of receiving support among Church of England
clergy during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture.
Village, Andrew ORCID:, John Payne, V. and Francis, Leslie J.
Testing the Balanced Affect Model of Clergy Work-Related Psychological Health: Replication Among Anglican Clergy in Wales.
Rural Theology, 16 (2).
pp. 93-100.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Muskett, Judith A.
Flagships in a sea of unbelief? Christian affiliation around big church buildings in England.
Journal of Contemporary Religion, 32 (3).
pp. 479-493.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Muskett, Judith A.
Knowing their people and being known by them: A changing Episcopal role within Accompanied Ministry Development in the Diocese of Truro.
Ecclesial Practices, 5 (2).
pp. 191-213.
Watson, Nick J. (2006) Martin Buber's I and Thou: implications for Christian psychotherapy. Journal of psychology and Christianity, 25 (1). pp. 35-44.
Watson, Nick J. (2018) New Directions in Theology, Church and Sports: a brief overview and position statement. Theology, 121 (4). pp. 243-251.
Watson, Nick J. (2012) Sport, disability and the Olympics : an exploration of the status and prophetic role of the Special Olympic Movement in light of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Bible in transmission, Spring. pp. 14-16.
Watson, Nick J. (2016) Violent sports: Can you love your neighbour while kneeing him in the face? Premier Christianity magazine (August). pp. 36-41.
Watson, Nick J. (2016) Where the Track Leads from Rio: As the Olympic participants head home from Rio, Nick Watson Explores the Growing Relationship between Sport and the Churches. The Church times (26 Aug).
Watson, Nick J. and Bolt, Brian R. (2017) From Team Hoyt to I'll Push You: An Embodied Prophetic Message. Journal of Disability & Religion, 21 (2). pp. 164-170.
Watson, Nick J. and Brock, Brian (2015) Christianity, boxing and mixed martial arts : reflections on morality, vocation, and well-being. Journal of religion and society, 17.
Watson, Nick J. and Brock, Brian (2014) Religion in the ring: death, concussion and brain bleeds. Theos.
Watson, Nick J. and Kumar, Simon ORCID:
Sport, Theology, and the Special Olympics: A Christian Theological Reflection.
Journal of Disability & Religion, 21 (2).
pp. 245-256.
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2012) Christianity, sport and disability: a case study of the role of long-distance running in the life of a father and his son who is congenitally blind and has profound intellectual disabilities. Practical Theology, 5 (2). pp. 189-207.
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2015) The Mystical and Sublime in Extreme Sports: Experiences of Psychological Well-Being or Christian Revelation? Studies in World Christianity, 21 (3). pp. 260-281.
Williams, John (2013) Conflicting paradigms in theological education for public ministry in the Church of England: issues for Church and Academy. International Journal of Public Theology, 7 (3). pp. 275-296.
Williams, John (2015) Ecclesial Reconstruction, Theological Conservation. Ecclesiology, 11 (3). pp. 289-305.
Williams, John (2013) Perceptions of Lay Ministerial Training in the Church of England as an "Academic" Activity: Implications for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies. Journal of Adult Theological Education, 7 (1). pp. 78-94.
Williams, John (2011) Twenty-first-century shapes of the Church? Theology, 114 (2). pp. 108-119.
Williams, John (2011) The mirror of learning: towards a theology of reflection in Christian education. Journal of education and Christian belief, 15 (1). p. 53.
Book Section
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Governmentality, Witness and the State: Christian Social Criticism with and beyond Yoder and Foucault.
In: Bergen, Jeremy and Siegrist, Anthony, (eds.)
Power & practices : engaging the work of John Howard Yoder.
Scottdale, Herald Press, pp. 99-116
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
“Mercy Triumphs over Judgment: Intrusive or Enabling Mercy”.
In: Millie, Andrew, (ed.)
Criminology and Public Theology: On Hope, Mercy and Restoration.
Bristol, Bristol University Press, pp. 171-198
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Political Theology and the Arts.
In: Adkins, Imogen and Garrett, Stephen, (eds.)
T&T Clark Handbook of Theology and the Arts.
Christie, Ann
Jesus as Exemplar.
In: Astley, Jeff and Francis, Leslie ORCID:, (eds.)
Exploring Ordinary Theology - Dimensions of Everyday Christian Existence and the Life of the Church.
Farnham, Ashgate
Christie, Ann
Ordinary soteriology: a qualitative study.
