Items where Year is 2009
Akhurst, Jacqueline (2009) Analysing career counselling in a South African setting: exploring the utility of a model from Activity Theory. South African journal of higher education, 23 (3). p. 575.
Appleton, Paul R., Hall, Howard and Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
Relations between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout in junior-elite male athletes.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10 (4).
457 - 465.
Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Cemeli, E and Anderson, D
The comet assay in male reproductive toxicology.
Cell biology and toxicology, 25 (1).
pp. 81-98.
Bottrell, Simon H., Hatfield, David, Bartlett, Rebecca, Spence, Michael J., Bartle, Keith D. and Mortimer, Robert ORCID:
Concentrations, sulfur isotopic compositions and origin of organosulfur compounds in pore waters of a highly polluted raised peatland.
Organic Geochemistry, 41 (1).
pp. 55-62.
Bottrell, Simon H., Mortimer, Robert ORCID:, Davies, Ian M., Harvey, S. Martyn and Krom, Michael D.
Sulphur cycling in organic-rich marine sediments from a Scottish fjord.
Sedimentology, 56 (4).
pp. 1159-1173.
Brockett, Adrian, Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
Internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the Attitude toward Muslim Proximity Index (AMPI): a measure of social distance.
British Journal of Religious Education, 31 (3).
pp. 241-249.
Brown, Laura, Midgley, Adrian, Thomas, Gemma, Thurlow, Shane and McNaughton, Lars R. (2009) The effects of low and high glycemic index meals on time trial performance. International journal of sports physiology and performance., 4 (3). p. 331.
Calvert, Mike (2009) From ‘pastoral care’ to ‘care’: meanings and practices. Pastoral Care in Education, 27 (4). pp. 267-277.
Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
“Me cae que no me entiendes”: Multi-language Text in the Mexican Onda.
Romance Studies, 27 (3).
pp. 180-191.
Cemeli, Eduardo, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID: and Anderson, Diana
Antioxidants and the Comet assay.
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 681 (1).
pp. 51-67.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
The Ethico‐politics of Teacher Identity.
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 41 (2).
pp. 185-200.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
The discursive construction of interpersonal relations in an online community of practice.
Journal of Pragmatics, 41 (11).
pp. 2333-2344.
Collett, Alice (2009) Historio-critical hermeneutics in the study of women in early Indian Buddhism. Numen, 56 (1). pp. 91-117.
Cooper, James (2009) The Reagan Years: The Great Communicator as Diarist. Intelligence and National Security, 23 (6). pp. 892-901.
Cregan-Reid, Vybarr ORCID:
The Gilgamesh Controversy: The Ancient Epic and Late-Victorian Geology.
Journal of Victorian Culture, 14 (2).
pp. 224-237.
Curtis, Abi ORCID:
Rethinking the unconscious in creative writing pedagogy.
New Writing, 6 (2).
pp. 105-116.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:, Lasenby, Anthony and Hobson, Michael
Anisotropic, nonsingular early universe model leading to a realistic cosmology.
Physical Review D, 79 (4).
D’Ovidio, Rob, Mitman, Tyson ORCID:, El-Burki, Imaani Jamillah and Shumar, Wesley
Adult-Child Sex Advocacy Websites as Social
Learning Environments: A Content Analysis.
International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 3 (3).
pp. 421-440.
Emary, Leah ORCID:
If Malinowski had been a Blogger.
LIBREAS. Library Ideas (14).
Gage, Heather, Knibb, Wendy, Evans, Joanne, Williams, Peter, Rickman, Neil and Bryan, Karen ORCID:
Why are some care homes better than others? An empirical study of the factors associated with quality of care for older people in residential homes in Surrey, England.
Health and Social Care in the Community, 17 (6).
pp. 599-609.
Gibson, Stephen ORCID:
The effortful citizen: discursive social psychology and welfare reform.
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19 (6).
pp. 393-410.
Gibson, Stephen ORCID:
An imperfect Panopticon? Surveillance and the BBC Prison Study.
