Items where Year is 2014
Adair, Christy (2014) Shift … centre: cross-cultural spaces for dance training and choreographic enquiry. Research in Dance Education, 15 (2). pp. 202-216.
Adams, Kweku ORCID:, Debrah, Yaw A., Williams, Karen and Mmieh, Frederick
Causes of Financial FDI Inflows into Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): Evidence from Ghana.
Thunderbird International Business Review, 56 (5).
pp. 439-459.
Adesope, O. M., Ekunwe, P. A. and Familusi, L. C. ORCID:
Status of poultry production among rural households in Obio/Akpor local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria.
Journal of agriculture, socio-economics and sustainable environment, 2 (1).
pp. 70-78.
Ajami, Nadim J., Kavanagh, Owen ORCID:, Ramani, Sasirekha, Crawford, Sue E., Atmar, Robert L, Jiang, Zhi‐Dong, Okhuysen, Pablo C., Estes, Mary K. and DuPont, Herbert L.
Seroepidemiology of Norovirus‐Associated Travelers' Diarrhea.
Journal of Travel Medicine, 21 (1).
pp. 6-11.
Akintoye, Oluyemi Ayorinde, Obi, Comfort Nkazi, Etim, Okon Asuquo, Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID:, Ukata, Sammy Uka and Harrison, Edet Ubong
Seasonal Variation in the Physico-chemical Characteristics of Surface Water in EtcheRiver, Niger Delta Area of Nigeria.
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 8 (7).
Akintoye, OluyemiAyorinde, Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID:, Ukata, Samuel Uka, Ojong, Charles Nkpena, ErimEkeh, Joseph and Harrison, Ubong Edet
Influence of Situation on Calabar Sea Port’s Utilization and Potentials for Cassava (Manihot Species) Produce Export to Asia.
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 8 (7).
Anderson, Diana, Najafzadeh, Mojgan, Gopalan, Rajendran, Ghaderi, Nader, Scally, Andrew J., Britland, Stephen, Jacobs, Badie K., Reynolds, P. Dominic, Davies, Justin, Wright, Andrew L., Al-Ghazal, Shariff, Sharpe, David and Denyer, Morgan C. (2014) Sensitivity and specificity of the empirical lymphocyte genome sensitivity (LGS) assay: implications for improving cancer diagnostics. The FASEB Journal, 28 (10). pp. 4563-4570.
Anderson, Diana, Schmid, ThomasE and Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:
Male-mediated developmental toxicity.
Asian Journal of Andrology, 16 (1).
p. 81.
Asghar, Mandy (2014) Staff and student experiences of dialogue days, a student engagement activity. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. pp. 1-10.
Austin, Elizabeth J., Saklofske, Donald H., Smith, Martin M. ORCID: and Tohver, Gillian
Associations of the managing the emotions of others (MEOS) scale with personality, the Dark Triad and trait EI.
Personality and Individual Differences, 65.
pp. 8-13.
Baker, Sarah ORCID:
A national study of acute hospital based alcohol health workers.
British Journal of Nursing, 23 (4).
pp. 204-208.
Baker, Sarah ORCID: and Graham, Hilary
Social patterning of alcohol consumption among mothers with infants in the UK.
Journal of Behavioral Health, 3 (3).
pp. 181-186.
Barnes, Robert ORCID:
Review of Lawrence S. Kaplan, NATO before the Korean War: April 1949–June 1950 (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2013, $60.00). Pp. 216. isbn 978 1 6063 5169 7.
Journal of American Studies, 48 (03).
pp. 216-217.
Beaumont, Alexander ORCID:
Exile and Freedom in Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion: Venice, the British Inner Cities, and the Cultural Politics of Disenfranchisement.
Contemporary Literature, 55 (2).
pp. 270-303.
Beaumont, Alexander ORCID:
Literary studies after the spatial turn.
Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 3 (3).
pp. 395-405.
Beck, Sarah R., Cutting, Nicola ORCID:, Apperly, Ian A., Demery, Zoe, Iliffe, Leila, Rishi, Sonia and Chappell, Jackie
Is tool-making knowledge robust over time and across problems?
Frontiers in Psychology, 5.
Benham, Alex and Johnson, M. I. (2014) Effect of bidirectional rotation of an acupuncture needle at LI10 on acupuncture needle sensation and experimentally-induced contact heat pain in healthy human volunteers. Acupuncture in Medicine, 32 (3). pp. 267-272.
Bi-Mohammed, Zanib ORCID:
2013 Awards for Excellence.
International Journal of Prisoner Health, 10 (1).
Boak, George ORCID:
Team learning and service improvements in health care.
Team Performance Management, 20 (5/6).
pp. 242-261.
Booth, Naomi (2014) Bathetic Masochism and the Shrinking Woman. New Formations (83). pp. 47-63.
Booth, Naomi (2014) Feeling Too Much: The Swoon and the (In)Sensible Woman. Women's Writing, 21 (4). pp. 575-591.
Bourne, Richard ORCID:
Communication, Punishment, and Virtue: The Theological Limitation of (Post)Secular Penance.
Journal of Religious Ethics, 42 (1).
pp. 78-107.
Brownlow, T, Kavanagh, Owen ORCID:, Logan, E F, Hartskeerl, R A, Savage, R, Palmer, M F, Krahl, M, Mackie, D P and Ellis, W A
'Leptorapide' - a one-step assay for rapid diagnosis of human leptospirosis.
Epidemiology and infection, 142 (6).
pp. 1182-7.
Campanello, Kimberly (2014) Birthing Stone (with accompanying audio and interview). New Dublin Press Journal.
Campanello, Kimberly (2014) Excursion (poem). Honest Ulsterman.
Carter, Gregory, Campbell, Anne C. and Muncer, Steven (2014) The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences, 56. pp. 57-61.
