Items where Division is "School of Humanities" and Year is 2019
Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:, Lamond, Jessica, Adelekan, Ibidun and Eze, Bassey
Evaluating Flood Adaptation Governance in the city of
Calabar, Nigeria.
Climate and Development.
Allen, Daniel, Peacock, Adam and Arathoon, Jamie ORCID:
Spatialities of Dog Theft: A Critical Perspective.
Animals, 9 (5).
Ayeni, Amidu, Ogunsesan, Adedamola and Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:
Provisioning ecosystem services provided by the Hadejia Nguru Wetlands, Nigeria – current status and future priorities.
Scientific African, 5 (e00124).
pp. 1-12.
Barnes, Robert ORCID:
Chief Administrator or Political ‘Moderator’?: Dumbarton Oaks, the Secretary-General and the Korean War.
Journal of Contemporary History, 54 (2).
pp. 347-367.
D'Arcy-Reed, Louis ORCID:
Observing parallaxical identities of place in architecture–adopting architectural and psychoanalytical approaches to urban fabrics.
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 43 (2).
pp. 166-173.
Dawson, Mark ORCID:
Church Action for Fair Trade as Public Theology: Learning from the Experience of the Mainstreaming of Fair Trade in the United Kingdom.
International Journal of Public Theology, 13 (1).
pp. 55-71.
Dawson, Mark ORCID:
Justice and demonstration of Christian principles: why churchgoers support Fair Trade.
The Expository Times.
Edgar, Robert ORCID:, Mann, Fraser and Pleasance, Helen
Music, Memory and Memoir: Critical and creative engagement with an emerging genre.
Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 12 (1-2).
pp. 181-199.
Enstone, Zoe ORCID:
On Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
Terra Two: An Ark for Off-World Survival.
Entwistle, N.S, Heritage, G.L., Schofield, Lucy A. and Williamson, R.J. (2019) Recent changes to floodplain character and functionality in England. Catena, 174. pp. 490-498.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Christian ethos secondary schools, parental church attendance and student attitude
toward Christianity: Exploring connections in England and Wales.
British Journal of Religious Education.
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID:, Village, Andrew
ORCID: and Voas, David
The turn toward extraversion: The changing psychological profile of Anglican clergy.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 32 (1).
pp. 89-104.
Garlick, Ben ORCID:
Cultural geographies of extinction: animal culture amongst Scottish ospreys.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44 (2).
pp. 226-241.
Garlick, Ben ORCID:
Deceptive landscapes: Ornithological hide-work and the perception of ospreys on Speyside, 1957-1987.
GeoHumanities, 5 (1).
pp. 215-236.
Garlick, Ben ORCID:
Garlick B (2019) 'Book Review: The Routledge Companion to Animal-Human History, Hilda Kean, Philip Howell (Eds). Routledge, Abingdon (2018). 560 pages, £140 hardcover'.
Journal of Historical Geography, 66.
pp. 114-115.
Gifkins, Jess, Jarvis, Samuel ORCID: and Ralph, Jason
Brexit and the UN Security Council: declining British influence?
International Affairs, 95 (6).
pp. 1349-1368.
Goodwin, Elizabeth (2019) Historiography in action: teaching and learning historiographical approaches through active primary source analysis. History: The Official Journal of the Historical Association.
Jesson, Stuart ORCID:
‘The question in each and every thing’: Nietzsche and Weil on affirmation.
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 86 (2).
pp. 131-155.
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Short Story: 'Love Story'.
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Short story: 'Camelot'.
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Two Poems: 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset'.
The Poetry Review, 109.
Lamond, Jessica, Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:, Adelekan, Ibidun, Eze, Bassey and Ujoh, Fanan
Information for Adaptation and Response to Flooding, Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives in Nigeria.
Climate, 7 (4).
pp. 1-18.
Mann, Fraser (2019) “The road bare and white”: Hemingway, Europe and the artifice of ritualised space. Alicante Journal of English Studies (31). pp. 15-32.
Milan, David and Schwendel, Arved ORCID:
Long-term channel response to a major flood in an upland gravel-bed river.
E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress.
pp. 2831-2838.
Pett, Brogan L. ORCID: and Bailey, Joseph J.
Ghost-busting: Patch occupancy and habitat preferences of Ocyale ghost (Araneae: Lycosidae), a single site endemic in north-western Madagascar.
Austral Entomology, 58 (4).
pp. 875-885.
Pheby-McGarvey, Sam (2019) Leaving. Terra Two An Ark for Off-World Survival.
Rivett, Gary ORCID: and Pilossof, Rory
Imagining Change, Imaginary Futures: “Conditions of Possibility” in Pre-Independence Southern Rhodesia, 1959–1963.