Social Psychological Review, 11 (2).
pp. 15-21.
Gibson, Stephen ORCID: and Condor, Susan
State institutions and social identity: national representation in soldiers' and civilians' interview talk concerning military service.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 48 (2).
pp. 313-336.
Gol, Ayla ORCID:
The Identity of Turkey: Muslim and secular.
Third World Quarterly, 30 (4).
pp. 795-811.
Hall, Christopher J ORCID:, Newbrand, Denise, Ecke, Peter, Sperr, Ulrike, Marchand, Vanessa and Hayes, Lisa
Learners' Implicit Assumptions About Syntactic Frames in New L3 Words: The Role of Cognates, Typological Proximity, and L2 Status.
Language Learning, 59 (1).
pp. 153-202.
Hall, Howard, Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Appleton, Paul R.
Student investment in a research design course: The influence of achievement orientations on motivational patterns.
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 8.
pp. 17-44.
Hall, Howard, Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Appleton, Paul R. and Kozub, Stephen A.
The mediating influence of unconditional self-acceptance and labile self-esteem on the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and exercise dependence.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10 (1).
35 - 44.
Higgins, Lee (2009) Community music and the welcome. International Journal of Community Music, 1 (3). pp. 391-400.
Hind, Claire and Orr, Susan (2009) Space and Place: Writing encounters self. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 2 (2). pp. 133-138.
James, Ina, Smith, Andy, Smith, Teena, Kirby, Edward, Press, Philippa and Doherty, Patrick (2009) Randomized controlled trial of effectiveness of pedometers on general practitioners' attitudes to engagement in and promotion of physical activity. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27 (7). pp. 753-758.
Klonizakis, M., Tew, Garry ORCID:, Saxton, J. and Michaels, J.
Exercise training improves cutaneous microvascular endothelial function in post-surgical varicose vein patients.
Microvascular research, 78 (1).
pp. 67-70.
Kollontai, Pauline C.H. ORCID:
Women as Leaders: Contemporary Perspectives on the Roles of Women in Messianic Judaism.
Women in Judaism: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal, 6 (1).
Kramer, Kaley ORCID:
Women and Property in Late Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Gendered Property and Generic Belonging in Charlotte Smith and Mary Wollstonecraft.
Literature Compass, 6 (6).
pp. 1145-1158.
Kwan, Johnson, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Lu, Chun-Mei, Wang, Mei, Weier, Jingly F, Zitzelsberger, Horst F and Weier, Heinz-Ulrich G
BAC-FISH assays delineate complex chromosomal rearrangements in a case of post-Chernobyl childhood thyroid cancer.
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, 47 (2).
pp. 135-142.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Maybe I can fly: nurturing personal and collective learning in professional learning communities.
Pastoral Care in Education, 27 (4).
pp. 313-323.
Lindell, Annukka and Savill, Nicola ORCID:
Time to turn the other cheek? The influence of left and right poses on perceptions of academic specialisation.
Laterality, 15 (6).
pp. 639-650.
Linschooten, Joost O, Van Schooten, Frederik J, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Cemeli, Eduardo, Van Delft, Joost, Anderson, Diana and Godschalk, Roger WL
Use of spermatozoal mRNA profiles to study gene-environment interactions in human germ cells.
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 667 (1-2).
pp. 70-76.
Lu, Chun-Mei, Kwan, Johnson, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Weier, Jingly F, Wang, Mei, Escudero, Tomas, Munné, Santiago, Zitzelsberger, Horst F and Weier, Heinz-Ulrich G
DNA probe pooling for rapid delineation of chromosomal breakpoints.
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 57 (6).
pp. 587-597.
Lu, Chun-Mei, Kwan, Johnson, Weier, Jingly F, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Wang, Mei, Escudero, Tomas, Munne, Santiago and Weier, Heinz-Ulrich G
Rapid mapping of chromosomal breakpoints: from blood to BAC in 20 days.
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, 47 (3).
pp. 367-375.
Maher, Chi (2009) Managing Career Development in the Not for Profit Sector. Business Leadership Review, 6 (4).