Carter, Gregory, Campbell, Anne C. and Muncer, Steven (2014) The Dark Triad: Beyond a ‘male’ mating strategy. Personality and Individual Differences, 56. pp. 159-164.
Carter, Sophie ORCID:, Faulkner, Ashton and Rakobowchuk, Mark
The role of prostaglandin and antioxidant availability
in recovery from forearm ischemia-reperfusion injury
in humans.
Journal of Hypertension, 32 (3).
pp. 339-351.
Chan, Cheri and Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
The politics of collaboration: discourse, identities, and power in a school–university partnership in Hong Kong.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 42 (3).
pp. 291-304.
Cheung, Lewis ORCID:, Cheung, Tammy T.M. and Tao, Teresa C.H.
From a hiking sharing website to be a real business: A success story of Hong Kong ecotourism operator.
Journal of Ecotourism, 12 (3).
pp. 221-225.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
Dialectics and dilemmas: psychosocial dimensions of ability grouping policy.
Critical Studies in Education, 55 (2).
pp. 186-200.
Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
The sublime objects of education policy: quality, equity and ideology.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 35 (4).
pp. 584-598.
Cohen, Ivan K., Ferretti, Fabrizio, McIntosh, Bryan and Elliott, Caroline (2014) Decomposing the misery index: A dynamic approach. Cogent Economics & Finance, 2 (1).
Cole, Scott ORCID:, Fotopoulou, Aikaterina, Oddy, Michael and Moulin, Christopher
Implausible Future Events in a Confabulating Patient with an Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm.
Neurocase, 20 (2).
pp. 208-224.
Cooper, James (2014) “I must brief you on the mistakes”: When Ronald Reagan Met Margaret Thatcher, February 25–28, 1981. Journal of Policy History, 26 (2). pp. 274-297.
Corby, Vanessa ORCID:
Artist Animal (By Steve Baker).
Visual Studies, 30 (1).
pp. 116-117.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
'Keep talking': using music during small group discussions in EAP.
ELT Journal, 68 (2).
pp. 179-191.
Curran, Thomas, Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Hall, Howard and Jowett, Gareth E.
Perceived coach behaviors and athletes' engagement and disaffection in youth sport: The mediating role of the psychological needs.
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45 (6).
559 - 580.
Curran, Thomas, Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Jowett, Gareth E.
ORCID: and Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H.
The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and passion in junior athletes.
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45 (4).
369 - 384.
Cutting, Nicola ORCID:, Apperly, Ian A., Chappell, Jackie and Beck, Sarah R.
The puzzling difficulty of tool innovation: Why can’t children piece their knowledge together?
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 125.
pp. 110-117.
Davis, Paige E. ORCID:, Meins, Elizabeth and Fernyhough, Charles
Children with Imaginary Companions Focus on Mental Characteristics When Describing Their Real-Life Friends.
Infant and Child Development, 23 (6).
pp. 622-633.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
A Clifford Algebraic Framework for Coxeter Group Theoretic Computations.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 24 (1).
pp. 89-108.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Nature Physics Research Highlight: Know your onions.
Nature Physics, 10 (1).
p. 244.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:, Wardman, Jess, Keef, Thomas and Twarock, Reidun
Viruses and Fullerenes - symmetry as a common thread?
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, 70 (Pt 2).
pp. 162-167.
Dey, Somdip ORCID:
A beginner's guide to computer science research.
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 20 (4).
p. 14.
Dey, Somdip ORCID: and Nair, Mamatha S.
Design and Implementation of a Simple Cache Simulator in Java to Investigate MESI and MOESI Coherency Protocols.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 87 (11).
pp. 6-13.
Dobson, Tom ORCID:
The mad genie in the attic: performances of identity in Year 6 boys' creative writing.
Gender and Education, 27 (1).
pp. 37-52.
Duarte, Cristiana ORCID:, Pinto-Gouveia, José and Ferreira, Cláudia
Escaping from body image shame and harsh self-criticism: Exploration of underlying mechanisms of binge eating.
Eating Behaviors, 15 (4).
pp. 638-643.
Duché, Elodie ORCID:
Charitable Connections: Transnational Financial Networks and Relief for British Prisoners of War in Napoleonic France, 1803-1814.
Napoleonica. La Revue, 3 (21).
pp. 74-117.
Duguid, Shona ORCID:, Wyman, Emily, Bullinger, Anke F., Herfurth, Katharina and Tomasello, Michael
Coordination strategies of chimpanzees and human children in a Stag Hunt game.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1796).
Ecke, Peter and Hall, Christopher J ORCID:
The Parasitic Model of L2 and L3 vocabulary acquisition: evidence from naturalistic and experimental studies.
Fórum Linguístico, 11 (3).
pp. 360-372.
Edwards, Mark ORCID:
Attentional Biases in Processing Emotional Facial Expressions: Effects of State Anxiety, Trait Anxiety and Awareness.
International Journal of Psychological Studies, 6 (4).
pp. 41-55.
Edwards, Mark ORCID:, Moore, Philippa, Champion, James C. and Edwards, Elizabeth
Effects of trait anxiety and situational stress on attentional shifting are buffered by working memory capacity.
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 28 (1).
pp. 1-16.
Elliott, Heather (2014) Forest School in an inner city? Making the impossible possible. Education 3-13. pp. 1-9.
Familusi, Linda ORCID:
Working against career advancement barriers.
The Monthly Brief of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), 8 (12).
Familusi, Linda ORCID: and Herbert, B. C
Profitability of cassava processing in Etche Local Government area, Rivers State.
VEF Journal of Agriculture, Rural and Community Development, 1.
pp. 25-34.
Fearnley, G. W., Odell, Adam ORCID:, Latham, A. M., Mughal, N. A., Bruns, A. F., Burgoyne, N. J., Homer-Vanniasinkam, S., Zachary, I. C., Hollstein, M. C., Wheatcroft, S. B. and Ponnambalam, S.