In: Francis, Leslie ORCID:, Robbins, Mandy and Astley, Jeff, (eds.)
Empirical theology in texts and tables: qualitative, quantitative and comparative perspectives (Vol 17 of Empirical Studies in Theology).
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Muskett, Judith A.
Shaping Cathedral Studies: a scientific approach.
In: Francis, Leslie
ORCID:, (ed.)
Anglican cathedrals in modern life. The science of Cathedral Studies.
New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-28
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID:, Bruce, Deborah and Woolever, Cynthia
Testing the balanced affect model of clergy work-related psychological health: Drawing on the U.S. Congregational Life Survey.
In: Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Hood, Ralph W., (eds.)
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion. Vol. 26.
Brill, pp. 123-140
Gibbons, Tom, Watson, Nick J. and Mierzwinski, Mark ORCID:
Christianity as public religion: a justification for using a Christian sociological approach for studying the social scientific aspects of sport.
In: Gibbons, Tom and Braye, Stuart, (eds.)
Christianity and Social Scientific Perspectives on Sport.
Hemmings, B., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2019) Introduction. In: Hemmings, B., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport, Psychology and Christianity: Welfare, Performance and Consultancy. Routledge
Hoven, M., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2019) Conclusion. In: Hoven, M., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and Christianity: Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Bloomsbury
Hoven, M., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2019) Introduction. In: Hoven, M., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and Christianity: Practices for the Twenty-First Century. T&T Clark
Jagger, Sharon ORCID:
Presiding Like a Woman: Menstruating at the Altar.
In: Cocksworth, Ashley, Starr, Rachel and Burns, Stephen, (eds.)
From the Shores of Silence.
1st ed.
London, SCM
Jagger, Sharon ORCID:
The Trickster Priest and the Gift of Non-Belonging for Ordained Women in the Church of England.
In: Bennett, Yvonne, (ed.)
Women and Religion in Britain Today: Belonging.
1st ed.
Malaga, Vernon Press, pp. 31-58
Kim, Sebastian (2014) Inter-Asia Mission and Global Missionary Movements from Asia. In: Wildred, Felix, (ed.) Oxford Handbook on Christianity in Asia. Oxford University Press, pp. 145-157
Kim, Sebastian (2008) The Kingdom of God versus the Church: the debate at the Conference of the International Missionary Council, Tambaram, 1938. In: Kalu, O. U., (ed.) Interpreting contemporary Christianity: global processes and local identities. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Kim, Sebastian (2015) Mega-Churches in Korean Christianity. In: James, Jonathan D., (ed.) A moving faith: mega churches go South. Sage, pp. 85-105
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: Christian Contacts. In: Muck, Terry C., Netland, Harold A. and McDermott, Gerald R., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 276-281
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: Current Issues. In: Muck, Terry C., Netland, Harold A. and McDermott, Gerald R., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 289-294
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: History, Beliefs, Practices. In: Muck, Terry C. and Netland, Harold A., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 269-275
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: Theological Exchanges. In: Muck, Terry C., Netland, Harold A. and McDermott, Gerald R., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 282-288
Kim, Sebastian (2017) Public Theology in the History of Christianity. In: Kim, Sebastian and Day, Katie, (eds.) A companion to public theology. Brill
Kim, Sebastian (2017) Towards a Hermeneutic for Public Theology: Conversation with Habermas and Schillebeeckx. In: van Erp, Stephan, Poulsom, Martin and Boeve, Lieven, (eds.) Grace, Governance and Globalization. Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, pp. 28-45
Kim, Sebastian (2008) The Word and the Spirit: overcoming poverty, injustice and division in Korea. In: Kim, Sebastian, (ed.) Christian Theology in Asia. Cambridge University Press
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Come to the Edge and Reach Over: Christian and Muslim Women Creating Communities of Trust.
In: Khadar, J. and Twal, I., (eds.)
Christian Muslim Relations: From Theocracy to Secularism and Between.
University of Bethlehem
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Feminism and faith: women building peace and reconciliation in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In: Kollontai, Pauline
ORCID: and Noake, Richard, (eds.)
Building communities of reconciliation. Volume II: Christian responses to situations of conflict.
Nanumsa: South Korea, pp. 175-200
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Storytelling in Religious Education: Promoting Respect and Empathy in Diverse Communities.
In: Gross, Z. and Davies, L., (eds.)
