Items where Subject is "LB1501 Primary Education"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (64)
- L Education (64)
- LB Theory and practice of education (64)
- LB1501 Primary Education (64)
- LB Theory and practice of education (64)
- L Education (64)
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Teachers-as-pressed-flowers: unpacking ‘inert benevolence’ towards pupils who require additional support or advocacy to thrive in schools.
Power and Education.
Dobson, Tom ORCID:
The mad genie in the attic: performances of identity in Year 6 boys' creative writing.
Gender and Education, 27 (1).
pp. 37-52.
Dobson, Tom ORCID: and Stephenson, Lisa
Challenging boundaries to cross: primary teachers exploring drama pedagogy for creative writing with theatre educators in the landscape of performativity.
Professional Development in Education, 46 (2).
pp. 245-255.
Dobson, Tom ORCID:, Stephenson, Lisa and De Arede, Ana
Writing a Novel with Roma Primary School Children: Tensions in Disrupting Aetonormativity.
Children's Literature in Education, 52.
pp. 511-527.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
Finding Their Voice: How Children Experience Philosophical Dialogue as a Path to Liberation.
Education 3-13.
Elliott, Heather (2014) Forest School in an inner city? Making the impossible possible. Education 3-13. pp. 1-9.
Evans, Ros (2001) Implementing the National Numeracy Strategy in small rural schools. Mathematics Education Review, 13. pp. 55-74.
Evans, Ros (2005) Monitoring supported open learning in mathematics education modules: a pilot study. Mathematics Education Review, 17. pp. 16-29.
Fearn, Warren ORCID: and Hook, Jonathan
A Service Design Thinking Approach: What are the barriers and opportunities of using Augmented Reality for Primary Science Education?
Journal of Technology and Science Education, 13 (1).
pp. 329-351.
Fleet, Lucy and Dobson, Tom ORCID:
Growing and Fixing: Comparing the Creative Mindsets of Teachers and Artist Practitioners.
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 48 (101312).
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Exploring Community Philosophy as a tool for parental engagement in a primary school.
International Journal for Transformative Research, 3 (1).
Huntsley, Jennifer ORCID: and Brentnall, Catherine
Generative critical conversation: A method for developing reflexivity and criticality.
Journal of Small Business Management.
James, Chris, Fitzgerald, Sarah, Fellows, Tom, Goodall, Janet, Costas Batlle, Ioannis and Jones, Jeff (2019) Primary school headteacher recruitment and selection in England: the processes and the problematic aspects. School Leadership & Management, 39 (5). pp. 478-495.
Larkin, Rebecca, Durand, M., Hulme, C. and Snowling, Margaret (2005) The cognitive foundations of reading and arithmetic skills in 7- to 10-year olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 91 (2). pp. 113-136.
Leach, Tony ORCID: and Lewis, Ellie
Children’s experiences during circle-time: a call for research-informed debate.
Pastoral Care in Education, 31 (1).
pp. 43-52.
McVittie, Emma and Smalley, Paul (2013) The use of visualisations to develop the aesthetic aspects of spiritual literacy. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 18 (2). pp. 200-213.
Raymond, Peter ORCID:
Terror versus soul: The struggle for creativity in primary Initial Teacher Education.
Research in Education, 100 (1).
pp. 130-147.
Ring, Kathy (2009) Supporting playful drawing in Foundation Stage settings. The psychology of education review, 33 (1). p. 18.
Stephenson, Lisa ORCID:, Sanches, Ana, Dobson, Tom
ORCID: and Ali, Jay
Story making in brave spaces of wilful belonging: co-creating a novel with British-Pakistani girls in primary school.
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 29 (1).
pp. 95-116.
Stern, Julian ORCID: and Backhouse, Anita
Dialogic feedback for children and teachers: evaluating the ‘spirit of assessment’.
International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 16 (4).
pp. 331-346.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID: and Tummons, Jonathan
Reassembling teachers’ professional practice: an ethnography of intertextual hierarchies in primary mathematics.
Ethnography and Education, 16 (1).
pp. 109-126.
Wardman, Clare (2013) Interactions between EAL pupils, specialist teachers and TAs during withdrawal from the mainstream in UK primary schools. Education 3-13, 41 (6). pp. 647-663.
Wicaksono, Rachel ORCID:
Why don’t we all speak Xhosa?
Lingo: the language magazine for younger readers (1).
Wilkie, Brett ORCID:, Jordan, Alastair
ORCID:, Foulkes, Jonathan, Woods, Carl, Davids, Keith and Rudd, James
Examining the validity, reliability and feasibility of capturing children's physical literacy through games-based assessment in physical education.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:
‘Closer to the ground’: issues of pupil ‘voice’ and the development of knowledge about schools.
Turkish online journal of qualitative inquiry (TOJQI)., 2 (1).
p. 1.
Book Section
Allott, Kate (2017) Mastery in English. In: Waugh, David, Jolliffe, Wendy and Allott, Kate, (eds.) Primary English for trainee teachers. Transforming Primary QTS Series . London, Sage
Allott, Kate (2017) Planning for delivery. In: Waugh, David, Jolliffe, Wendy and Allott, Kate, (eds.) Primary English for trainee teachers. Transforming Primary QTS Series . London, Sage
Allott, Kate (2017) Spelling. In: Waugh, David, Jolliffe, Wendy and Allott, Kate, (eds.) Primary education for trainee teachers. Transforming Primary QTS Series . London, Sage
Calvert, Mike (2001) Managing pastoral care of pupils and staff. In: Calvert, Mike and Harvey, Janet A., (eds.) Managing People. Philip Armstrong Publications, pp. 79-90
Sauntson, Helen ORCID:
Sexualities equality and diversity training in UK schools: An appraisal analysis of teachers’ reflections, attitudes and experiences.