VEGF-A isoforms differentially regulate ATF-2-dependent VCAM-1 gene expression and endothelial-leukocyte interactions.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 25 (16).
pp. 2509-2521.
Fearnley, Gareth W., Smith, Gina A., Odell, Adam ORCID:, Latham, Antony M., Wheatcroft, Stephen B., Harrison, Michael A., Tomlinson, Darren C. and Ponnambalam, Sreenivasan
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A-Stimulated Signaling from Endosomes in Primary Endothelial Cells.
Methods in Enzymology, 535.
pp. 265-292.
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria ORCID:, Cicognani, Elvira and Menezes, Isabel
Civic and political participation: young people of Brazilian origin in Portugal.
Psicologia & Sociedade, 26 (2).
pp. 572-582.
Ferreira, Cláudia, Duarte, Cristiana ORCID:, Trindade, Inês A. and Pinto-Gouveia, José
Getting entangled with body image: Development and validation of a new measure.
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 88 (3).
pp. 304-316.
Ferreira, Cláudia, Matos, Marcela, Duarte, Cristiana ORCID: and Pinto-Gouveia, José
Shame Memories and Eating Psychopathology: The Buffering Effect of Self-Compassion.
European Eating Disorders Review, 22 (6).
pp. 487-494.
Ferreira, Cláudia, Pinto-Gouveia, José and Duarte, Cristiana ORCID:
Self-criticism, perfectionism and eating disorders: The effect of depression and body dissatisfaction.
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 14 (3).
pp. 409-420.
Ferretti, Fabrizio and McIntosh, Bryan (2014) Economic structural change and cancer incidence. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 20 (6). pp. 275-280.
Fon, Philip, Akintoye, Oluyemi Ayorinde, Olorundami, Tokunbo ORCID:, Ojong Nkpena, Charles, Ukata, Sammy Uka and Harrison, Edet Ubong
Forest resources of Cross River State: their potentials, threats and mitigation measures.
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 8 (6).
pp. 64-71.
Forsdyke, Dale ORCID:
It's all in the mind: psychological interventions during sports injury.
SportEX Medicine (60).
pp. 8-13.
Forsdyke, Dale ORCID:
Risk, response and recovery : psychology of sports injury.
SportEX Medicine (59).
pp. 10-15.
Forsdyke, Dale ORCID: and Gledhill, Adam
‘Reaching Out for a Helping Hand’ – The Role of Social Support in Sports Injury Rehabilitation.
sportEx Medicine (61).
pp. 8-12.
Gibson, Stephen ORCID:
Discourse, Defiance, and Rationality: “Knowledge
Work” in the “Obedience” Experiments.
Journal of Social Issues, 70 (3).
pp. 424-438.
Graham, Laura Jane, Bailey, Joseph ORCID:, Algar, Adam C. and Field, Richard
Where next for macroecology: citizen macroecology?
Frontiers of Biogeography, 6 (1).
pp. 16-19.
Gray, John, Smith, Andy and James, Hazel (2014) An Aristotelian investigation into personal training. Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 7 (4). pp. 33-47.
Gray, John, Smith, Andy and James, Hazel (2014) From “Locker-Rack–Shower–Repeat” to a coaching focused model of strength and conditioning. Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 7 (3). pp. 42-50.
Gunasekera, Roshan C., Moss, James, Crank, Helen, Mitchell, Pauline A., Nawaz, Shah and Tew, Garry ORCID:
Patient recruitment and experiences in a randomised trial of supervised exercise training for individuals with abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Journal of Vascular Nursing, 32 (1).
pp. 4-9.
Haddaway, N.R., Vieille, D., Mortimer, Robert ORCID:, Christmas, M. and Dunn, A.M.
Aquatic macroinvertebrate responses to native and non-native predators.
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (415).
Hall, Christopher J ORCID:
Moving beyond accuracy: from tests of English to tests of 'Englishing'.
ELT Journal, 68 (4).
pp. 376-385.
Hall, Martin ORCID:
Is there any magic in the moonlight? Woody Allen and the absurdity of perfection.
Comedy Studies, 5 (2).
pp. 104-112.
Hallam, Glyn (2014) The neural correlates of regulating another person's emotions: an exploratory fMRI study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8.
Hamilton, Lorna G. ORCID:
Early exposure to storybooks in the home: Validation of title/author checklist measures in a sample of children at elevated risk of reading difficulty.
Assessment & Development Matters, 6 (1).
pp. 31-34.
Harrand, Jenny and Bannigan, Katrina (2014) Do tilt-in-space wheelchairs increase occupational engagement: a critical literature review. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 11 (1). pp. 3-12.
Hatton, Nicky ORCID:
Re-imagining the care home: a spatially responsive approach to arts practice with older people in residential care.
Research in Drama Education, 19 (4).
pp. 355-365.
Heavey, Emily (2014) The multiple meanings of ‘disability’ in interviews with amputees. Communication & Medicine, 10 (2).
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
Perfectionistic strivings and the perils of partialling.
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12 (4).
302 - 315.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Appleton, Paul R. and Hall, Howard
Perfectionism in sport and dance: Introduction to the special issue.
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45 (4).
pp. 265-270.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Davis, Paul A.
Perfectionism and emotion regulation in coaches: A test of the 2 × 2 model of dispositional perfectionism.
Motivation and Emotion, 38 (5).
715 - 726.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Stoeber, Joachim, Brown, Anna and Appleton, Paul R.
Team perfectionism and team performance: A prospective study.
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 36 (3).
303 - 315.
Horton, Mike, Wright, Nat, Dyer, Wendy, Wright-Hughes, Alex, Farrin, Amanda, Bi-Mohammed, Zanib ORCID:, Smith, Jamie, Heyes, Tom, Gilbody, Simon and Tennant, Alan
Assessing the risk of self-harm in an adult offender population: an incidence cohort study.
Health Technology Assessment, 18 (64).
pp. 1-152.