The Contested Role of Education and Conflict and Fragility.
Sense Publishers, pp. 217-234
Kretchmar, S.K. and Watson, Nick J. (2019) The Paradoxical Athlete: Chesterton on Play and Work. In: Hoven, M., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and Christianity: Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Bloomsbury
Lorenz, James ORCID:
The Eschatological Rhythms of Beauty in Jean-Louis Chrétien's Phenomenology.
In: Gonzales, Philip and McMeans, Joseph Micah, (eds.)
Finitude's Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien.
Wipf & Stock
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Apparitions of Mary.
In: Boss, Sarah Jane, (ed.)
Mary: The Complete Resource.
Continuum, pp. 424-457
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
In: Maunder, Chris
ORCID:, (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Mary.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-17
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Marian Shrines in Yorkshire and Roman Catholic identity.
In: Kim, Sebastian and Kollontai, Pauline, (eds.)
Community Identity: Dynamics of Religion in Context.
T & T Clark, pp. 125-141
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Mary in the Gospel Narratives.
In: Maunder, Chris
ORCID:, (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Mary.
Oxford University Press, pp. 21-39
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Mary in the New Testament and Apocrypha.
In: Boss, S. J., (ed.)
Mary: the complete resource.
Continuum, pp. 11-46
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Blurring the Boundaries: Christianity, Feminism and Misogyny Off- and Online.
In: Wabel, Thomas, Eberlein-Braun, Katharina and Stamer, Torben, (eds.)
Space and Place as Topics for Public Theologies.
Zurich, LIT, pp. 153-171
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Gender in Religion, Religion in Society: The Agency and Identity of Christian Women.
In: Starkey, Caroline and Tomalin, Emma, (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Gender and Society.
Routledge, pp. 19-36
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
How are the Voluntarily Childless and the Involuntarily Infertile to Make Sense of Their Christian Faith?
In: Davis, Dena, (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Religious Perspectives on Reproductive Ethics.
Oxford University Press
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
'I Met God, She's Black': Racial, Gender and Sexual Equalities in Public Theology.
In: Kim, Sebastian and Day, Katie, (eds.)
A Companion to Public Theology.
Brill, pp. 298-324
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Issues in feminist public theology.
In: Burns, S. and Monro, A., (eds.)
Public Theology and the Challenge of Feminism.
Routledge, pp. 63-74
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
The Persistence of White Christian Patriarchy in a Time of Right-Wing Populism.
In: Ralston, Joshua and Schmiedel, Ulrich, (eds.)
The Spirit of Populism.
Political and Public Theologies1
Brill, pp. 177-201
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Public Theology, Populism and Sexism:
The Hidden Crisis in Public Theology.
In: Harasta, Eva and Sinn, Simone, (eds.)
Resisting Exclusion: Global Theological Responses to Populism.
LWF Studies
Geneva, Lutheran World Federation, pp. 218-228
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
The Trauma of Mothers: Motherhood, Violent Crime and the Christian Motif of Forgiveness.
In: O'Donnell, Karen and Cross, Katie, (eds.)
Feminist Trauma Theologies: Body, Scripture & Church in Critical Perspective.
London, SCM Press, pp. 266-290
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Unmasking the Systemic Problem of Evil in Theology: A Feminist Critique.
In: Grebe, Matthias and Grössl, Johannes, (eds.)
T&T Clark Handbook of Suffering and the Problem of Evil.
Bloomsbury, pp. 630-640
Muskett, Judith A.
Building associations among cathedral Friends. From topophilia to fiat social capital?
In: Village, Andrew ORCID: and Hood, Ralph, (eds.)
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion.
Leiden and Boston, BRILL, pp. 57-76
Muskett, Judith A.
Cathedrals making Friends. Building associations.
In: Francis, Leslie ORCID:, (ed.)
Anglican cathedrals in modern life. The science of Cathedral Studies.
New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 215-237
Muskett, Judith A. and Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:
The science of Cathedral Studies: present and future.
In: Francis, Leslie
ORCID:, (ed.)
Anglican cathedrals in modern life. The science of Cathedral Studies.
New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 239-250
Parker, A. and Watson, Nick J. (2018) Sport, celebrity and religion: Christianity, morality and the Tebow phenomenon. In: Adogame, A., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Global perspectives on sports and Christianity. Routledge, pp. 195-208
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Gifts Differing? Psychological Type Among Stipendiary And Non-Stipendiary Anglican Clergy.