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
La Péri, poème dansé (1911–12): A Problematic Creative-Collaborative Journey.
Dance Research, 27 (2).
pp. 227-252.
Mitchell, Lindsay and Boak, George ORCID:
Developing competence frameworks in UK healthcare: lessons from practice.
Journal of European industrial training, 33 (8/9).
pp. 701-717.
Palmer-Felgate, E.J., Jarvie, H.P., Withers, P.J.A., Mortimer, Robert ORCID: and Krom, M.D.
Stream-bed phosphorus in paired catchments with different agricultural land use intensity.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 134 (1-2).
pp. 53-66.
Papworth, Mark A., Milne, Derek and Boak, George ORCID:
An exploratory content analysis of situational leadership.
Journal of management development, 28 (7).
pp. 593-606.
Purkis, Helena M., Lipp, Ottmar V., Edwards, Mark ORCID: and Barnes, Rebecca
An increase in stimulus arousal has differential effects on the processing speed of pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.
Motivation and Emotion, 33 (4).
pp. 353-361.
Rawle, Steven ORCID:
From The Black Society to The Isle: Miike Takashi and Kim Ki-Duk at the intersection of Asia Extreme.
Journal of Japanese & Korean Cinema, 1 (2).
pp. 167-184.
Rawle, Steven ORCID:
Hal Hartley and the Re-Presentation of Repetition.
Film Criticism, 34 (1).
pp. 58-75.
Ring, Kathy (2009) Supporting playful drawing in Foundation Stage settings. The psychology of education review, 33 (1). p. 18.
Rivers, Ian, Poteat, V. Paul, Noret, Nathalie ORCID: and Ashurst, Nige
Observing bullying at school: The mental health implications of witness status.
School Psychology Quarterly, 24 (4).
pp. 211-223.
Sadler, Ian (2009) Connection learning: a framework for the development of teaching. Journal on excellence in college teaching, 20 (1). p. 53.
Schwendel, Arved ORCID:, Death, Russell G. and Fuller, Ian F.
The assessment of shear stress and bed stability in
stream ecology.
Freshwater Biology, 55.
pp. 261-281.
Smith, Paul (2009) The Means to Grow Up: Reinventing apprenticeship as a developmental support in adolescence, by Robert Halpern. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 28 (6). pp. 803-804.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Monologue or dialogue? Stepping away from the abyss in higher education.
London Review of Education, 7 (3).
pp. 271-281.
Sztencel, Magdalena (2009) Boundaries Crossed: The Influence of English on Modern Polish. E-pistemy, 2 (1). pp. 3-17.
Tew, Garry ORCID:, Nawaz, S., Blagojevic, M., Zwierska, I. and Saxton, J.
Physiological Predictors of Maximum Treadmill Walking Performance in Patients with Intermittent Claudication.
International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 (06).
pp. 467-472.
Tew, Garry ORCID:, Nawaz, Shah, Zwierska, Irena and Saxton, John M.
Limb-specific and cross-transfer effects of arm-crank exercise training in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease.
Clinical Science, 117 (12).
pp. 405-413.
Tsung, Linda and Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
Dilemmas of identity, language and culture in higher education in China.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30 (1).
pp. 57-69.
Velija, Philippa and Malcolm, Dominic (2009) ‘Look, it's a girl’: cricket and gender relations in the UK. Sport in Society, 12 (4-5). pp. 629-642.
Wardman, Clare ORCID:
Authentic Materials in English Language Teaching: are they as important as we think?
Folio, 13 (2).
pp. 14-17.
Weier, H-UG, Kwan, Johnson, Lu, C-M, Ito, Yuko, Wang, Mei, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Hayward, Simon W, Weier, Jingly F and Zitzelsberger, Horst F
Kinase expression and chromosomal rearrangements in papillary thyroid cancer tissues: investigations at the molecular and microscopic levels.
Journal of physiology and pharmacology: an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society, 60 (Suppl).
p. 47.