Horwood, Ian, MacKay, Niall and Price, Christopher (2014) Concentration and Asymmetry in Air Combat: Lessons for the Defensive employment of Air Power. Air Power Review, 17 (2). pp. 68-91.
Huma, Bogdana ORCID:
Enhancing the authenticity of assessments through grounding in first impressions.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 54 (3).
pp. 405-424.
Hutchinson, Mark ORCID:
Dreams, Gardens, Mirrors:
Layers of Narrative in Takemitsu’s Quotation of Dream.
Contemporary Music Review, 33 (4).
pp. 428-446.
Janik, Michal, Szewczyk, Margaret, Mucha, Magda, Westmancoat, Helen ORCID:, Lever, Viv, Akhurst, Jacqueline and Walmsley, Andreas
Polish Young Peoples’ Narratives: Impacts of
Living and Studying in the UK.
International Migration, 52 (1).
pp. 192-208.
Jarchi, Delaram, Wong, Charence, Kwasnicki, Richard Mark, Heller, Ben, Tew, Garry ORCID: and Guang-Zhong, Yang
Gait Parameter Estimation From a Miniaturized Ear-Worn Sensor Using Singular Spectrum Analysis and Longest Common Subsequence.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 61 (4).
pp. 1261-1273.
Jesson, Stuart ORCID:
On the Ambiguity of Forgiveness.
Philosophy and Theology, 26 (1).
131 -150.
Jesson, Stuart ORCID:
Simone Weil: Suffering, Attention and Compassionate Thought.
Studies in Christian Ethics, 27 (2).
pp. 185-201.
Jiang, Nan and Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
A Case Study of Emerging Challenges and Reflections on Internationalization of Higher Education.
International Education Studies, 7 (9).
pp. 50-56.
Johnston, Alan ORCID:
Rigour in research: theory in the research approach.
European Business Review, 26 (3).
pp. 206-217.
Jopling, Helen, Odell, Adam ORCID:, Pellet-Many, Caroline, Latham, Antony, Frankel, Paul, Sivaprasadarao, Asipu, Walker, John, Zachary, Ian and Ponnambalam, Sreenivasan
Endosome-to-Plasma Membrane Recycling of VEGFR2 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Regulates Endothelial Function and Blood Vessel Formation.
Cells, 3 (2).
pp. 363-385.
Joyce, Laura (2014) Writing Violence: JonBenet Ramsey and the Legal, Moral and Aesthetic Implications of Creative Non-Fiction. New Writing, 11 (2). pp. 202-207.
Key, Laura ORCID:
“A Love-Hate Relationship”: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Money Management and “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz”.
English Studies, 95 (6).
pp. 654-673.
Khdour, Naser, Harris, Martin and Weir, David T.H. ORCID:
The Imperial Legacies of T. E. Lawrence: A Study in Political and Organizational Hybridity.
International Business Research, 7 (8).
pp. 123-133.
Klonizakis, Markos, Moss, James, Gilbert, Stephen, Broom, David, Foster, Jeff and Tew, Garry ORCID:
Low-volume high-intensity interval training rapidly improves cardiopulmonary function in postmenopausal women.
Menopause, 21 (10).
pp. 1099-1105.
Koukpaki, A.S.F (2014) The Missing Cog in the Chain of Debate of ‘Higher Education for Sustainable Development’: Understanding the Contexts and the Roles of Strategic Leaders. East Africa Journal of Educational Research and Policy, 9. pp. 1-21.
Koukpaki, A.S.F. (2014) In The Search of New Research Method to Investigate Strategic Leadership for Sustainability in Higher Education in the west of Africa: ‘joint-interviewing’. Journal of Educational Review, 7 (2). pp. 16-21.
Krom, M.D., David, A. Ben, Ingall, E.D., Benning, L.G., Clerici, S., Bottrell, S., Davies, C., Potts, N.J., Mortimer, Robert ORCID: and van Rijn, J.
Bacterially mediated removal of phosphorus and cycling of nitrate and sulfate in the waste stream of a "zero-discharge" recirculating mariculture system.
Water Research, 56 (1).
pp. 109-121.
Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:
Routine standardised outcome measurement to evaluate the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions: essential or optional?
Ergoterapeuten, 4.
pp. 28-37.
Leeson, Caroline ORCID:
Asking difficult questions: exploring research methods with children on painful issues.
International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 37 (2).
pp. 206-222.
Leeson, Caroline ORCID: and Morgan, Julia
Strategic planning for support services for children with a parent or close relative in prison.
Social policy & administration, 48 (7).
pp. 848-863.
Lewinter, C., Bland, J. M., Crouch, S., Doherty, Patrick, Lewin, Robert, Kober, L., Hall, A. S. and Gale, C. P. (2014) The effect of referral for cardiac rehabilitation on survival following acute myocardial infarction: a comparison survival in two cohorts collected in 1995 and 2003. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 21 (2). pp. 163-171.
Liu, Peng, Wang, Zhipeng, Brown, Sarah, Kannappan, Vinodh, Tawari, Patricia Erebi, Jiang, Wenguo, Irache, Juan M., Tang, James Z., Britland, Stephen, Armesilla, Angel L., Darling, John L., Wang, Weiguang and Wang, Weiguang Wang (2014) Liposome encapsulated Disulfiram inhibits NFκB pathway and targets breast cancer stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget, 5 (17).
Lockwood, Cindy L., Mortimer, Robert ORCID:, Stewart, Douglas I., Mayes, William M., Peacock, Caroline L., Polya, David A., Lythgoe, Paul R., Lehoux, Alizée P., Gruize, Katalin and Burkea, Ian T.
Mobilisation of arsenic from bauxite residue (red mud) affected soils: Effect of pH and redox conditions.
Applied Geochemistry.
pp. 268-277.