Social Science History, 43 (2).
pp. 243-267.
Schrodt, Franziska, Bailey, Joseph ORCID:, Santos, Maria and Field, Richard
Challenges and opportunities for biogeography - what can we still learn from von Humboldt?
Journal of Biogeography, 46 (8).
pp. 1631-1642.
Schrodt, Franziska, Bailey, Joseph J ORCID:, Rijsdijk, Kenneth F., Kissling, W. Daniel, Seijmonsbergen, Arie C., Van Ree, Derk, Hjort, Jan, Lawley, Russell S., Williams, Christopher N., Anderson, Mark G., Beier, Paul, Van Beukering, Pieter, Boyd, Doreen S., Brilha, Jose, Carcavilla, Luis, Dahlin, Kyla M,, Gill, Joel C,., Gordon, John E., Gray, Murray, Grundy, Mike, Hunter, Malcolm M., Lawler, Joshua J., Monge-Ganuzas, Manu, Royse, Katherine R., Stewart, Iain, Record, Sydne, Turner, Woody, Zarnetske, Phoebe L. and Field, Richard
Opinion: To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS, USA), 116 (33).
pp. 16155-16158.
Selway, Matt ORCID:
The sound of the unsound: the role of film sound design in depicting schizophrenia and schizophrenic hallucination in The Soloist.
Sound Studies, 5 (2).
pp. 140-154.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Burial Rituals, Ideas of Afterlife, and the Individual in the Hellenistic World and the Roman Empire.
Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica, LIII.
pp. 295-296.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
The Polis in the Hellenistic World.
Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica, LIII.
pp. 289-292.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Ripensare la storia universal Giustino e l’epitome delle Storie Filippiche di Pompeo Trogo.
The Classical Journal.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
State Power in Ancient China and Rome.
Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica, LIII.
pp. 298-299.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Warfare in Medieval Europe, c. 400 – c. 1453.
Journal of Military History, 83 (3).
pp. 873-874.
Smith, Matthew ORCID:, Walford, Nigel Stephen and Jimenez-Bescos, Carlos
Using 3D modelling and game engine technologies for interactive exploration of cultural heritage: An evaluation of four game engines in relation to roman archaeological heritage.
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 14.
Tamás, Rebecca (2019) The Emperor of Ice Cream. Granta.
Tamás, Rebecca (2019) 'Medusa in Venice.'. The London Review of Books, 41 (24).
Tamás, Rebecca (2019) The Power of a Name. Granta.
Tamás, Rebecca (2019) The Songs of Hecate: Poetry and the Language of the Occult. The White Review (24). pp. 11-25.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Does Higher Education change the faith of Anglicans and Methodists preparing for church ministries through a course validated by a UK university?
Practical Theology.
Village, Andrew ORCID:
Liberalism and Conservatism in Relation to Psychological Type among Church of England Clergy.
Journal of Empirical Theology, 32 (1).
pp. 138-154.
Walkling, Saffron Vickers (2019) Ophelia’s terror: anatomising the figure of the female suicide bomber in The Al-Hamlet Summit. Cahiers Élisabéthains.
Whitewood, Peter (2019) In the Shadow of the War: Bolshevik Perceptions of Polish Subversive and Military Threats to the Soviet Union, 1920-32. Journal of Strategic Studies. p. 1.
Book Section
Bradbury, Janine ORCID:
Grace Jones: Cyborg Memoirist.
In: Mann, Fraser, Pleasance, Helen and Edgar, Robert
ORCID:, (eds.)
Music, Memory, and Memoir.
London, Bloomsbury, pp. 65-80
Brown, Garrett Wallace and Jarvis, Samuel ORCID:
Motivating cosmopolitanism and the responsibility for the health of others.
In: Beardsworth, Richard, Brown, Garrett Wallace and Shapcot, Richard, (eds.)
The State and Cosmopolitan Responsibilities.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 203-223
Brumby, Alice ORCID:
The National Schizophrenia Fellowship: charity, caregiving and strategies of coping, 1960–1980.
In: Taylor, Steven J. and Brumby, Alice
ORCID:, (eds.)
Healthy minds in the Twentieth Century : in and beyond the asylum.
Mental health in historical perspective
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-209
Brumby, Alice ORCID:
Tommy Talk: War Hospital Magazines and the Cartoons of Resilience and Healing.
In: Kerby, Martin, Baguley, Margaret and McDonald, Janet, (eds.)