In: Jule, A., (ed.)
Shifting visions: gender and discourses.
Cambridge Scholars, pp. 168-190
Wood, Margaret ORCID:
Partners in Pursuit of Quality: LEA support for School Improvement after Inspection.
In: Earley, Peter, (ed.)
School Improvement after Inspection? School and LEA Responses.
Paul Chapman, pp. 37-49
Abrahams, Ian, Backhouse, Anita, Bloom, Katy ORCID:, Griffin-James, Hannah and Mat Noor, Syafiq
Research-2-Practice Supporting Primary School Teachers to Engage with Science Education Research.
University of Lincoln.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Pulling the threads together: current theories and current practice affecting UK primary school children who have
English as an Additional Language.
Project Report.
British Council.
Conference or Workshop Item
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Flexing formative feedback to achieve different outcomes.
In: Association of Science Education National Conference, 4-7 January, 2023, Sheffield Hallam University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Get the FACTs - Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques.
In: The Association for Science Education Annual Conference, University of Reading.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Research in the classroom: Using Action Research to improve Practice.
In: Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID: and Backhouse, Anita
Enriching the science curriculum with research-informed lesson plans. Research-2-Practice: A Wellcome Trust funded project.
In: Association of Science Education National Conference, 4-7 January, 2023, Sheffield Hallam University.
Clarke, Matthew and Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Immunitas and Teacher Knowledge.
In: Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), June 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
How can augmented reality help to bridge the gap between classroom and remote learning?
In: Pint of Science, 13 May 2024.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
THE METAVERSE - Where are we heading?
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
A Service Design Approach:
What are the barriers and opportunities to using augmented reality in primary science education?
In: Animex Research and Innovation Conference 2024, 13 November 2024, Teesside University.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Using augmented reality to teach primary sciences
Northern Digital Storytelling Festival.
In: Northern Digital Storytelling Festival, 27 March 2023, Online.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Researcher influence in the context of collaborative and political research.
In: Value and Virtue Conference 2015, 9-10 June 2015, York St John University.
Huntsley, Jennifer ORCID: and Brentnall, Catherine
Creating Space to Question.
In: ISBE 2019 - SPACE – exploring new frontiers and entrepreneurial places, 13-15th November 2019, Newcastle.
Temperton, John (2018) Communicating and Thinking Through Drawing. In: Art Materiality and Representation 2018 - The Anthropology of Drawing, 1-3 June 2018, British Museum. (Submitted)
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Cambridge University Kaleidoscope Conference (May 2019) – educator/research conference, presentation of findings: A socio-material understanding of the formation of teachers' professional knowledge.
In: Cambridge University Kaleidoscope Conference, May/June 2019, University of Cambridge.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Ethnography in Education, University of Pennsylvania (February 2019) – presentation of findings: An actor-network theory analysis of actors influencing the formation of teacher professionalism.
In: Ethnography in Education, University of Pennsylvania (February 2019), February 2019, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
TEAN Webinar: What Should We Teach New Teachers?
In: TEAN Webinar, 26/01/2022, Online.
Warren Fearn, W J F ORCID:
A Service Design Approach:
What are the barriers and opportunities of using Augmented Reality for primary science education?
In: TPEA 35th Annual Conference (3rd – 4th July 2023), 3rd - 4th July 2023, Bedford.
Waugh, David, Jolliffe, Wendy and Allott, Kate, eds. (2017) Primary English for trainee teachers. 2nd ed. Transforming Primary QTS Series . London, Sage
Kjaran, Jón Ingvar and Sauntson, Helen ORCID:, eds.
Schools as queer transformative spaces: global narratives on sexualities and gender.
Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity
Allott, Kate and Waugh, David (2016) Language and Communication in Primary Schools. Sage
Bayne-Jardine, C., Hoy, C. and Wood, M. ORCID:
Improving Quality in Education.
1st ed.
Routledge/Taylor and Francis
Stern, Julian ORCID:
The spirit of the school.
Continuum studies in education
London, Continuum
Ward, Trudi Nicola (2023) Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain: Lifting the veil on primary academisation. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Challenging the perception that 'STEM isn't for me'.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
A Comprehensive Guide to Assessment Policies in Primary and Secondary Schools.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Evidence-based teaching: how to enhance practice to improve learner outcomes.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
SOLO Taxonomy Pedagogy Planning Toolkit.
Katy Bloom.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Subjects as Individual Disciplines: Examining Ofsted's Curriculum Research Reviews.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
What is adaptive teaching and why is it so important?
The National College.
Corby, Vanessa ORCID:
‘I’m good at art, but stupid’: time to check and challenge the state of the National Curriculum.
Council of Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD), online.
(In Press)
Corby, Vanessa ORCID:, Clarke, Matthew
ORCID: and Wood, Margaret
From the Ground Up: Ecosystems of Art and Education in/of and from Yorkshire.
Institute of Social Justice, York St John University.
Heinemeyer, Catherine ORCID:
The dying art of storytelling in the classroom.
The Conversation.