Lucey, Brian M., Larkin, Charles and O'Connor, Fergal (2014) Gold markets around the world – who spills over what, to whom, when? Applied Economics Letters, 21 (13). pp. 887-892.
Lyvers, Michael, Carlopio, Cassandra, Bothma, Vicole and Edwards, Mark ORCID:
Mood, Mood Regulation, and Frontal Systems Functioning in Current Smokers, Long-Term Abstinent Ex-Smokers, and Never-Smokers.
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 46 (2).
pp. 133-139.
Lyvers, Michael, Hinton, Rachel, Edwards, Mark ORCID: and Thorberg, Fred Arne
Mood, alexithymia, dispositional mindfulness, sensitivity to reward and punishment, frontal systems functioning and impulsivity in clients undergoing treatment for substance use disorders.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146.
Lyvers, Michael, Hinton, Rachel, Gotsis, Stephanie, Roddy, Michelle, Edwards, Mark ORCID: and Thorberg, Fred Arne
Traits linked to executive and reward systems functioning in clients undergoing residential treatment for substance dependence.
Personality and Individual Differences, 70.
pp. 194-199.
MacDonald, Juliet ORCID:
Alpha: A Report to an Academy.
Journal for Artistic Research, 5.
MacDonald, Juliet ORCID:
Alpha: the Figure in the Cage.
Relations: Beyond Anthropocentrism, 2 (2).
pp. 27-43.
MacDonald, Juliet ORCID:
Shelf lives: Drawing out letters from World War I.
Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 7 (3).
pp. 359-374.
MacDonald, Juliet ORCID:
Spuren im Labyrinth.
Tierstudien, 6.
pp. 28-40.
Mackinnon, Sean P., Sherry, Simon B., Pratt, Michael W. and Smith, Martin M. ORCID:
Perfectionism, friendship intimacy, and depressive affect in transitioning university students: A longitudinal study using mixed methods.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 46 (1).
pp. 49-59.
Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H. ORCID:, Hill, Andrew P.
ORCID:, Hall, Howard and Gotwals, John K.
The 2 × 2 model of perfectionism and school‐ and community‐based sport participation.
Psychology in the Schools, 51 (9).
972 - 985.
Marrington, Mark ORCID:
Music of the Cactus Land’: a consideration of musical style and text setting in Denis ApIvor’s The Hollow Men.
British Music: the journal of the British Music Society, 36 (1).
pp. 25-38.
Matos, Marcela, Ferreira, Cláudia, Duarte, Cristiana ORCID: and Pinto-Gouveia, José
Eating disorders: When social rank perceptions are shaped by early shame experiences.
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 88 (1).
pp. 38-53.
McAnuff, Jennifer, Boyes, Christopher ORCID: and Kolehmainen, Niina
Family-clinician interactions in children's health services: a secondary analysis of occupational therapists' practice descriptions.
Health Expectations, 18 (6).
pp. 2236-2251.
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID:
IFLA information literacy satellite meeting, Limerick, 14th-15th August 2014.
Journal of Information Literacy, 8 (2).
pp. 145-146.
McColl, Julie and Moore, Christopher (2014) Developing and testing a value chain for fashion retailers: activities for competitive success. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 105 (2). pp. 136-149.
McIntosh, Bryan, Cohen, Ivan K. and Sheppy, Bruce (2014) Fools' Gold - Lean Management in the Health Sector. Journal of clinical research & governance, 3. pp. 111-123.
McIntosh, Bryan, Sheppy, Bruce and Cohen, Ivan (2014) Illusion or delusion – Lean management in the health sector. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27 (6). pp. 482-492.
Mesa, Sue ORCID:, Heron, Penny, Chard, Gill and Rowe, John
Using the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills as part of the diagnostic process in an inner-city learning disability service.
The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (4).
pp. 170-173.
Mesa, Sue ORCID: and Tsakanikos, Elias
Attitudes and self-efficacy towards adults with mild intellectual disability among staff in acute psychiatric wards: an empirical investigation.
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 8 (2).
pp. 79-90.
Meyer, Andrew R. and Watson, Nick J. (2014) Radical Orthodoxy and the Emergence of Spiritual Hero-Athletes: Examining Lance Armstrong's “Illness” Narrative. Journal of Disability & Religion, 18 (2). pp. 157-172.
Mierzwinski, Mark ORCID:, Velija, Philippa and Malcolm, Dominic
Women’s Experiences in the Mixed Martial Arts: A Quest for Excitement?
Sociology of Sport Journal, 31 (1).
pp. 66-84.
Moreh, Chris ORCID:
A Decade of Membership:
Hungarian Post-Accession Mobility
to the United Kingdom.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 3 (2).
pp. 79-104.
Moreh, Chris ORCID:
Prestige and Status in the Migration Process: The Case of Social Differentiation in a Romanian ‘Community’ in Spain.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 (11).
pp. 1758-1778.
Morsy, Leila, Gulson, Kalervo and Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
Democracy, ‘sector-blindness’ and the delegitimation of dissent in neoliberal education policy.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 35 (3).
pp. 444-461.
Moss, James ORCID:, Tew, Garry
ORCID:, Copeland, Robert James, Stout, Martin, Billings, Catherine Grant, Saxton, John Michael, Winter, Edward Mitchell and Bianchi, Stephen Mark
Effects of a Pragmatic Lifestyle Intervention for Reducing Body Mass in Obese Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Randomised Controlled Trial.
BioMed Research International, 2014.
pp. 1-8.
Mujtaba, Ghulam ORCID:, Xiaofeng, Hui and Gulzar, Saqib
Global Financial Crisis: An EGARCH Approach to Examine the Spillover Effect on Emerging Financial Markets.
Journal of Applied Sciences, 14 (20).
pp. 2622-2627.
Murata, Mary (2014) Using e-portfolios for Japanese beginners. BATJ Journal (15). pp. 53-56.