The Palgrave Handbook of Artistic and Cultural Response to War since 1914: The British Isles, the United States and Australasia.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 63-79
Cheng, Ming, Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:, Pringle Barnes, Gayle and Tian, Linghui
The Perceived Impact of Intercultural Awareness on Peer
Interaction: Study of a UK University.
In: Pritchard, Rosalind M.O., O’Hara, Mark, Milsom, Clare, Williams, James and Matei, Liviu, (eds.)
The Three C-s of Higher Education Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity.
Hungary, CEU Press, pp. 169-184
Cooper, James (2019) The United States and the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland, 1967–1998. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History. Oxford University Press
Couper, Pauline ORCID:
In: Kobayashi, A., (ed.)
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography.
2nd ed.
Amsterdam, Elsevier
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
The Driver.
In: King, Liesl and Edgar, Robert
ORCID:, (eds.)
Science Fiction for Survival.
Valley Press
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Hiatus: Music, memory and liminal authenticity.
In: Edgar, Robert
ORCID:, Mann, Fraser and Pleasance, Helen, (eds.)
Music, Memory and Memoir.
London, Bloomsbury, pp. 13-24
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Lonely This Christmas.
Christmas Horror Stories from Horrified.
Horrified Magazine
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Slippery Customers.
In: King, Liesl and Edgar, Robert
ORCID:, (eds.)
Science Fiction for Survival.
Valley Press
Enstone, Zoe ORCID:
Alliterative Morte Arthure.
The Literary Encyclopedia.
The Literary Encyclopedia
Horwood, Ian (2019) ‘The fourth dimension of warfare: Early techno-thriller fiction and the manned bomber vs. missile controversy of the early 1960s’. In: Faria, Dominique, Dobson, Alan, Monteiro, Antonio and Rodrigues, Luis Nuno, (eds.) L'aviation et son impact sur le temps et espace. First ed. Exotopies . Paris, Le Manuscrit, pp. 305-330
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Poem: 'world around the'.
New York Public Library: 'Poem In Your Pocket Day'.
New York Public Library
Mann, Fraser
Portrait of the Artists as an Indie Star: Kristin Hersh and the memoir of process.
In: Mann, Fraser, Edgar, Robert ORCID: and Pleasance, Helen, (eds.)
Music, Memory and Memoir.
London, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 39-51
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
In: Maunder, Chris
ORCID:, (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Mary.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-17
Maunder, Chris ORCID:
Mary in the Gospel Narratives.
In: Maunder, Chris
ORCID:, (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Mary.
Oxford University Press, pp. 21-39
McDonald, Keith ORCID: and Johnson, Wayne
‘Something Like a Circus or a Sewer’
The thrill and threat of New York City in American culture.
In: Lovell, Jane and Hitchmough, Sam, (eds.)
Authenticity in North America Place, Tourism, Heritage, Culture and the Popular Imagination.
1st ed.
Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility
London, Routledge, pp. 19-29
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Public Theology, Populism and Sexism:
The Hidden Crisis in Public Theology.
In: Harasta, Eva and Sinn, Simone, (eds.)
Resisting Exclusion: Global Theological Responses to Populism.
LWF Studies
Geneva, Lutheran World Federation, pp. 218-228
O'Connor, Robert ORCID:
Going Home.
Science Fiction for Survival: An Archive for Mars. Terra Two Anthology: Volume One.
Valley Press, pp. 13-22
O'Connor, Robert ORCID:
More Human Than Humans.
In: Bunce, Robin and McCrossin, Trip, (eds.)
Blade Runner 2049 and Philosophy: This Breaks the World.
& Philosophy series
Open Court Publishing, pp. 51-59
Pheby-McGarvey, Sam
On a Wing and a Prayer.
In: King, Liesl and Edgar, Robert ORCID:, (eds.)
Science Fiction for Survival: An Archive for Mars: 1 (Terra Two).
Scarborough, Valley Press
Schwendel, Arved ORCID:, Aalto, Rolf, Nicholas, Andrew and Parsons, Daniel
Fill characteristics of abandoned channels and resulting
stratigraphy of a mobile sand‐bed river floodplain.
Fluvial Meanders and Their Sedimentary Products in the Rock Record.
1 ed.
International Association Of Sedimentologists Series, 48
John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 251-272
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Pericles of Athens: Democracy and Empire.
In: Gutmann, M., (ed.)
Historians on Leadership and Strategy, Case Studies from Antiquity to Modernity.
Cham, Springer, pp. 255-267
Stephenson, Lauren ORCID:
“I’m pissed off, and I’m angry, and we need your permission to kill someone”: Frustrated Masculinities in Charlie Brooker’s Dead Set (2008).