Wilsmore, Robert ORCID:
The Last Performance [dot org]: an impossible collaboration.
Journal of writing in creative practice, 2 (1).
pp. 15-25.
Wilson, Janet, Tolan, Fiona and Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
‘Rerouting the Postcolonial’.
Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45 (2).
pp. 121-123.
Wylie, Alex (2009) Prophet and Citizen: Fifty Years of Geoffrey Hill's For the Unfallen. PN Review, 36 (2).
Book Section
Akhurst, Jacqueline (2009) South Africa. In: Malley-Morrison, Kathleen, (ed.) State Violence and the Right to Peace. Greenwood Publishing Group
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Governmentality, Witness and the State: Christian Social Criticism with and beyond Yoder and Foucault.
In: Bergen, Jeremy and Siegrist, Anthony, (eds.)
Power & practices : engaging the work of John Howard Yoder.
Scottdale, Herald Press, pp. 99-116
Christie, Ann
Ordinary soteriology: a qualitative study.
In: Francis, Leslie ORCID:, Robbins, Mandy and Astley, Jeff, (eds.)
Empirical theology in texts and tables: qualitative, quantitative and comparative perspectives (Vol 17 of Empirical Studies in Theology).
Garvey, Robert (2009) Mentoring in a Coaching World. In: Cox, Elaine, Bachkirova, Tatiana and Clutterbuck, David, (eds.) The Complete Handbook of Coaching. 1st ed. London, SAGE, pp. 341-354
Hall, Christopher J ORCID: and Duran, A. R.
Cross-linguistic influence in L2 verb frames: the effects of word familiarity and language proficiency.
In: Benati, A. G., (ed.)
Issues in second language proficiency.
London Continuum, pp. 24-44
Matthew, Clarke ORCID:
Doing identity work in teacher education: The case of a UAE teacher.
In: Sultana, Ronald and Mazawi, Andre, (eds.)
World yearbook of education 2010: Education and the Arab world: Political projects, struggles and geometries of power.
New York, Routledge, pp. 145-162
McKeown, Justin (2009) Nowhere Between then and now: on the paintings of Andre Stitt. In: Everybody knows this is nowhere. Millenium Court Art Centre
Meddegama, Indu Vibha ORCID:
Fantasy and the credulous spectator.
In: Kumarasinghe, K, (ed.)
Wimal Dissanayake and the Communication World.
Colombo, Sri Lanka, Godage Publishers
Rovisco, Maria (2009) Religion and the challenges of cosmopolitanism: young Portuguese volunteers in Africa. In: Nowicka, Magdalena and Rovisco, Maria, (eds.) Cosmopolitanism in practice. Ashgate, pp. 181-200
Sauntson, Helen ORCID:
Classroom discourse.
In: Cummings, Louise, (ed.)
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Pragmatics.
Routledge, pp. 63-65
Smith, Andy (2009) The way forward for physical activity and health promotion: designing interventions for the future. In: Physical activity and health promotion: evidence-based approaches to practice. Wiley, pp. 245-258
Zhu, Shao Ying and Schaefer, G. (2009) Using network simulation tools to support teaching in computer networks. In: EDULEARN09 Proceedings. EDULEARN, pp. 2136-2140
Conference or Workshop Item
Appleton, P.R., Hall, Howard and Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
Examining the mediating role of psychological control and empathy in the inter-generational transmission of athlete’s perfectionism.
In: International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) 12th World Congress, 17-21 Jun 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.
Bower, Sue (2009) Taking risks with dementia: exploring practitioner accounts of risk and decision making. In: College of Occupational Therapists (COT) 33rd Annual Conference, 24-26 June 2009, Brighton. (Unpublished)
Burrows, Ben ORCID:
The Point of Learning: Exploring Curriculum Design that Enhances the Student Experience.
In: 'Roots and Branches' Learning and Teaching Conference, Wednesday 26th September 2009, Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Cock, Steven ORCID:
Processes of Sportization: The Emergence of the Amateur Swimming Association.
