Items where Subject is "L Education (General)"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (324)
- L Education (324)
- L Education (General) (324)
- L Education (324)
Ames, Megan, Coombs, Courtney, Duerksen, Kari, Vincent, Jonathan ORCID: and McMorris, Carly
Canadian Mapping of Postsecondary Supports for Autistic Students.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 90 (101899).
Bishop, Gillian, Johnston, Alan ORCID: and Hemmings, Mike
Jazzing up the classroom: Reflections on developing a critical pedagogy in M level teaching.
The International Journal of Management Education, 20 (2).
pp. 1-10.
Bojesen, Emile, Clarke, Matthew ORCID: and Collet, Jordi
Democracy and education: In terminal crisis or to come?
Research in Education, 103 (1).
pp. 3-4.
Brescanski, Barbara, Librenjak, Sara ORCID: and Srdanovic, Irena
Learning strategies for the Japanese script from a students' perspective.
Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference: Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication: August 25 – 31, 2022.
pp. 277-294.
Cheng, Ming and Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:
Promoting acts of kindness on campus: Views of Chinese international students in the UK.
Intercultural Communication Education, 5 (1).
pp. 17-32.
Cheng, Ming, Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:, Albia, JoClarisse and Cai, Sanfa
Employability in Higher Education: A Review of Key Stakeholders’ Perspectives.
Higher Education Evaluation and Development.
Cheng, Ming, Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:, Shah, Mahsood and Valyrakis, Manousos
Exploring Chinese students’ experience of curriculum internationalisation: a comparative study of Scotland and Australia.
Studies in Higher Education, 43 (4).
pp. 754-768.
Cheng, Ming, Friesen, Andrew and Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:
Using emotion regulation to cope with challenges:
a study of Chinese students in the United Kingdom.
Cambridge Journal of Education, 49 (2).
pp. 133-145.
Clarke, Emma ORCID:
Methodological pragmatism– freedom from the squeeze?
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 13 (3).
pp. 267-282.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
Democracy and education: In spite of it all.
Power and Education, 10 (2).
pp. 112-124.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
Education and Democratization: Moving Beyond the Service of Goods to Write the Poetry of the Future.
Scottish Educational Review, 49 (2).
pp. 42-55.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
NonModern Education, or, Education Without Qualities: An Essay on Robert Musil’s Essayism.
Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 7 (2).
pp. 75-87.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID: and Haines Lyon, Charlotte
The evil of authoritarian education: Banality and compliance in the neoliberal era.
Forum: For Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 65 (1).
pp. 130-139.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:, Haines Lyon, Charlotte
ORCID:, Walker, Emma
ORCID:, Walz, Linda, Collet, Jordi and Pritchard, Kate
The banality of education policy: Discipline as extensive evil in the neoliberal era.
Power and Education, 13 (3).
pp. 187-204.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:, Michell, Michael and Ellis, Neville John
Dialectics of development: teacher identity formation in the interplay of ideal ego and ego ideal.
Teaching Education, 28 (2).
pp. 115-130.
Collet-Sabe, Jordi, Garcia-Molsosa, Marta, Clarke, Matthew and Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Fiscal cuts in education and their effects: politicising learned helplessness as a disciplinary technology in education leaders in Catalonia. An exploratory research study.
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30 (159).
Creasy, Rob (2011) Establishing a “safe” framework for the development of self and peer assessment. Action Researcher in Education, 2 (1).
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
"The Inappropriateness of Language": discourses of power and control over languages beyond English in primary schools.
Language and Education, 33 (4).
pp. 285-301.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Terminological tussles: taking issue with ‘EAL’ and ‘languages other than English’.
Power and Education, 11 (1).
pp. 121-128.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
When 'home languages' become 'holiday languages': teachers' discourses about responsibility for maintaining languages beyond English.
Language, Culture and Curriculum, 33 (3).
pp. 213-227.
Danjo, Chisato ORCID: and Moreh, Chris
Complementary schools in the global age: A multi-level critical analysis of discourses and practices at Japanese Hoshuko in the UK.
Linguistics and Education, 60.
Denham, Jack ORCID:, Spokes, Matthew
ORCID:, Coward-Gibbs, Matt
ORCID: and Veal, Caitlin
Personal, Pedagogic Play: A Dialogic Model for Video Game Learning.
Pedagogy, Culture and Society.
Dobson, Tom ORCID:
Competency and affective skill outcomes for 11-19-year-olds through progressive and reconstructionist pedagogies: a systematic review.
Educational Review.
pp. 1-22.
Dobson, Tom ORCID: and Clark, Timothy
Embracing hybridity: the affordances of arts-based research for the professional doctorate in education.
Teaching in Higher Education, 29 (7).
pp. 1862-1878.
Dobson, Tom ORCID:, Curtis, Abi
ORCID:, Collins, Jane, Eckert, Paul and Davis, Paige E.
Envisaging intergenerational spaces for co-creating creative writing: developing reflective functioning for positive mental health.
English in Education, 58 (3).
pp. 291-307.
Dobson, Tom ORCID: and Gilbert, Francis
Becoming the Falconer: Productive Feedback for the Redrafting of Creative Writing.
New Writing, 21 (3).
pp. 259-278.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID:, Wood, Margaret
ORCID: and Su, Feng
Following the yellow brick road? Developing
inspiring learning and teaching in the pursuit of
teaching excellence in higher education.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (7).
pp. 972-987.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
Finding Their Voice: How Children Experience Philosophical Dialogue as a Path to Liberation.
Education 3-13.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
You should not be that good in week three:’ what can Strictly Come Dancing tell us about feedback and performativity in UK education policy?
Research in Education.
Evans, Ros and Bellett, Eileen (2006) Establishing effective e-learning communities within the teaching profession: comparing two projects to discover the necessary ingredients. Electronic journal of e-learning, 4 (2). pp. 119-126.
Fleet, Lucy and Dobson, Tom ORCID:
Growing and Fixing: Comparing the Creative Mindsets of Teachers and Artist Practitioners.
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 48 (101312).
Francis, Leslie J. ORCID: and Village, Andrew
Christian ethos secondary schools, parental church attendance and student attitude
toward Christianity: Exploring connections in England and Wales.
British Journal of Religious Education.
Garvey, Robert (2015) The Problem of Competence in Coaching. Library of Professional Coaching.
Gillies, Donald (2008) Developing governmentality: conduct3 and education policy. Journal of Education Policy, 23 (4). pp. 415-427.
Gillies, Donald (2011) State education as high-yield investment: human capital theory in European policy discourse. Journal of Pedagogy / Pedagogický casopis, 2 (2).
Gold, Jeff ORCID:
Teacher Fellow Accreditation – A madrigal of voices! But is it the right tune?
Tensions of standardisation, engagement and neoliberalism.
European Journal of Training and Development.
Green, Matthew ORCID:, Little, Alice
ORCID:, Glover, Oscar, Patterson, Joshua and Dobson, Elliot
Humanising Research Relationships: Democratising Education-Based Enquiry with Student Researchers.
Research in Education.
Green, Matthew ORCID: and Mierzwinski, Mark
‘It is a grey area in sport, not just in school’: A figurational analysis of banter in secondary Physical Education in England.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
Green, Matthew ORCID: and Mierzwinski, Mark
A figurational analysis of secondary Physical Education gendered changing room procedures and practices in England.
European Physical Education Review.
(In Press)
Green, Matthew ORCID:, Mierzwinski, Mark
ORCID: and Haines Lyon, Charlotte
Conceptualising and navigating bullying in English secondary schools: A figurational analysis of power imbalances in physical education.