In: Gerrard, Steven, Holland, Samantha and Shail, Robert, (eds.)
Gender and Contemporary Horror in Television.
Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender
Emerald, pp. 107-116
Stripe, Adelle (2019) Driftwood. In: de Waal, Kit, (ed.) Common People: An Anthology of Working Class Writers. 1 ed. UK, Unbound
Stripe, Adelle (2019) Introduction. In: Alma Cogan. London, Faber & Faber
Taylor, Steven J. and Brumby, Alice ORCID:
Introduction to Healthy Minds: Mental Health Practice and Perception in the Twentieth Century.
In: Taylor, Steven K. and Brumby, Alice
ORCID:, (eds.)
Healthy minds in the Twentieth Century : in and beyond the asylum.
Mental health in historical perspective
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-16
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The role of the Bible.
In: Chryssides, George and Gregg, Stephen E, (eds.)
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians.
London, Bloomsbury, pp. 49-63
Gifkins, Jess, Jarvis, Samuel ORCID: and Ralph, Jason
Global Britain in the United Nations.
Technical Report.
Higgins, Lee (2019) Ethno Portugal : Crossing the Threshold. Project Report. York St John University, York.
Conference or Workshop Item
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
An Examination of the Concepts of Religion and Violence in a Jewish-Democratic State.
In: International Symposium on Religion and Violence, 18 March 2019, Centre of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, USA.
McCarthy, Amy ORCID:
‘Entering the Labyrinth’: Walking the streets of New York in Paul Auster’s City of Glass (1985) and Jay McInerney’s Bright Lights, Big City (1984).
In: Place and Community Colloquium, 24 May 2019, University of Sheffield.
Taylor, Steven J. and Brumby, Alice ORCID:, eds.
Healthy minds in the Twentieth Century : in and beyond the asylum.
Mental health in historical perspective
Palgrave Macmillan
Maunder, Chris ORCID:, ed.
The Oxford Handbook of Mary.
Oxford, Oxford University Press
Hurley, Ursula and Pleasance, Helen, eds. (2019) Purple Reign. First ed. Liverpool, UK, Erbacce-press
Campanello, Kimberly (2019) MotherBabyHome. Zimzalla
Chaumette, Patrick, Novella, Marta Abegón, Bereni, Anaïs, Bonnin, Marie, Boré, Valérie, Borg, Simone, Díaz Galán, Elena, Drapier, Sandrine, Farquhar, Samantha D., Fotso, Philippe, García Cáceres, Danilo, Jiménez García-Carriazo, Ángeles, Kempf, Nicolas, Le Tixerant, Matthieu, Messiga, Kokougan, Neri, Kiara, Oanta, Gabriela A., Olorundami, Fayokemi, Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID:, Pantelodimou, Eirini, Rafaly, Vonintsoa, Ricard, Pascale, Roellinger, Alix, Ros, Nathalie, Rosæg, Erik, Santos, Maria J., Schütte, Béatrice, Ségura, Serge, Seta, Makoto, Sobrino Heredia, José Manuel, Fernandes, Beatriz de Sousa, Telesetsky, Anastasia, Tephany, Yann and Wyssbrod, Valérie
Transforming the Ocean Law by Requirement of the Marine Environment Conservation.
University of Nantes
Edgar, Robert ORCID: and King, Liesl
Science fiction for survival.
Scarborough, Valley Press
Edgar, Robert ORCID:, Mann, Fraser and Pleasance, Helen
Music, Memory and Memoir.
London, Bloomsbury
Edgar, Robert ORCID: and Marland, John
Adaptation for Scriptwriters.
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
London, Prototype
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
Food, text and culture in the Anglophone Caribbean.
Rowman & Littlefield International
Muskett, Judith A. (2019) Shop-window, flagship, common ground. Metaphor in cathedral and congregation studies. SCM Research . London, SCM Press
Reese, Sam ORCID:
Blue Notes: Jazz, Literature, and Loneliness.
LSU Press
Reese, Sam VH ORCID:
Come the Tide.
Platypus Press
Stripe, Adelle and Holdsworth, Lisa (2019) Black Teeth and a Brilliant Smile (Modern Plays). 1st ed. Modern Plays . London, Methuen Drama (Bloomsbury)
Tamás, Rebecca (2019) WITCH. London, Penned in the Margins
Village, Andrew ORCID:
The Church of England in the First Decade of the 21st Century: findings from the Church Times surveys.
Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan
Whitewood, Peter (2019) Czystka Stalina w Armii Czerwonej Początki wielkiego terroru. Editio
Wylie, Alex (2019) Geoffrey Hill's Later Work: Radiance of Apprehension. 1 ed. Manchester, Manchester University Press
D'Arcy-Reed, Louis ORCID:
Parallaxical identities: Architectural semantics of contemporary arts institutions and the curation of cultural identity.