In: British Society of Sports History Annual Conference, 17-19 July 2009, University of Stirling.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Bridging the gap between industry and education skills for 3D computer animation.
In: Bridging the gap between industry and education skills for 3D graphics, 03 July 2009, Showcomotion, Sheffield.
Griffiths, D.A., Morse, S.M., Martin, B.M. and Koukpaki, Serge (2009) The Knowledge Core: A new model to challenge the KM field. In: The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations, 03-04 Dec 2009, Hong Kong, China. (Unpublished)
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Hall, Howard and Appleton, P.R.
Self-oriented perfectionism: Adaptive or maladaptive?
In: International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) 12th World Congress, 17-21 Jun 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Hall, Howard and Appleton, P.R.
The relationship between perfectionism, self-criticism and the achievement climate.
In: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Conference, 1-3 Sep 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
McDonald, Keith ORCID:
“Funny Books” – Comics and Reader Response Theory.
In: Possibilities and Perspectives: A Conference on Comics.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Erik Satie “fashion milieu”: Sports et divertissements (1914/1922)’, Nostalgia and Innovation in Twentieth-Century French Music.
In: Symposium, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, 8–9 May 2009, Lancaster University.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Erik Satie: responding to images’.
In: Sixth Biennial Conference on Music Since 1900, 2-5 July 2009, Keele University.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Gesture as a tool for analysing music and dance’.
In: Bewegungen zwischen Horen und Sehen: Musik, Tanz, Theater, Performance und Film, 19–21 November 2009, Bayreuth, Germany.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Gesture in and Between Music and Dance’.
In: Centre for Interdisciplinary Music Research, 27th October 2009, Roehampton University.
Parks, Judith (2009) Experiences of research on renewable energy in the urban context. In: Renewable Energies in a Municipal Context, 8-10 October 2009, Figueres, Spain. (Unpublished)
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID: and Morris, Geraldine, eds.
Conference Proceedings, ‘Dance Research Conference’ Society for Dance Research and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Music Research.
Society for Dance Research
Gabriel, Lynne ORCID: and Casemore, Roger, eds.
Relational Ethics in Practice: Narratives from Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Seek the Peace of the City :
Christian Political Criticism as Public, Realist, and Transformative.
Curtis, Abi ORCID:
Unexpected weather.
Salt Publishing
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Basics Film-Making 03: Directing Fiction.
1st ed.
London, Bloomsbury
Hepworth-Sawyer, Russ ORCID:
From Demo To Delivery: The Process of Production.
Focal Press
Peters, Gary (2009) The philosophy of improvisation. University of Chicago Press
Richards, James, Edgar, Robert ORCID: and Marland, John
Basics Film-Making 02: Screenwriting.
1st ed.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
The spirit of the school.
Continuum studies in education
London, Continuum
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
The mind of the Anglican clergy: assessing attitudes and beliefs in the Church of England.
Edwin Mellen Press
Walton, Joan ORCID:
Promoting good quality care through teamwork and effective leadership : a guide to practice development.
London, National Centre for Excellence in Residential Child Care
Yore, Sue (2009) The Mystic Way in Postmodernity : Transcending Theological Boundaries in the Writings of Iris Murdoch, Denise Levertov and Annie Dillard. Religions and discourse . Peter Lang
Burrows, Ben ORCID:
Unearthing Creativity: Creative Archaeological Displays Through Collaborative Enquiry Based Learning.
Bateman, Ralph (2009) 8 trigrams for piano and Chinese percussion. [Composition]
Lancaster, David ORCID:
Lancaster, David ORCID:
Memory of Place.
Hall, Howard, Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Appleton, Paul R.
Perfectionism and exercise dependence.
Mental Notes, Spring 2009, pp.22-23.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Paul Dukas’s critical response of Richard Wagner’, McGill University,
Montréal, 9–11 November. Invited and Funded by Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada. Francophone Criticism Network; grant
application led by Steven Huebner.
Weir, David ORCID:
Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge /Edited by Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim. John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pvt Ltd, 2007. [Book review].