Sport, Education and Society, 30 (3).
pp. 340-352.
Griffiths, D. and Koukpaki, Serge (2010) Are We Stuck With Knowledge Management?: A Case for Strategic Knowledge Resource Development. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 1 (4). pp. 41-60.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Community as Resistance.
The John Macmurray Fellowship Newsletter, 47.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Democratic parent engagement: relational and dissensual.
Power and Education, 10 (2).
pp. 195-208.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Demonic education: rethinking education through a political theology lens.
FORUM for promoting 3-19 comprehensive education, 66 (1).
pp. 115-129.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Exploring Community Philosophy as a tool for parental engagement in a primary school.
International Journal for Transformative Research, 3 (1).
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:, Reid, Kalen, Walton, Joan
ORCID:, Bright, Graham and Walz, Linda
“Wanna preach about diversity? What have you actually done?”.
Research Intelligence (151).
Hall, Christopher J ORCID:
Lenguaje, mente y cultura: reflexiones sobre las fronteras lingüísticas y la enseñanza de idiomas en el umbral del siglo XXI. (Language, mind and culture: reflections on linguistic frontiers and language teaching at the threshold of the twenty-first century.).
Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, 19 (33).
pp. 13-30.
Hall, Howard, Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Appleton, Paul R.
Student investment in a research design course: The influence of achievement orientations on motivational patterns.
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 8.
pp. 17-44.
Hepworth-Sawyer, Russ ORCID:
Mastering The Void: A Missing Link in UK Audio Education?
AES e-Library.
Higgins, Lee and Mantie, Roger (2015) Paideia con Salsa: Charles Keil, Groovology, and the Undergraduate Music Curriculum. College Music Symposium, 55.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
Motivational vulnerability in first year undergraduates: A self-determination theory perspective.
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, & Tourism Education, 13.
pp. 244-254.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Burland, Karen, King, Elaine C. and Pitts, Stephanie E.
Perfectionistic self-presentation and emotional experiences in music students: A three-wave longitudinal study.
Psychology of Music.
Hoy, C. and Wood, Margaret ORCID:
Taking Charge of Change: the ultimate challenge for the school.
Educational Change and Development, 14 (1).
pp. 27-33.
Huntsley, Jennifer ORCID: and Brentnall, Catherine
Generative critical conversation: A method for developing reflexivity and criticality.
Journal of Small Business Management.
Janjic, Marijana, Librenjak, Sara ORCID: and Kocijan, Kristina
Croatian students' attitudes towards technology usage in teaching Asian languages — A field research.
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO).
Johnston, Alan ORCID:
Academic Citizenship through the lens of the Psychological Contract: A qualitative study of UK Business Schools.
Applied Psychology Research, 4 (1).
p. 1773.
Johnston, Alan ORCID: and Davies, Eleanor
Academics’ psychological contract. Applying discretionary effort.
Journal of Further and Higher Education.
Johnston, Alan ORCID: and Johnston, Lyn
Assessment for Employability: Is synoptic assessment the answer?
Forum for Education Studies, 2 (2).
pp. 1-8.
Johnston, Alan ORCID: and Johnston, Lyn
Considering the mystery of professionalism: Further Education in the UK.
Forum for Education Studies, 2 (2).
pp. 1-14.
Johnston, Lyn and Johnston, Alan ORCID:
Reforming Vocational Education in the UK: The role of Vocational Education.
Forum for Education Studies, 2 (3:1488).
Leach, Tony ORCID:
'Cooling out the marks': the ideology and politics of vocational education in an age of austerity.
Research in Post Compulsory Education, 22 (2).
pp. 221-236.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Democracy in the classroom.
Power and Education, 10 (2).
pp. 181-194.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Graduates'experiences and perceptions of career enactment: identity, transitions, personal agency and emergent career direction.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20 (1).
pp. 50-63.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
'It seems at the moment my career is dependent on factors outside of my control.' Reflections on graduates' experiences of employment and career enactment in an era of economic uncertainty and austerity.
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 45 (2).
pp. 188-198.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Knowledge creation and deployment in the small, but growing, enterprise and the psychological contract.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 15 (3).
pp. 329-344.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Satisfied with what? Contested assumptions about student expectations and satisfaction in higher education.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 24 (2-3).
pp. 155-172.
Leach, Tony ORCID: and Crisp, Andy
‘Students don’t always tell teachers the truth very often, do they.’ Reflections on the implications when teachers and students collaborate to investigate teaching practice.
London Review of Education, 14 (3).
pp. 54-64.
Leeson, Caroline ORCID: and Morgan, Julia
Children with a parent in prison England and Wales: A
hidden population of young carers.
Child Care in Practice.
p. 1.
Librenjak, Sara ORCID:, Kocijan, Kristina and Dovedan, Zdravko
Multimedia assisted learning of Japanese kanji characters.
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO.
pp. 1284-1289.
Librenjak, Sara ORCID:, Kocijan, Kristina and Janjic, Marijana
Improving students' language performance through consistent use of e-learning: an empirical study in Japanese, Korean, Hindi and Sanskrit.
Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 6 (2).
Librenjak, Sara ORCID: and Olexa, Robert Anthony
A Microblog Corpus Using Tumblr for Understanding Japanese University Students’ EFL Writing.
AI and Machine Learning in Language Education.
pp. 139-151.
Madigan, Daniel J. ORCID: and Kim, Lisa E.
Towards an understanding of teacher attrition: A meta-analysis of burnout, job satisfaction, and teachers’ intentions to quit.
Teaching and teacher education, 105 (103425).
Malafaia, Carla, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria ORCID: and Luhtakallio, Eva
Education and climate activism: Youth democratic practices and
imaginations towards a common world.
Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 62.
pp. 1-18.
Mathew, Ruby Christine ORCID:, Coombes, Philip
ORCID:, Cock, Steven
ORCID:, Johnston, Alan
ORCID:, Walsh, Susan
ORCID: and Walker-Smith, Lynsey
Towards a ‘Newer Normal’? A Bibliometric Analysis Examining Organisational Culture in the Post-COVID-19 Higher Education Landscape in the United Kingdom.
International Journal of Changes in Education.
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Building schools of character: learning to be human.
Character Scotland.
McNiff, Jean, Edvardsen, Odd and Steinholt, Margit (2018) ‘Impact’, educational influence and the practice of shared expertise. Educational Action Research, 26 (5). pp. 803-819.
Meredith, Margaret ORCID: and Quiroz, Catalina
Facilitating knowledge democracy in a global North/South academic collaboration.
Educational Action Research, 30 (5).
pp. 810-827.
Nachmias, Stefanos, Paddison, Brendan and Mortimer, Chris (2014) Recession: a chance for hospitality SMEs? Education + Training, 56 (5). pp. 414-429.
Najafi, Bijan, O’Driscoll, R. ORCID:, Turicchi, J., Duarte, Cristiana
ORCID:, Michalowska, J., Larsen, S. C., Palmeira, A. L., Heitmann, B. L., Horgan, G. W. and Stubbs, R. J.
A novel scaling methodology to reduce the biases associated with missing data from commercial activity monitors.
PLOS ONE, 15 (6).
O'Brien, Dai ORCID:, Hodge, Gabrielle, Gulamani, Sannah, Rowley, Kate, Adam, Robert, Emery, Steve and Walker, John
Deaf professionals’ perceptions of trust in relationships with signed/spoken language interpreters.
Translation & Interpreting, 15 (2).
pp. 25-42.