Doctoral thesis, University of Derby.
Dolby, Aidan (2019) Hollywood Masculinities: Themes, Bodies and Ideologies in 1980s Hybrid Action Cinema. Masters thesis, York St John University.
Palmer, Max Gregory (2019) The Narratives of Religion, Sacrifice, and Myth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Masters thesis, York St John University.
Bailey, Joseph ORCID: and Schrodt, Franziska
Our new research is tracing the development of the world’s vital non-living nature.
The Conversation.
Gol, Ayla ORCID:
5 Reasons Why the West got Islamist Terrorism Wrong.
Hall, Martin ORCID:
Book Review: Spaghetti Westerns at the crossroads: studies in relocation, transition and appropriation.
Taylor & Francis.
Hall, Martin ORCID:
John Coltrane’s ‘lost’ film soundtrack and five more must-see movies for jazz lovers.
The Conversation.
Hall, Martin ORCID:
Cities in Cinema.
Kirkland, Christopher ORCID:
Brexit: what are Theresa May’s options for a ‘plan B’?
The Conversation.
Kirkland, Christopher ORCID:
How important is turnout in a UK election? The recent actions of the parties give you a good idea.
The Conversation.
Lamond, Jessica, Adekola, Olalekan ORCID: and Everett, Glyn
Community engagement: a guide to its fundamental importance in developing BGI.
Urban Flood Resilience.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
Andrea Levy: her important body of work set out what it is to be black and British.
The Conversation.
Mann, Fraser (2019) Book Review: Anders Engberg-Pedersen (ed.). Literature and Cartography: Theories, Histories, Genres. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017. ISBN: 9780262036740. 480 pgs. American Studies Center, Warsaw.
McDonald, Keith ORCID:
Lovecraftian Myth and Paratextual Ripples in Popular Culture.
Henry Jenkins.
Muskett, Judith A. (2019) Ships of Heaven. The private life of Britain’s cathedrals, by Christopher Somerville, London, Doubleday, 2019, x + 342 pp., £20 (hardback), ISBN 9780857523648 [Book Review]. Taylor & Francis.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Adrian Goldsworthy. Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2016. Pp. xiii, 513. ISBN 978-0-300-17882-1. [Book Review].
John Hopkins University Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Alessandra Esposito. 2019. Performing the Sacra: priestly roles and their organisation in Roman Britain (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 53). Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-78969-097-2 [Book review].
Cambridge University Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
The Antonine Constitution, An Edict for the Caracallan Empire. By Alex Imrie. Leiden, NL and Boston, M.A.: Brill, 2018 [Book Review].
The Classical Journal (Online Reviews).
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Charlemagne: les temps, les espaces, les hommes, Construction et déconstruction d’un règne.
French Forum, University of Pennsylvania Press.
(In Press)
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Chiara Thumiger and P. N. Singer (eds), Mental Illness in Ancient Medicine: From Celsus to Paul of Aegina, Studies in Ancient Medicine 50 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018), pp. xv, 479, €143,00, hardback, ISBN: 9789004362727. [Book Review].
Cambridge University Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Daniel Donoghue. How the Anglo-Saxons Read Their Poems . Pp. 238. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018 [Book Review].
Oxford University Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
From Anti-Judaism to Anti-Semitism, Ancient and Medieval Christian Constructions of Jewish History by Robert Chazan [Book review].
U of California Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
James J. O’Donnell (trans.), Julius Caesar. The War for Gaul: A New Translation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. Pp. 336. ISBN 9780691174921. $27.95 [Book Review].
Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Kaius Tuori, The Emperor of Law: The Emergence of Roman Imperial Adjudication, OUP, 2016 [Book review].
Edinburgh University Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Making Manslaughter, Process, Punishment and Restitution in Württemberg and Zurich, 1376–1700. By Susanne Pohl-Zucker. [Leiden: Brill, 2017. x + 335 pp. Hardback €135.00. ISBN 978-90-04218-21-5.] [Book review].
Cambridge University Press.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Troy: Myth, City, Icon by Naoise Mac Sweeney. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2018 [Book Review].
The Classical Journal (Online)..
Smith, Adam James ORCID: and Waugh, Jo
Spitting Image: a warning from the ‘golden age’ of satire.
The Conversation.
Smith, Adam James ORCID: and Waugh, Jo
Titania McGrath: Twitter parody of ‘wokeness’ owes a lot to satirists of the 18th century.
The Conversation.