Muskett, Judith A. (2014) Measuring religious social capital: scale properties of the modified Williams Religious Social Capital Index among Friends of cathedrals. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 35 (2). pp. 242-249.
Mwaanga, Oscar and Banda, Davies (2014) A Postcolonial Approach to Understanding Sport-Based Empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Zambia: The Case of the Cultural Philosophy of Ubuntu. Journal of Disability & Religion, 18 (2). pp. 173-191.
Nachmias, Stefanos, Paddison, Brendan and Mortimer, Chris (2014) Recession: a chance for hospitality SMEs? Education + Training, 56 (5). pp. 414-429.
Ndlovu, Everett (2014) News online: Transformations and continuities. Graham Meikle and Guy Redden, eds. Palgrave MacMillan, 2011 [Book review]. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 35 (2). pp. 121-123.
Ndlovu, Everett (2014) The re-emergence of diasporic radio in independent Zimbabwe. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 35 (3). pp. 54-72.
Nedelkopoulou, Eirini, Joris, Eric, Vanhoutte, Kurt and Bekaert, Philippe (2014) ‘On the Border Between Performance, Science and the Digital: A Conversation’. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 10 (2). pp. 246-254.
Nedelkopoulou, Eirini and Oliver, Mary (2014) 'Editorial' Hybridities: The Intersections between Performance, Science and the Digital’. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 10 (2). pp. 125-129.
Nordin-Bates, Sanna M., Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Cumming, Jennifer, Aujla, Imogen J. and Redding, Emma
A longitudinal examination of the relationship between perfectionism and motivational climate in dance.
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 36 (4).
382 - 391.
O'Brien, Dai ORCID: and Emery, Steven D.
The Role of the Intellectual in Minority Group Studies: Reflections on Deaf Studies in Social and Political Contexts.
Qualitative Inquiry, 20 (1).
pp. 27-36.
O'Connor, Fergal, Lucey, Brian and Aggarwal, Raj (2014) Rationality in Precious Metals Forward Markets: Evidence of behavioural deviations in the gold markets. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 25-26. pp. 110-130.
Olamaie, Malak ORCID:, Feroz, Farhan, Grainge, Keith J. B., Hobson, Michael P., Sanders, Jeremy S. and Saunders, Richard D. E.
bayes-x: a Bayesian inference tool for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446 (2).
pp. 1799-1819.
Orr, Susan, Yorke, Mantz and Blair, Bernadette (2014) The answer is brought about from within you?: a student-centred perspective on pedagogy in art and design. International Journal of Art and Design Education Special Issue: Curriculum and Pedagogy, 33 (1). pp. 32-45.
Pahlevani, Peyman, Hundebøll, Martin, Pedersen, Morten V., Lucani, Daniel, Chara, Hassan, Fitzek, Frank H. P., Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID: and Kat, Marcos
Novel concepts for device-to-device communication using network coding.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 52 (4).
Parker, Andrew and Watson, Nick J. (2014) Researching religion, disability, and sport: reflections and possibilities. Journal of Disability & Religion, 18 (2). pp. 192-208.
Parker, Andrew and Watson, Nick J. (2014) Sport and religion: culture, history and ideology. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité (86). pp. 71-79.
Parks, Judith and Askins, Kye (2014) Narratives of ethnic identity among practitioners in community settings in the northeast of England. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38 (1). pp. 92-108.
Pherali, Tejendra and Garratt, Dean (2014) Post-conflict identity crisis in Nepal: Implications for educational reforms. International Journal of Educational Development, 34. pp. 42-50.
Ribeiro, Norberto, Malafaia, Carla, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria ORCID:, Neves, Tiago and Menezes, Isabel
Europe as a beacon of democracy? Citizenship policies relating to youth and migrants in Portugal.
Journal of Civil Society, 10 (1).
pp. 51-68.
Robinson, Stephen (2014) 'To think, act, vote, and speak for ourselves': Black Democrats and black 'agency' in the American South after Reconstruction. Journal of Social History, 48 (2). pp. 363-382.
Ruddock, Alan D., Tew, Garry ORCID: and Purvis, Alison J.
Reliability of Intestinal Temperature Using an Ingestible Telemetry Pill System During Exercise in a Hot Environment.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (3).
pp. 861-869.
Sarantakis, Nicholas (2014) The Influence of Our Native language on Cognitive Representations of Colour, Spatial Relations and Time. Journal of European Psychology Students, 5 (3). pp. 74-77.
Scott, Jason, Strickland, A. P., Warner, K. and Dawson, Pam (2014) Describing and predicting frequent callers to an ambulance service: analysis of 1 year call data. Emergency Medicine Journal, 31 (5). pp. 408-414.
Sherry, Simon B., Sherry, Dayna L., Macneil, Matthew A., Smith, Martin M. ORCID:, Mackinnon, Sean P., Stewart, Sherry H. and Antony, Martin M.
Does socially prescribed perfectionism predict daily conflict? A 14-day daily diary study of romantic couples using self- and partner-reports.
Personality and Individual Differences, 61-62.
pp. 24-27.
Simpson, Phillip, Lam, Dominic and McFetridge, Mark ORCID:
An Investigation into the Nature of Emotional Dysregulation in Borderline Personality Disorder.
International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health., 2 (3).
pp. 148-155.
Smart, Anthony ORCID:
Bede, Wearmouth-Jarrow and Sacred Space.
International journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 14 (1).
pp. 22-40.
Spring, Hannah ORCID:
Health information, what happens when there isn't any? Information literacy and the challenges for rare and orphan diseases.
Health Information & Libraries Journal, 31 (3).
pp. 243-246.
Spring, Hannah ORCID:
An investigation into the barriers to and priorities for research engagement in health librarianship.
International Journal of Health Information Management Research, 2 (1).
pp. 58-79.
Spring, Hannah ORCID:, Doherty, Patrick, Boyes, Christopher
ORCID: and Wilshaw, Kim
Research engagement in health librarianship: Outcomes of a focus group.