O'Dea, Xianghan (Christine) ORCID: and Stern, Julian
Cross-Cultural Integration through the Lens of Loneliness: a Study of Chinese Direct Entry Students in the United Kingdom.
Qualitative research in education, 11 (3).
Organ, Alison ORCID:
Attitudes to the use of Google Translate for L2 production: analysis of chatroom discussions among UK secondary school students.
Language Learning Journal, 51 (3).
pp. 328-343.
Paul, Shirley-Anne S. ORCID:, Hart, Peter
ORCID:, Augustin, Limor, Clarke, Paula J.
ORCID: and Pike, Mark
Parents’ perspectives on home-based character education activities.
Journal of Family Studies.
pp. 1-23.
Porter, Su and Couper, Pauline ORCID:
Autoethnographic stories for self and environment: reflective pedagogy to advance ‘environmental awareness’ in student outdoor practitioners.
Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 23 (1).
pp. 25-37.
Quickfall, Aimee, Wood, Philip and Clarke, Emma ORCID:
The experiences of newly qualified teachers under Covid in 2020 - what
can we learn for future cohorts?
London Review of Education, 20 (1).
p. 50.
Reason, Matthew ORCID: and Ward, Charli
Improving, Achieving, Excelling: Developing Inclusive Assessment Processes for a Degree-Level Learning Disability Arts Programme.
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 27 (1).
pp. 137-146.
Rivers, Ian, Poteat, V. Paul, Noret, Nathalie ORCID: and Ashurst, Nige
Observing bullying at school: The mental health implications of witness status.
School Psychology Quarterly, 24 (4).
pp. 211-223.
Samiei, Catherine (2018) Special Issue Guest Editorial: Literary Visions—Exploring Education Through the Lens of Literature. Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 7 (2). pp. 3-7.
Shepherd, Gary ORCID:
Developing Deep Group Reflection within a Critical Reflection Action Learning (CRAL) Set.
Action Learning : Research and Practice, 13 (3).
pp. 252-262.
Skyer, Michael, Scott, Jessica A and O'Brien, Dai ORCID:
<O/ No Power but Deaf Power \O>:
Revitalizing Deaf Education Systems via Anarchism.
Social Inclusion, 11 (2).
Smith, PH (2010) Teaching assistant apprentices? English TAs' perspectives on apprenticeships in schools. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 62 (3). pp. 367-380.
Smith, Paul (2009) The Means to Grow Up: Reinventing apprenticeship as a developmental support in adolescence, by Robert Halpern. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 28 (6). pp. 803-804.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Being disagreeable.
British Journal of Religious Education, 42 (1).
pp. 1-2.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Do you follow? Understanding followership before leadership.
Management in Education, 35 (1).
pp. 58-61.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
The Real Reason Neoliberalism Became Extinct: A Curious Educational History of 2020.
Forum: For Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 62 (3).
pp. 477-488.
Stern, Julian ORCID:
The spirit of religious education.
Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 8 (2).
pp. 180-187.
Stern, Julian ORCID: and Kohn, Eli
Icarus ignored: understanding mundane spirituality through young people’s prayer.
International Journal of Children's Spirituality.
pp. 1-17.
Stern, Julian ORCID: and Samiei, Catherine
Novel Theorising: Lessons from School-Like Literature.
Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 7 (2).
pp. 22-37.
Stern, Julian ORCID: and Wałejko, Małgorzata
Editorial: Being Alone Together in Education.
Paedagogia Christiana, 45 (1).
pp. 5-8.
Stern, Julian ORCID: and Wałejko, Małgorzata
Solitude and Self-Realisation in Education.
Journal of philosophy of education.
Su, F., Wood, M. ORCID:, Alerby, E., Da Re, L. and Felisatti, E.
‘When the hurley-burley’s done, when the battle’s lost and
won’: exploring the value and appropriation of silence and
quietude in academia.
European Journal of Higher Education, 12 (3).
pp. 277-292.
Su, Feng and Wood, Margaret ORCID:
Towards an ‘ordinary’ cosmopolitanism
in everyday academic practice in higher education.
Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (1).
pp. 22-36.
Sun, Bo, Lu, Yang ORCID:, Wei, Yungang and Hu, Xiaoyan
The Design and Application of Access Control in 3D Digital Campus.
中国电化教育 China Educational Technology.
Swain, Spencer ORCID: and Ritchie, Lewis
Service children and barriers to higher education in the United Kingdom: How can service children be better supported in accessing university?
Citizenship, Teaching and Learning, 19 (3).
pp. 345-361.
Swain, Spencer ORCID: and Sloanes, Owen
Coastal Communities and Educational Inequalities: Investigating the Barriers to Accessing University Among Young People on the North Yorkshire Coast.
Globalisation, Societies and Education.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Teaching through the cloud: An ethnography of the role of cloud-based collaborative technologies in the formation of teachers’ classroom practices.
Anthropology and Education Quarterly Journal, 55 (1).
pp. 24-42.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
A new mode of control: an actor-network theory account of effects of power and agency in establishing education policy.
Journal of Educational Administration and History, 56 (1).
pp. 54-68.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:, Clarke, Matthew and Rüsselbæk Hansen, Dion
Immunitas and (un)desirable teacher knowledge in teacher education.
European Journal of Education, 59 (1).
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID: and Raymond, Peter
Developing Creative Thinking.
Impact Journal.
pp. 30-31.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID: and Tummons, Jonathan
Reassembling teachers’ professional practice: an ethnography of intertextual hierarchies in primary mathematics.
Ethnography and Education, 16 (1).
pp. 109-126.
Village, Andrew ORCID: and Francis, Leslie J.
The development of the Francis Moral Values Scales: a study among 16- to 18-year-old students taking Religious Studies at A level in the UK.
Journal of Beliefs & Values, 37 (3).
pp. 347-356.
Walker, Emma ORCID:, Pennington, Andrew, Wood, Margaret
ORCID: and Su, Feng
Lived experiences of educators and leaders in multi-academy trusts in England: The colonisation of schools, the erosion of community engagement and the need for alternative futures.
Research in Education.
Walton, Joan ORCID:
The role of subjectivity: Response to Noriyuki Inoue.
International Journal for Transformative Research, 3 (1).
pp. 24-28.
Walz, Linda, Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:, Bright, Graham, Walton, Joan
ORCID: and Reid, Kalen
Unlocking education through relationship building: Discourses of identity and agency in English educational institutions during Covid-19.
British Educational Research Journal, 49 (4).
pp. 711-730.
Wardman, Clare ORCID:
Interactions between EAL pupils, specialist teachers and TAs during withdrawal from the mainstream in UK primary schools.
Education 3-13, 41 (6).
pp. 647-663.
Wheeler, Sharon ORCID: and Twist, Craig
Methods of Assessing Body Fatness among Children: Implications for the National Child Measurement Programme.
European Physical Education Review, 16 (1).
pp. 81-93.
Wheldon, Joanna and Dobson, Tom ORCID:
“Until now, nobody’s ever actually said straight out how do you feel about them”: children’s experiences of the impact of high-stakes testing through participatory methods.
Education 3-13.
Whiting, Chris (2023) Valuing in Songwriting. International Association for the Study of Popular Music Journal, 13 (1). pp. 140-156.
Windscheffel, Ruth C. ORCID:
'Case study on posters and group work: diversifying assessment on an MA in Academic Practice’.
Educational Developments, 20 (1).
pp. 13-16.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:, Belluigi, Dina Zoe, Su, Feng and Seidl, Eva
Navigating old and new terrains of academic practice in
higher education: indelible and invisible marks left from
the Covid-19 lockdown.