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion. Vol.22.
Brill, pp. 230-250
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The role of the Bible.
In: Chryssides, George and Gregg, Stephen E, (eds.)
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians.
London, Bloomsbury, pp. 49-63
Watson, Nick J. (2016) Doing Sport Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age. In: Parker, Andrew, Watson, Nick J. and White, John, B., (eds.) Sports Chaplaincy: Trends, Issues and Debates. London, Routledge, pp. 71-83
Watson, Nick J. (2017) Foreword. In: Swinton, John and Brock, Brian, (eds.) A Graceful Embrace: Theological Reflections on Adopting Children. Brill, vii-ix
Watson, Nick J. (2019) Identity in Sport: Reflections on Welfare, Performance and Consultancy Practice within a Christian Worldview. In: Hemmings, B., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport, Psychology and Christianity: Welfare, Performance and Consultancy. Routledge
Watson, Nick J. (2012) Special Olympians as a 'Prophetic Sign' to the modern sporting Babel. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sports and Christianity : historical and contemporary perspectives. Routledge, pp. 167-206
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Special Olympians as a ‘Prophetic Sign’ to the Modern Sporting Babel. In: Kretchmar, S. and Hopsicker, P., (eds.) Philosophy of sport. Critical concepts in sports studies, 2 . London, Routledge, pp. 167-207
Watson, Nick J. and Bolt, Brian (2018) From Team Hoyt to I'll Push You: an embodied prophetic message. In: Watson, Nick J., Hargaden, K. and Brock, B., (eds.) Theology, Disability and Sport: Social Justice Perspectives. Routledge
Watson, Nick J., Hargaden, K. and Brock, B. (2018) Preface. In: Watson, Nick J., Hargaden, K. and Brock, B., (eds.) Theology, Disability and Sport: Social Justice Perspectives. Routledge
Watson, Nick J. and Kumar, Simon ORCID:
Sport, Theology, and the Special Olympics: A Christian Theological Reflection.
In: Watson, Nick J., Hargaden, Kevin and Brock, Brian, (eds.)
Theology, Disability and Sport: Social Justice Perspectives.
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Emerging Research Areas. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 100-118
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Institutions and Governance of Sport: A Case Study of the Modern Olympic Games. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion : a systematic review of literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 86-99
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Introduction. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-6
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Pioneering Scholars and Initiatives in the Field. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 7-14
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Sport, Religion and Popular Culture. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 27-43
Watson, Nick J., Parker, A. and Swain, Spencer ORCID:
Sport, Theology and Dementia: Reflections on The Sporting Memories Network, UK.
In: Watson, Nick J., Hargaden, K. and Brock, B., (eds.)
Theology, Disability and Sport: Social Justice Perspectives.
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Muscular Christianity and Sports Ministry. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 44-62
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2012) Sports and Christianity : mapping the field. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sports and Christianity : historical and contemporary persepctives. Routledge, pp. 9-88
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Theological Ethics in Sport (with Psychological considerations). In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 63-85
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Theologies of Play in Sport. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 15-26
Wilton, G. (2007) Paradigm, community and theological education: a study of theological education with reference to the work of Thomas S. Kuhn and David H. Kelsey. In: Kim, Sebastian and Kollontai, Pauline, (eds.) Community identity: dynamics of religion on context. T & T Clark, pp. 89-106
Jagger, Sharon ORCID: and Fry, Alex
“Let justice roll down like waters” Exploring the Wellbeing of Working-class Clergy in the Church of England:
A Rally Cry for Change.
Project Report.
Church of England.
Jagger, Sharon ORCID: and Tyndall, Becky
Rock the Boat! An exploration of non-transparency of positions on gender roles in C of E churches.
Project Report.
Women and the Church.
(In Press)
McIntosh, Esther ORCID: and Jagger, Sharon
Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Staff and Students.
Technical Report.
York St John University, York.
Conference or Workshop Item
Kollontai, Pauline C.H. ORCID:, Schliesser, Christine and Kadayifci-Orellana, Ayse
Religion Matters: A Conversation on Religion and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In: Religion and the SDGs, 22 July 2021, by Berkley Centre for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington D.C..
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Coming to the Edge and Reaching Over: Women and Muslim-Christian Dialogue.