Library & Information Science Research, 36 (3-4).
pp. 142-153.
Swain, Spencer ORCID:
Looking for Leroy: illegible black masculinities.
NORMA, 9 (2).
pp. 141-144.
Swain, Spencer ORCID:
Somali Men and Khat Chewing as Resistance.
Leisure Studies Association newsletter, 98.
pp. 72-80.
Swamy, Meenakshi, Sawdon, Marina, Chaytor, Andrew, Cox, David, Barbaro-Brown, Judith and McLachlan, John (2014) A study to investigate the effectiveness of SimMan® as an adjunct in teaching preclinical skills to medical students. BMC Medical Education, 14 (1).
Sztencel, Magdalena (2014) Conditionality in individual minds: An argument for a wholly pragmatic approach to utterance interpretation. Lingua, 152. pp. 81-97.
Taylor, Helen N. and Bryan, Karen ORCID:
Palliative cancer patients in the acute hospital setting – Physiotherapists attitudes and beliefs towards this patient group.
Progress in Palliative Care, 22 (6).
pp. 334-341.
Tecwyn, Emma ORCID:, Thorpe, Susannah and Chappell, Jackie
Development of planning in 4- to 10-year-old children: reducing inhibitory demands does not improve performance.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 125.
pp. 85-101.
Terdoo, Fanen and Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:
Assessing the role of climate-smart agriculture in
combating climate change, desertification and
improving rural livelihood in Northern Nigeria.
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 9 (15).
pp. 1180-1191.
Terdoo, Fanen and Adekola, Olalekan ORCID:
Perceptions, Knowledge, Adaptation and Socio-Economic Cost of Climate Change in Northern Nigeria.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 6 (8).
pp. 60-71.
Tew, Garry ORCID: and Abraham, Pierre
Improving functional outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication.
Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, 21 (11).
Tew, Garry ORCID:, Nawaz, Shah, Humphreys, Liam, Ouedraogo, Nafi and Abraham, Pierre
Validation of the English version of the Walking Estimated-Limitation Calculated by History (WELCH) questionnaire in patients with intermittent claudication.
Vascular Medicine, 19 (1).
pp. 27-32.
Tew, Garry ORCID:, Weston, Matthew, Kothmann, Elke, Batterham, Alan M, Gray, Joanne, Kerr, Karen, Martin, Denis, Nawaz, Shah, Yates, David and Danjoux, Gerard
High-intensity interval exercise training before abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (HIT-AAA): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial.
BMJ Open, 4 (1).
Tiwari, Ritika ORCID:, Sharma, Anjali, Negandhi, Himanshu, Zodpey, Sanjay, Vyas, Nidhi and Agnani, Manohar
Building public health capacity in Madhya Pradesh through academic partnership.
Global Health Action, 7 (1).
p. 24839.
Tizro, Zahra (2014) The role of orthodox jurisprudence in dealing with domestic violence against women in Iran. La camera blu (10).
Trenkic, Danijela, Mirkovic, Jelena and Altmann, Gerry T. M. (2014) Real-time grammar processing by native and non-native speakers: Constructions unique to the second language. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 17 (02). pp. 237-257.
Vande Loock, K., Botsivali, M., Zangogianni, M., Anderson, D., Baumgartner, Adi ORCID:, Fthenou, E., Chatzi, L., Marcos, R., Agramunt, S., Namork, E., Granum, B., Knudsen, L. E., Nielssen, J. K. S., Meltzer, H. M., Haugen, M., Kyrtopoulos, S. A., Decordier, I., Plas, G., Roelants, M., Merlo, F., Kleinjans, J., Kogevinas, M. and Kirsch-Volders, M.
The effect of dietary estimates calculated using food frequency questionnaires on micronuclei formation in European pregnant women: a NewGeneris study.
Mutagenesis, 29 (6).
pp. 393-400.
Velija, Philippa, Ratna, A. and Flintoff, A. (2014) Exclusionary power in sports organisations: The merger between the Women's Cricket Association and the England and Wales Cricket Board. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 49 (2). pp. 211-226.
Velija, Philippa, Ratna, A. and Flintoff, A. (2014) Exclusionary power in sports organisations: The merger between the Women's Cricket Association and the England and Wales Cricket Board. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 49 (2). pp. 211-226.
Walker, Nathan ORCID:
Permutation and Randomness in the Action Score Generator.
Journal of writing in creative practice, 7 (1).
pp. 213-221.
Walton, Joan ORCID:
What can the ‘Transpersonal’ Contribute to Transformative Research?
International Journal for Transformative Research, 1 (1).
pp. 25-44.
Warriner, Sian, Bryan, Karen ORCID: and Brown, Anna Maria
Women's attitude towards the use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in pregnancy.
Midwifery, 30 (1).
pp. 138-143.
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Special Olympians as a “Prophetic Sign” to the Modern Sporting Babel. Journal of Disability & Religion, 18 (1). pp. 24-48.
Watson, Nick J. and Brock, Brian (2014) Religion in the ring: death, concussion and brain bleeds. Theos.
Watson, Nick J. and O'Keefe, Catherine A. (2014) “Celebration” as the Spiritual Expression of Leisure and Sport: Reflections on the L’Arche Tradition and the Special Olympics. Journal of Disability & Religion, 18 (1). pp. 64-81.
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Editorial (Special Issue : Sports, religion, and disability). Journal of Disability & Religion, 18 (1). pp. 1-7.
Wheeler, Sharon ORCID:
Organised activities, educational activities and family activities: how do they feature in the middle-class family’s weekend?
Leisure Studies, 33 (2).
pp. 215-232.
Wicaksono, Rachel ORCID:
Why don’t we all speak Xhosa?
Lingo: the language magazine for younger readers (1).