London Review of Education, 21 (1).
pp. 1-15.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:, Holderness, Bill, Bold, Christine and Henry, David
Extending boundaries: young people as action researchers.
Journal of education periodical of the Kenton Educational Association, 43.
p. 57.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:, Pennington, Andrew
ORCID: and Su, Feng
‘Back to the future’: Thinking with Hannah Arendt (1906–1975) and Alec Clegg (1909–1986) on the promise of education.
Oxford Review of Education, 49 (2).
pp. 247-261.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:, Pennington, Andrew and Su, Feng
‘The past no longer casts light upon the future; our minds advance in darkness’1: the impact and legacy of Sir Alec Clegg’s educational ideas and practices in the West Riding of Yorkshire (1945-1974).
British Journal of Educational Studies.
p. 1.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:, Su, Feng and Pennington, Andrew
‘You just need to work harder’: misalignments between the rhetoric of social mobility and education for social justice.
Power and Education.
pp. 1-10.
Wood, Margaret ORCID: and Tribe, Rob
In a silent way: student perceptions of silence in community.
Pastoral Care in Education, 34 (3).
pp. 144-155.
Worters, Emily and Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Cultures wars in education: a war within or on education?
The John Macmurray Fellowship Newsletter, Winter (50).
Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID: and Spelorzi, Roberta
One size fits none in international higher education: A UK-based case study on how to foster inclusive participation and active engagement in the classroom.
Postgraduate Pedagogies, 2 (1).
pp. 73-98.
Book Section
Aitsiselmi, Farid and Trouille, Helen ORCID:
Legal translation in the classroom: a case study.
In: Bocquet, C., (ed.)
La traduction juridique - histoire, théorie(s) et pratique.
Berne et Genève, Association Suisse des Traducteurs, Terminologues et Interprètes/Ecole de Traduction et d’Interprétation, pp. 371-393
Atkinson, David ORCID:
The Art of My Autistic life.
In: Halder, Santoshi, Goldstein, Tim and Caudel, Dave, (eds.)
Inclusion and Autism: Neurodiverse Autistic First-Person Accounts.
1st ed.
India, Routledge
Cheng, Ming, Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:, Pringle Barnes, Gayle and Tian, Linghui
The Perceived Impact of Intercultural Awareness on Peer
Interaction: Study of a UK University.
In: Pritchard, Rosalind M.O., O’Hara, Mark, Milsom, Clare, Williams, James and Matei, Liviu, (eds.)
The Three C-s of Higher Education Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity.
Hungary, CEU Press, pp. 169-184
Chua, M., De Meulder, Maartje, Geer, Leah, Henner, Jonathan, Hou, Lynn, Kubus, Okan, O'Brien, Dai ORCID: and Robinson, Octavian
1001 Small Victories: Deaf Academics and Imposter Syndrome.
The Palgrave Handbook of Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 481-496
Clark, Jill, Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:, Jay, Tim and Laing, Karen
Ethical practice in out of school learning.
In: Rose, Jo, Tim, Jay, Goodall, Janet, Mazzoli-Smith, Laura and Todd, Liz, (eds.)
Respositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological challenges and possibilities for researching learning beyond school.
Emerald studies in out of school learning
Bingley, Emerald Publishing Ltd
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
The Indispensability and Impossibility of Teacher Identity.
In: Schutz, P., Hong, J. and Cross, Francis D., (eds.)
Research on Teacher Identity.
Springer, pp. 217-227
Clarke, Matthew and Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Teacher education, agency and knowledge: Conditions of epistemic (in)justice in teacher education.
In: Magnússon, Gunnlaugur, Phelan, Anne, Heimans, Stephen and Unsworth, Ruth
ORCID:, (eds.)
Teacher Education and Its Discontents: Politics, Knowledge, and Ethics.
Local/global issues in education
Dobson, Tom ORCID: and Rose, Anthea
Diverse landscapes of school governing body practices: the business sector learning cross boundaries.
In: Tierney, Robert J, Rizvi, Fazal and Erkican, Kadriye, (eds.)
International Encyclopedia of Education. Vol. 4.
4th ed.
Elsevier, pp. 420-428
Enstone, Zoe ORCID: and Newman, Madeleine
‘Forming Firm Foundations: Integrating Interdisciplinarity in the Arts and Humanities’.
In: Fraser, Lindsey and Mas Giralt, Rosa, (eds.)
It’s All Adult Education.
Lifelong Learning Centre, University of Leeds, in conjunction with SCUTREA, pp. 153-159
Garvey, Robert (2015) Business Education. In: Wright, James D., (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 10-14
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Democratic Engagement.
In: Rose, Jo, Jay, Tim, Mazzoli-Smith, Laura and Todd, Liz, (eds.)
Respositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological challenges and possibilities for researching learning beyond school.
Emerald studies in out of school learning
Bingley, Emerald Publishing Ltd
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Working towards a democratic home-school imaginary.
In: Schostak, John, Clarke, Matthew
ORCID: and Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda, (eds.)
Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education Struggling for Social Justice in the Twenty-first Century.
Foundations and Futures of Education
London, Routledge, pp. 123-133
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:, Clare, Isobel, Holmes, Amy and Dobson, Tom
Navigating Co-creation in Participatory Ethnographic Youth Research: Flexibility, Intensity, and an Ethical Path Towards Meaningful Collaboration.
Sage Methods.
(In Press)
Han, Yeji ORCID:
L2 Selves as a Source of Emotional Discomfort: A Self-discrepancy Perspective.
In: Hajar, Anas and Manan, Syed Abdul, (eds.)
Multilingual Selves and Motivations for Learning Languages other than English in Asian Contexts.
Multilingual Matters
Hedger, Rosie and Wicaksono, Rachel ORCID:
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Multilingual Classrooms.
In: Angouri, Jo, Harrison, Tilly, Schnurr, Stephanie and Wharton, Sue, (eds.)
Learning, working and communicating in a global context : proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics.
Scitsiugnil Press, pp. 53-65
Higgins, Lee (2015) Hospitable Music Making Community Music as a Site for Social Justice. In: The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice and Music Education. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 446-455
Higgins, Lee (2016) International Corporation in Music Teaching and Learning: Perspectives from the International Society of Music Education. In: De Baets, T and Sammer, G, (eds.) European Perspectives on Music Education 5: International Collaboration. Esslingen, Germany, Helbling Verlag
Huntsley, Jennifer ORCID:, Rushton, Ian and Wormald, Jane
Reflective Practice.
In: Avis, James, (ed.)
Teaching in Lifelong Learning A Guide to Theory and Practice.
Open University Press
Kennedy, Eileen, Sherman, Sarah, Weitz, Nancy, Crabbe, Sarah ORCID:, Devaney, Vicky, Tariq, Hifzah and Worsfold, Caro
Get Interactive: The Value of a MOOC for Continuing Professional Learning and Development.
Developing Online Teaching in Higher Education.
Professional and Practice-based Learning
Springer, pp. 43-55
Leeson, Caroline ORCID:
Learning through placements.
In: Fitzgerald, D. and Maconochie, H., (eds.)
Early childhood studies: a student's guide.
1 ed.
London, Sage, pp. 387-400
Librenjak, Sara ORCID:
Facilitating the acquisition of Korean intermediate vocabulary using Hanja-o from TOPIK tests.
New Challenges and Perspectives in Korean Language Education After the Pandemic.
Olomouc: Gong and Park, pp. 326-340
Librenjak, Sara ORCID:, Janjic, Marijana and Kocijan, Kristina
Computer assisted learning of Japanese verbs - analysis of errors in usage by Croatian students.