In: International Conference on Muslim-Christian Dialogue, 30 September - 4 October 2013, University of Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:, Schliesser, Christine and Kadayifci-Orellana, Ayse
On the Significance of Religion in Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Israel, Rwanda and Pakistan.
In: Religion, Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 14 Oct 2022, Centre for Religion, Human Values, and International Relations & Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction, Dublin City University.
Meyer, Andrew R., Wynveen, Christopher J. and Watson, Nick J. (2017) The contemporary muscular Christian instrument: muscular Christian themes at the 2014 Tour de France. In: North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) 38th Annual Conference, 1-4 November 2017, Windsor, Ontario. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2015) Christianity, boxing and mixed martial arts: reflections on morality, vocation and well-being. In: Fifth International Conference on Value and Virtue: Research Reflections, 10 September 2015, York St John University, UK. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2016) Doing sport chaplaincy in a fatherless age: reflections on context, understanding and response. In: Sports Chaplaincy UK Conference 2016, 11-12 October 2016, Northampton, UK. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2015) Sport and the Christian religion: past, present and future. In: Christian Society for Kinesiology and Leisure Studies Annual Conference, 10-12 June 2015, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Sport, Christianity and disability. In: The Spirit in Sport Conference, 12 June 2014, The Charterhouse, London. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2016) Sport, history and the Christian faith: a position statement and future directions. In: Body and Spirit: Sport and Christianity in History, 18-21 October 2016, The Catholic University of Murcia, Spain. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2017) The Use of Mentoring to Develop Character and Enhance Well-Being in British Fatherless Young People: The UK Church, an Untapped Resource. In: “Beyond the Fringe”, considering how the ministry of sport can be effective reaching the marginalized and excluded, 1 November 2017, Church of England, Northern Diocese, Bishopthorpe Palace, York, UK. (Unpublished)
Francis, Leslie ORCID:, ed.
Anglican cathedrals in modern life. The science of Cathedral Studies.
New York, Palgrave Macmillan
Noake, Richard and Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:, eds.
Building communities of reconciliation. Volume II: Christian responses to situations of conflict.
Seoul, Nanumsa
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID: and Nesfield, Victoria, eds.
Building communities of reconciliation. Volume III: Christian theologies of peace and reconciliation.
Seoul, Nanumsa
Maunder, Chris ORCID:, ed.
Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary.
Burns & Oates
Maunder, Chris ORCID:, ed.
The Oxford Handbook of Mary.
Oxford, Oxford University Press
Hoven, M., Parker, A. and Watson, Nick J., eds. (2019) Sport and Christianity: Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Bloomsbury
Hemmings, B., Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, eds. (2019) Sport, Psychology and Christianity: Welfare, Performance and Consultancy. London, Routledge
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Seek the Peace of the City :
Christian Political Criticism as Public, Realist, and Transformative.
Christie, Ann (2012) Ordinary Christology: who do you say I am?: answers from the pews. Farnham, Ashgate Publishing Limited
Jagger, Sharon ORCID:
Women Priests, Symbolic Violence, and Symbolic Resistance.
first ed.
Gendering the Study of Religion in the Social Sciences
UK, Routledge
(In Press)
Kim, Sebastian and Kim, Kirsteen (2015) A history of Korean Christianity. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID: and Noake, Richard
Religion Creating Cultures of Peace.
Nanumsa Publishers
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Our Lady of the Nations: Apparitions of Mary in 20th century Catholic Europe.
1st ed.
Oxford, Oxford University Press
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The Church of England in the First Decade of the 21st Century: findings from the Church Times surveys.
Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
The mind of the Anglican clergy: assessing attitudes and beliefs in the Church of England.
Edwin Mellen Press
Watson, Nick J., Hargaden, Kevin and Brock, Brian (2018) Theology, disability and sport: social justice perspectives. Routledge
Cross, Susan Beverley (2022) From ‘mission-shaped’ to ‘Jesus-shaped’: Locating the place of hospitality in the Church of England. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Cross, Katherine ORCID:, Elsner, Jas, Lenk, Stefanie, Adrych, Philippa, Ali, Nadia, Bracey, Robert, Dalglish, Dominic, Lidova, Maria, Parpulov, Georgi, Sharma, Yuthika and Wood, Rachel
Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions.
Village, Andrew ORCID:, Francis, Leslie J.
ORCID: and Mckenna, Ursula
Research for the Living in Love and Faith project
The impact on Churches of decision-making regarding
questions of sexuality and marriage.