Proceedings of MAC-ETL 2016.
MAC Prague consulting, 2016, pp. 262-273
Librenjak, Sara ORCID:, Janjic, Marijana and Kocijan, Kristina
Sustainable vocabulary acquisition in Japanese classroom with
the help of Memrise.
Proceedings of IAC-GETL in Budapest 2016.
Czech Institute of Academic Education, pp. 54-61
Lu, Yang ORCID:
Securing Smart Connected World: Key Challenges and Possible Solutions.
In: Jain, Sarika and Murugesan, San, (eds.)
Smart Connected World: Technologies and Applications Shaping the Future.
Cham, Springer, pp. 91-106
Lu, Yang ORCID:, Xu, Jiyi, Liu, Yongna and Sun, Bo
CVE-SRBAC: Space Role-Based Access Control for Collaborative Virtual Environment and the Teaching Applications.
MINES '13: Proceedings of the 2013 Fifth International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security.
ACM, pp. 73-76
Meredith, Margaret ORCID:
Whose knowledge counts? The academic, academic knowledge and epistemic justice.
In: McNiff, Jean, (ed.)
Representations of the academic: challenging assumptions in higher education.
Routledge, pp. 41-57
Parker, Keither ORCID: and Caddell, Julie
Delivering teacher education in partnership.
World-class teachers, world-class education.
London, GuildHE, Cathedrals Group, pp. 67-81
Reifenstein, Tilo (2023) Von den Verflechtungen der künstlerischen Forschung mit dem Schreiben als Praxis. In: Bader, Nadia, Krauß, Lennart and Johns, Stefanie, (eds.) How to Arts Education Research? Wissenspraxen zwischen Kunst und Bildung. Kunst Medien Bildung (10). Munich, kopaed Verlag, pp. 147-156
Sauntson, Helen ORCID: and Ingvar Kjaran, Jon
Conclusion: Transformative possibilities.
In: Ingvar Kjaran, Jon and Sauntson, Helen
ORCID:, (eds.)
Schools as Queer Transformative Spaces: Global Narratives on Sexualities and Genders.
Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity
London, Routledge
Sauntson, Helen ORCID: and Ingvar Kjaran, Jon
Introduction: Schools as queer transformative spaces.
In: Ingvar Kjaran, Jon and Sauntson, Helen
ORCID:, (eds.)
Schools as Queer Transformative Spaces: Global Narratives on Sexualities and Genders.
Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity
London, Routledge
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Loneliness in Education: The Agony and the Enstasy.
In: Sagan, Olivia and Miller, Eric, (eds.)
Narratives of loneliness : multidisciplinary perspectives fromt he 21st century.
Routledge, pp. 113-123
Sun, Bo, Lu, Yang ORCID: and Hu, Xiaoyan
An interactive tool for teaching right management in 3D e-learning platform.
VRCAI '13: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry.
ACM, pp. 313-316
Taylor, Nick, Chukwuma, Emmanuel, Familusi, Linda ORCID:, Reddi, Benita and Odunga, Sally Atieno
The impact and implications of COVID-19 on the teaching profession.
In: Osman, Amina and Keevy, James, (eds.)
The impact of COVID-19 on education systems in the CommonWealth.
Commonwealth Secretariat, pp. 53-77
Walker, Emma ORCID: and Walker, Lily
Mapping the importance of place, identity and local ways of knowing.
In: Rawlings Smith, Emma and Pike, Susan, (eds.)
Encountering Ideas of Place in Education.
Routledge, pp. 107-116
Walton, Joan ORCID: and Desmond, Snoeks
Family literacy programme in rural South Africa.
In: Atkin, Chris, (ed.)
Education and minorities.
London, Continuum, pp. 150-171
Wardman, Clare ORCID:
Children with EAL: Comparing withdrawal sessions with teachers and teaching assistants.
In: Pattinson, Tania, (ed.)
IATEFL 2010: Harrogate Conference Selections.
Canterbury, IATEFL.
Wardman, Clare ORCID:
EAL provision in England: combining theory and practice or not?
In: Pattinson, Tania, (ed.)
IATEFL 2012: Glasgow Conference Selections.
Canterbury, IATEFL
Wardman, Clare ORCID:, Bell, Judith and Sharp, Emma
Valuing Home Languages.
In: Mallows, David, (ed.)
Innovations in teaching English to Migrants and Refugees.
Innovations series
London, British Council, pp. 37-48
Wei, Yun-gang, Lu, Yang ORCID:, Hu, Xiao-yan and Sun, Bo
Research and Application of Access Control Technique in 3D Virtual Reality System OpenSim.
2013 Sixth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design.
Whiting, Chris (2024) Process-based Pedagogies for Creative Practice Studies. In: Dines, Mike, Rambarraan, Shara and Smith, Gareth-Dylan, (eds.) Handbook for Popular Music Methodologies. Intellect
Wilson, Ian ORCID:
In: Hopkins, David, (ed.)
Emergency rations : what's so important we can't leave it at home? #EdTechRations.
Createspace, pp. 33-37
Wilton, G. (2007) Paradigm, community and theological education: a study of theological education with reference to the work of Thomas S. Kuhn and David H. Kelsey. In: Kim, Sebastian and Kollontai, Pauline, (eds.) Community identity: dynamics of religion on context. T & T Clark, pp. 89-106
Windscheffel, Ruth C. ORCID:
Exploring the values of personal tutoring via a level 7 academic practice module.
In: Lochtie, D., Stork, A. and Walker, B.W., (eds.)
The Higher Education Personal Tutor’s and Advisor’s Companion: translating theory into practice to improve student success.
St Albans, Critical Publishing
Wood, Margaret ORCID:
Partners in Pursuit of Quality: LEA support for School Improvement after Inspection.
In: Earley, Peter, (ed.)
School Improvement after Inspection? School and LEA Responses.
Paul Chapman, pp. 37-49
Wood, Margaret ORCID:
The Use of Dialogue in Professional Learning in Higher Education.
In: Peters, Michael A. and Heraud, Richards, (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation.
Singapore, Springer, pp. 1-6
Abrahams, Ian, Backhouse, Anita, Bloom, Katy ORCID:, Griffin-James, Hannah and Mat Noor, Syafiq
Research-2-Practice Supporting Secondary Science Teachers to Engage with
Education Research.
University of Lincoln.
Abrahams, Ian, Backhouse, Anita, Bloom, Katy ORCID:, Griffin-James, Hannah and Mat Noor, Syafiq
Research-2-Practice Supporting Primary School Teachers to Engage with Science Education Research.
University of Lincoln.
Formby, Adam ORCID:, Woodhouse, Anna and Brown, Janet
Supporting Underrepresented Communities to Progress to Higher Education across West Yorkshire: A Realist Evaluation (End of Phase 1 Report: December 2018 to July 2019).
Project Report.
Go Higher West Yorkshire, Leeds.
Green, Matthew ORCID:, Dobson, Tom
ORCID: and Haines Lyon, Charlotte
'I want to make the biggest difference': A case study of project-based learning through the NextGenLeaders programme.
Project Report.
Enactus/York St John University, Institute for Social Justice.
Green, Matthew ORCID:, Swain, Spencer
ORCID: and Mierzwinski, Mark
Investigating the impact and value of anti-racist pedagogy
within the undergraduate sport and leisure curriculum: A York St John University case study.
Project Report.
Leisure Studies Association.
Little, Alice ORCID: and Haines Lyon, Charlotte
Research Report: Toilet Talk Primary School.
Project Report.
York St John University.
Little, Alice ORCID: and Haines Lyon, Charlotte
Research Report: Toilet Talk Secondary school project.
Project Report.
York St John University.
Lu, Yang ORCID:
A Green Paper for the Sustainability of the UK’s Space Economy.
Project Report.
McIntosh, Esther ORCID: and Jagger, Sharon
Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Staff and Students.
Technical Report.
York St John University, York.
Noret, Nathalie ORCID:, Smith, Andy, Birbeck, Nataly, Velija, Philippa and Mierzwinski, Mark
Bullying In School Sport.
Project Report.
York St John University.
Stern, Julian ORCID: and Shillitoe, Rachael
Evaluation of Prayer Spaces in Schools: The Contribution of Prayer Spaces to Spiritual Development.
Project Report.
York St John University.
Vincent, Jonathan ORCID:
Early Leaving Education and Employment.
Discussion Paper.
Ministry of Education and Employment, Valetta, Malta.
Walton, Joan ORCID: and Darkes-Sutcliffe, Janice
The impact of Covid-19 on the mental health and
learning of young children.
Project Report.
British Educational Research Association, London.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:, Su, Feng and Pennington, Andrew
Research Briefing Paper: The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Young People’s Mental Health.
Discussion Paper.
Not applicable.
Conference or Workshop Item
Allen, Georgia, Daniel Rhind, Daniel Rhind and Valsa Koshy, Valsa Koshy (2014) From the sports hall into the classroom: Tackling male underachievement through sport. In: World Congress of Sociology of Sport - “Sociology of Sport and the Challenges of Social Change”,, 9-13th July 2014, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Flexing formative feedback to achieve different outcomes.
In: Association of Science Education National Conference, 4-7 January, 2023, Sheffield Hallam University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Fostering Metacognitive Awareness in Pre-Service Teachers.
In: Teacher Educator Advancement Network National Conference, May 20th-21st 2024, Manchester.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Fostering Metacognitive Awareness in Pre-Service Teachers.
In: Association of Science Education Teacher Developers National Conference, 21st June 2024, Institute of Physics, London.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
From Good to Outstanding: Pedagogical Excellence.
In: The Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Research in the classroom: Using Action Research to improve Practice.
In: Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Students and staff working together to increase independent learning.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Students understanding success criteria and receiving feedback to promote self-regulated learning.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Bloom, Katy ORCID: and Backhouse, Anita
Enriching the science curriculum with research-informed lesson plans. Research-2-Practice: A Wellcome Trust funded project.
In: Association of Science Education National Conference, 4-7 January, 2023, Sheffield Hallam University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID: and Dainty, Frances
Moving a Science department to 'Good'.
In: Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID: and Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline
Modifying the language of feedback to promote a continuous learning climate.
In: 2019 Up North Talking about Teaching, York St John,.
Burrows, Ben ORCID:
The Point of Learning: Exploring Curriculum Design that Enhances the Student Experience.
In: 'Roots and Branches' Learning and Teaching Conference, Wednesday 26th September 2009, Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Burrows, Ben ORCID: and Hepworth-Sawyer, Russ
The Art of Doing is Power in Assessment.
In: Heroes and Monsters, 2-4 June 2014, Salford.
Clarke, Matthew and Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Immunitas and Teacher Knowledge.
In: Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), June 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID: and Unsworth, Ruth
Rethinking Agency in Teacher Education: A psychosocial perspective.
In: Rethinking Agency in Teacher Education: A psychosocial perspective (seminar), June 2022, University of Aberdeen.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:, Walker, Emma
ORCID: and Haines Lyon, Charlotte
Banality of Education Policy.
In: Banality of Education Policy, Research Seminar School of Education, Language and Psychology, 19/05/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Cock, Steven ORCID:, Hopkins, Julia and Clayton, Luke
Fairness, Equality and Reducing ‘Free-Riding’: A Case Study on Implementing the Viva Warning Approach to Group Assessment.
In: Talking About Teaching, 26 June 2018, York St John University.
Cooper, Sarah ORCID:
Leaders addressing gender disparity in REF output.
In: Second International Women and/in Musical Leadership Conference.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Mainstream UK teachers’ discourses about what ‘good English’ means to them.
In: Language Education for Social Justice conference,.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Teacher Talk about Parents and Multilingualism in England.
In: American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), March 2022, Pittsburgh, USA.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
What might the linguistic, narrative and semiotic devices used in children’s eco-narratives tell us about their views on the climate emergency?
In: Ecological Justice Research Group Symposium, 17-18 November 2021, York St John University.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID: and Little, Sabine
'English Primary School Teachers and Their Discourses about Classroom Practices using Languages beyond English' as part of Symposium: Transnational and Translingual Social Practices in Educational Contexts. Discourse and Practice in Research, Politics and Institutions.
In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 6-9 September 2021, Geneva, Switzerland (and online).
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:, Mary, Latisha and Young, Andrea
“It sounds awful because it sounds like you don’t value their home language”: English and French teachers’ contradictory attitudes and practices (with Prof Andrea Young and Dr Latisha Mary) as part of symposium Perspectives on Language(s) in Education: A Comparative Overview.
In: AILA Congress (International Association of Applied Linguistics), August 2021, Groningen and online.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID: and Parks, Maria
Mo-Blogging – Supporting student learning while in
health-care practice settings.
In: m-Learn 2006: Across Generations and Cultures, 5th World Conference on Mobile Learning, October 2006, Banff, Canada.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
Finding time to talk; the benefits of dialogic interviews in developing pedagogical understanding and resilience within ITE students.
In: 2018 Tean Conference.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
Navigating the Pedagogical, Relational and Moral economies of assessment: an Analysis of the Development of Student Teachers’ understandings of Feedback.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
Navigating the Pedagogical, Relational and Moral economies of assessment: an Analysis of the Development of Student Teachers’ understandings of Feedback.
In: 2021 TEAN Conference, online.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
Student teachers’ conceptions of feedback.
In: 2016 TEAN Conference, Birmingham.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID: and Backhouse, Anita
Using a visualiser to support peer assessment and feedback in academic writing.
In: BERA Conference 2013.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID: and Baker, Alison
Using social media to enhance understanding of children's literature.
In: UKLA Conference 2014, Brighton.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:, Parker, Keither
ORCID: and Bloom, Katy
Re-imagining the assessment of work-based practice.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID: and Scott, David
Partnership models – one size fits all?
In: UKLA, 2016.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID: and Whitfield, Louise
Moving beyond the ‘Initial’ in Initial Teacher Education: The role of ITE in supporting and developing new teachers.
In: TEAN 2018 CONFERENCE, Birmingham.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Bridging the gap between industry and education skills for 3D computer animation.
In: Bridging the gap between industry and education skills for 3D graphics, 03 July 2009, Showcomotion, Sheffield.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
The Future of Furniture in Higher Education.
In: The Future of Furniture in Higher Education, Tent Design, London.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Immersive Experiences in Education and Training.
In: Yorkshire & Humber Institute of Technology: Immersive Experiences in Education and Training, 16 Dec 2020, Online.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
A Service Design Approach:
What are the barriers and opportunities to using augmented reality in primary science education?
In: Animex Research and Innovation Conference 2024, 13 November 2024, Teesside University.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Using a service design approach towards creating effective augmented reality learning platforms.
In: Talking About Teaching for Social Justice 2021, 6th July 2021, York St John University.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Using augmented reality to teach primary sciences
Northern Digital Storytelling Festival.
In: Northern Digital Storytelling Festival, 27 March 2023, Online.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
What are the barriers and opportunities of using Augmented Reality for Primary Science Education?
In: Backstage Academy Symposium, 23rd September 2022, South Kirby, West Yorkshire, UK.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Community Philosophy as Democracy in Action?
In: BERA Conference 2016, 12-15th September, University of Leeds.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Democratic Parent Engagement.
In: York St John, Postgraduate and Early-Stage Researcher Conference, 19 January 2018, York St John University.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Parent Engagement: Beyond Instrumentalisation.
In: Eurpean Research Network About Parents in Education, 5th -7th July 2017, Roehampton University London.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
‘Precarious Voices’: From Containment to Dissensus.
In: Precarity, Rage and Reason. SWIP 2016, 8-10th July 2016, Brighton University.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Relational Democracy.
In: BERA Conference 2016, 12-15th September, University of Leeds.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Researcher influence in the context of collaborative and political research.
In: Value and Virtue Conference 2015, 9-10 June 2015, York St John University.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:, Bright, Graham, Walz, Linda and Walton, Joan
Unlocking Education.
In: Pandemic, Protests, Recovery, Opportunity: What's next for research in education?, 12/07/2021, Brighton University MS Teams.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID: and McClusky-Dean, Clare
Co-constructing Reading Lists: breaking down the barriers to political agency.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Hall, Christopher J ORCID: and Cunningham, Clare
The ideological and ontological beliefs of EAL educators.
In: English Department Seminar Series: invited talk, 6 October 2021, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (online).
Higgins, Lee (2015) Celebrating the Margins: Community music as boundary-walker. In: Creative Collaboratorium, Nov 2015, The University of Queensland, Australia. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Community Music and Cultural Democracy. In: Guest Lecture Series, Sept 2015, Research in Music, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Community Music and Music Education: Natural bedfellows or merely exchanging pleasantries? In: Music and Ideas, 15 Oct 2015, Royal College of Music, London. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) Community Music as a Crossroads of Interdisciplinary Research and Practice. In: Community Music Conference, Nov 2015, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2016) Community Music as a Site for Social Justice. In: I'm Inclusive Too, 27 Feb 2016, University of York, UK. (Unpublished)
Higgins, Lee (2015) The call, the welcome and the “yes”: Community music and music education. In: Music Education and Community, May 2015, The Centre of Excellence in Music Pedagogy, Lavel University, Quebec City, Canada. (Unpublished)
Jagdev, Manjinder and Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, decolonial practice and women in STEM – an opportunity to share good practice .
In: UCET Annual Conference, 1 - 2 November 2022, Stratford-upon-Avon..
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Exploring Models of Religious Education in the Search for Building Values of Mutual Understanding, Empathy, and Critical Dialogue: Perspectives from Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In: International Symposium on Religious Education and Values, 27 July - 1 August 2014, York St John University, York, UK.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Story Telling in Religious Education: Promoting Respect and Empathy in Diverse Communities.
In: Sarajevo International Peace Conference, 5 - 9 June 2014, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Koukpaki, Serge (2010) They need to learn Too! The Training, Learning and Development needs of Strategic Leaders: a Qualitative Case Study. In: The 11th International Conference UFHRD, 01-06 June 2010, Hungary. (Unpublished)
Librenjak, Sara ORCID:
Optimising kanji order in teaching Japanese using corpora.
In: 15th Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC) Conference, 13th – 16th July 2022, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Little, Alice ORCID:
Workshop title: Dear Researcher – Exploring the possibilities of transformative research spaces.
In: BERA 2024.
Lu, Yang ORCID:
Green Toolkit for a New Space Economy.
In: UN/Austria Symposium 2023 Space for climate action: space applications and technologies for sustainability on Earth, 12-14 September, 2023, Graz, Austria.
Nduka, Bright (2024) A Figurational Analysis of Heading Policies in Professional Football. In: Institute for Health and Care Improvement Research Showcase, 25th June 2024, York St John University, York. (Unpublished)
Organ, Alison ORCID:
Blissful ignorance? Or turning a blind eye? Language departments’ attitudes to student use of Google Translate.
In: Digital tools, translation software & academic integrity in language teaching, 10 December 2019, University of York.
Ralls, Deborah and Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Connecting Rights and Reality in Educational Research with Children and Young People: Democratising Research Ethics Processes.
In: ECER 2022, “Education in a Changing World: The impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research”, 1st -10th September 2022, Yerevan.
Sauntson, Helen ORCID:
Language, gender and sexuality in the neoliberal academy: Contributions from applied linguistics.
In: Gender and Sexuality in the Neoliberal Academy: Interdisciplinary Approaches.
Sauntson, Helen ORCID:
Language, sexuality and inclusive pedagogy.
In: Language Education for Social Justice conference.
Sauntson, Helen ORCID:
Rethinking gender and sexuality in the classroom: A corpus-based discourse analysis of classroom interaction.
In: Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan (YLMP) 2021.
Smith, Paul (2016) Coping with foundation degree study: Teaching assistants’ management of studentship, motherhood and inequality. In: Association for Research in Post-compulsory Education 2nd International Research Conference, 8-10 July 2016, University of Oxford. (Unpublished)
Swain, Spencer ORCID:
Decolonising the Curriculum: What is it? Why do it?
In: Teacher and Advisor Conference, 12 December 2023, York.
Swain, Spencer ORCID:, Mierzwinski, Mark
ORCID: and Green, Matthew
Investigating the impact and value of anti-racist pedagogy within the undergraduate sport and leisure curriculum.
In: Lesiure Studies Association Annual Conference 2024, 9th to 11th of July 2024, University of the West of Scotland.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Cambridge University Kaleidoscope Conference (May 2019) – educator/research conference, presentation of findings: A socio-material understanding of the formation of teachers' professional knowledge.
In: Cambridge University Kaleidoscope Conference, May/June 2019, University of Cambridge.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Ethnography in Education, University of Pennsylvania (February 2019) – presentation of findings: An actor-network theory analysis of actors influencing the formation of teacher professionalism.
In: Ethnography in Education, University of Pennsylvania (February 2019), February 2019, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Researching in Uncertain Times: Exploring the Potential of An Inquiry into Modes of Existence in Teacher Education Research.
In: ECER 2024, August 2024, Nicosia, Cyrpus.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Short term ethnography in education research.
In: ECER 2023, Glasgow, 22-25th August 2023, Glasgow University, UK.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
TEAN Webinar: What Should We Teach New Teachers?
In: TEAN Webinar, 26/01/2022, Online.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
The Voice of Google. An ethnography of the role of cloud-based collaborative technologies in the formation of primary classroom practices.
In: Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference 2022, September 2022, University of Oxford.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Wellies and whittle-sticks: an ethnographic study of the role of physical artefacts in establishing children’s connection to the ‘forest’.
In: Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference 2023, 4-6th September 2023, Oxford, UK.
Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:, Heimans, Stephen, Phelan, Anne, Rüsselbæk Hansen, Dion and Clarke, Matthew
‘What comes into our minds?’’: A conversational and thoughtful response to Bojesen.
In: ECER 2024, August 2024, Nicosia, Cyrpus.
Warren Fearn, W J F ORCID:
A Service Design Approach:
What are the barriers and opportunities of using Augmented Reality for primary science education?
In: TPEA 35th Annual Conference (3rd – 4th July 2023), 3rd - 4th July 2023, Bedford.
Wilson, Ian ORCID:
Controversial Content and Continuum of Conversation.
In: Talis Elevate Conference, 12-13 July 2021, Online.
Wilson, Ian ORCID:
Supporting Students through the pandemic with the aid of technology.
In: UKAT Conference 2022, 05/04/22, Online.
Sauntson, Helen ORCID: and Sundaram, V., eds.
Global perspectives and key debates in sex and relationships education: addressing issues of gender, sexuality, plurality and power.
Bayne-Jardine, C., Hoy, C. and Wood, M. ORCID:
Improving Quality in Education.
1st ed.
Routledge/Taylor and Francis
Buckles, Jeff (2018) Education, sustainability and the ecological social imaginary : connective education and global change. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan
Clarke, Matthew ORCID: and Phelan, Anne
Teacher Education and the Political : the power of negative thinking.
London, Routledge
Cooper, Sarah ORCID:
Perceptions of employability: the impact of its fluidity in higher education.
(In Press)
Creasy, Rob (2018) The taming of education: evaluating contemporary approaches to learning and teaching. London, Palgrave Macmillan
Forrester, Gillian and Garratt, Dean (2016) Education policy unravelled. London, Bloomsbury
Garratt, Dean and Forrester, Gillian (2012) Education policy unravelled. London, Continuum
O, T. and Han, Yeji ORCID:
Directions of English Education [영어공부 방향이 먼저다: 학교공부가 답이다 in original language].
1 ed.
Seoul, Korea, Hankookmunhwasa [한국문화사 in original language]
Parker-Rees, Rod and Leeson, Caroline ORCID:
Early Childhood Studies.
4 ed.
London, Sage
Stern, Julian ORCID:
The spirit of the school.
Continuum studies in education
London, Continuum
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Saying more than you realise about ‘EAL’: discourses of educators about children who speak languages beyond English.
Doctoral thesis, University of York.
Griffin, Tara Lesley Huelin (2021) The support provided for and methods used by professionals involved in the educating of deaf children in mainstream schools. Masters thesis, York St John University.
Guo, Jihong (2022) Discovering Researcher Identity through Action Research – A Transformative Journey across Two Cultures. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Unpicking the neoliberal noose: working towards democratic parent engagement in a primary school.
Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Hannah, Julie (2023) An exploration of hospital based Allied Health Professionals’ experiences of learning through preceptorship and clinical supervision in the first-year post registration in an acute care setting. Masters thesis, York St John University.
Hood Cattaneo, Kelsey (2023) Tied-Evaluation in Global Education Policy: Critical Policy Analysis of the Education Policy Landscape in Eastern Caribbean Small Island Developing States with Voices from the Field. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Kumar, Simon David ORCID:
The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout in Pre-Service Primary School Teachers.
Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
O'Connor, Colin (2019) Education as a means of enabling former offenders to live meaningful and productive lives: an Autoethnography. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Pearson, Julie Caroline (2019) Developing a Culture of Care within Primary Physical Education in Higher Education. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Pennington, Andrew (2021) Colonising Communities? Community Engagement, Democracy, and the Articulation of Power in the Governance of Multi-Academy Trusts in England. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Sinclair, Alexander (2018) Developing an ecological approach to science teacher education. Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Walker, Emma ORCID:
Restorying ‘our school’: mapping a school improvement counternarrative through place, space, and the light of local knowledge.
Doctoral thesis, York St John University.
Burrows, Ben ORCID:
Unearthing Creativity: Creative Archaeological Displays Through Collaborative Enquiry Based Learning.
Fearn, Warren ORCID:
Should Primary Schools be adopting XR Technologies TEDxDoncaster.
Sorace, Antonella, Spelorzi, Roberta and Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID:
1.3.1 Issues with the "native" speaker: first language attrition.
Sorace, Antonella, Spelorzi, Roberta and Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID:
1.3.2 Issues with the "native" speaker: implications of attrition in the classroom.
Spelorzi, Roberta and Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID:
1.3.3 Interview with Prof. Antonella Sorace: Language attrition in a nutshell.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Challenging the perception that 'STEM isn't for me'.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
A Comprehensive Guide to Assessment Policies in Primary and Secondary Schools.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Evidence-based teaching: how to enhance practice to improve learner outcomes.
The National College.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
SOLO Taxonomy Pedagogy Planning Toolkit.
Katy Bloom.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
What is adaptive teaching and why is it so important?
The National College.
Corby, Vanessa ORCID:, Clarke, Matthew
ORCID: and Wood, Margaret
From the Ground Up: Ecosystems of Art and Education in/of and from Yorkshire.
Institute of Social Justice, York St John University.
Crabbe, Sarah ORCID:
I can drive a car, don’t expect me to be able to fly a plane! Computer anxiety among students.
Advance HE.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Attitudes towards multilingualism and multilingual children in primary schools.
EAL Journal.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
Why teachers shouldn't be afraid of other languages being spoken in the classroom.
The Conversation.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID:
What Strictly Come Dancing can teach us about how (and how not) to give feedback.
The Conversation.
Elliott, Heather and Davies, H. (2016) The continuing quest for balance: the position of the Key person in managing the duality of assessment purpose in the Early Years Foundation Stage in England. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Fearn, Warren ORCID: and Bloom, Katy
Exploring the Epic Impact of Augmented Reality in Primary Science Education. Warren Fearn and Katy Bloom.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education Assoication.
Green, Matthew ORCID:, Swain, Spencer
ORCID: and Mierzwinski, Mark
Decolonising the Curriculum and Anti-Racist
Pedagogy in Sport and Leisure Education.
York St John University.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Fines for term-time holidays are at record levels – this will further erode trust between parents and schools.
The Conversation.
Heinemeyer, Catherine ORCID:
Mental health crisis in teens is being magnified by demise of creative subjects in school.
The Conversation.
Johnson, Becky, Fearn, Warren ORCID:, Bloom, Katy
ORCID: and Reeves Kemp, Jake
Augmented reality: The future of primary education?
Twinkl Digest Education News.
Johnston, Alan ORCID:, Cock, Steven
ORCID:, Coombes, Philip
ORCID:, Mathew, Ruby Christine
ORCID:, Walsh, Susan
ORCID: and Walker-Smith, Lynsey
From the ‘new’ to the ‘newer’ normal: Organisational culture and change within Higher Education.
PiES, PiES Blogsite.
Little, Alice ORCID:
Guide to choosing research avatars.
Little, Alice ORCID:
Understanding co-research spaces- Emotion word resource.
Institute of Social Justice.
Taslibeyaz, Elif, Su, Feng and Wood, Margaret ORCID:
GenZ – the new generation of university students and implications for academic practice.
European Educational Research Association.
Trouille, Helen ORCID:
Another Windrush in the making: EU citizens and the settlement scheme.
Institute for Social Justice at York St John University.
Usman, Aminu ORCID:
Teaching and Learning Cybersecurity courses with Virtualization Technology.
Yorkshire and Humber Institute of Technology.
Walton, Joan ORCID:
Action research in the educational workplace. Margaret Farren, Jack Whitehead and Branko Bognar (Eds)., 2011 Palo Alto, CA, Academica Press ISBN 978-1-936320-05-9 [Book Review].
Wilson, Ian ORCID:
Decisions of a new researcher: To be accepted or rejected.
Wilson, Ian ORCID:
I don’t want to go back to normal!
Association for Learning Technology, Association for Learning Technology Official Blog.
Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID:
Learning and teaching approaches in Higher Education: Promoting deep learning through constructive alignment.
Teaching Matters Blog.
Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID:
What's the point of writing essays?
Forward Thinking.
Zingaretti, Mattia ORCID:
The importance of language learning and maintenance amid Brexit and COVID-19: Evidence from successful EAL practice.
Bilingualism Matters Blog.