Wijeratne, Thilini (2014) Two case Studies: Analysing the uptake of reinforced and incidental vocabulary amongst young immigrant learners introduced to the English mainstream primary school in the U.K. SAARC Journal of Educational Research, 11. pp. 28-54.
Wilson, John, Gabriel, Lynne ORCID: and James, Hazel
Observing a client's grieving process: bringing logical positivism into qualitative grief counselling research.
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 42 (5).
pp. 568-583.
Wood, Margaret ORCID: and Su, Feng
A mission possible: towards a shared dialogic space for professional learning in UK higher education.
European Journal of Higher Education, 4 (4).
pp. 363-372.
Wright, Nat M.J., Bi-Mohammed, Zanib ORCID: and Hughes, Gareth J.
Comparative prices of diverted buprenorphine/naloxone and buprenorphine in a UK prison setting: A cross-sectional survey of drug using prisoners.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 144.
pp. 254-258.
Wylie, Alex (2014) Sisson's Troy. PN Review, 40 (5).
Wylie, Alex (2014) “Things that other people have desired”: The Contexts of TS Eliot’s Portrait of A Lady. Journal of the TS Eliot Society (UK).
Wylie, Alex (2014) “'This: “Ad Socium”?': Verbal Power in Geoffrey Hill's The Triumph of Love.”. English: Journal of the English Association, 63 (423). pp. 330-346.
Xiang, Fei and Neal, Peter (2014) Efficient MCMC for temporal epidemics via parameter reduction. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 80. pp. 240-250.
ZHAO, Yaofeng, LI, Ning, Aitken, Robert, DAI, Yunping, GUO, Ying, ZHANG, Ran, MENG, Qingyong, HU, Xiaoxiang, REN, Liming, WANG, Meili, ZHENG, Min, XU, Beilei, MA, Li, SUN, Yi, LIANG, Jingwen, CHU, Dan, CHENG, Xueqian and ZHANG, Min (2014) Depletion of conventional mature B cells and compromised specific antibody response in bovine immunoglobulin &Mgr; heavy-chain transgenic mice. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 158-173.
Zifkos, Georgios (2014) Sustainability Everywhere: Problematising the “Sustainable Festival” Phenomenon. Tourism Planning & Development, 12 (1). pp. 6-19.
Book Section
Alexiou, Artemis ORCID:
The Renaissance of Academic Publishing: The Deconstruction of the Journal into a Pragmatic Manifestation of a Postmodernist Set of Discourses.
In: Zantides, Evripides, (ed.)
Semiotics and Visual Communication: Concepts and Practices.
Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 34-44
Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID:, Katz, M., Fitzek, F.H.P., Lucani, D.E, D.E. and Pedersen, M.V, M.V.
D2D-based mobile clouds for energy- and spectral-efficient content distribution.
In: Mumtaz, S. and Rodriguez, J., (eds.)
Smart Device to Smart Device Communication.
Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID:, Mohammad Javad Salehi, Mohammad Javad Salehi, Bidushi Barua;, Bidushi Barua;, Khalaj, Babak Hossein and Marcos Katz, Marcos Katz
Energy and delay efficient strategies for content distribution using mobile-to-mobile cooperation.
2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD).
Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID:, Salehi, Mohammad Javad, Khalaj, Babak Hossein and Katz, Marcos
An energy-efficient leader selection algorithm for cooperative mobile clouds.
2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD).
Barnes, Robert ORCID:
Britain and the Commonwealth.
In: Matray, James I. and Boose, Donald W., (eds.)
The Ashgate research companion to the Korean War.
Ashgate, pp. 73-84
Bell, Beth T. ORCID: and Fitton, Dan
Working with teenagers within HCI research: Understanding teen-computer interaction.
BCS-HCI '14 Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014 - Sand, Sea and Sky - Holiday HCI.
ACM, pp. 201-206
Bidushi Barua, Bidushi Barua, Karunakaran, Prasanth, Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID: and Katz, Marcos
Energy and delay efficient cooperative media content download.
2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD).
Brooks-Wilson, Sarah and Snell, Carolyn (2014) Education for sustainable development and welfare reform: a very British case study? In: Fitzpatrick, Tony, (ed.) International Handbook on Social Policy and the Environment. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 376-400
Cotterill, Diane (2014) Ethics. In: Bryant, Wendy, Fieldhouse, Jon and Bannigan, Katrina, (eds.) Creek's Occupational Therapy and Mental Health. 5 ed. Elsevier Health Sciences, pp. 151-162
Dey, Somdip ORCID:, Gopal, Tanaya, Subbaraju, Madhuri and Joshi, Rashmi vivek
MAR(S)2: Methodology to articulate the requirements for security In SCADA.
Fourth edition of the International Conference on the Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2014).
Duché, Elodie ORCID:
The Missing Spouse: The Wives of British Prisoners in France under Napoleon, Their Lives and Writings.
In: Probert, Rebecca, (ed.)
Catherine Exley’s Diary: The Life and Times of an Army Wife in the Peninsular War.
Kenilworth, Brandram, pp. 106-122
Evans, Anne-Marie (2014) Sentimentalism and Celebrity Culture: Mae West as Novelist. In: Williamson, Jennifer, Larson, Jennifer and Reed, Ashley, (eds.) The Sentimental Mode: Essays in Literature, Film and Television. Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland & Company, pp. 107-120
Farkas, Daniel L., Nicolau, Dan V., Leif, Robert C., Bocsi, József, Nieschke, Kathleen, Mittag, Anja, Reichert, Thomas, Laffers, Wiebke, Marecka, Monika, Pierzchalski, Arkadiusz, Piltz, Joachim, Esche, Hans-Jürgen, Wolf, Günther, Dähnert, Ingo, Baumgartner, Adi ORCID: and Tarnok, Attila
Diagnosis of myocardial infarction based on lectin-induced erythrocyte agglutination: a feasibility study.
Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XII.
Proceedings of SPIE
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria ORCID:, Malafaia, Carla, Ribeiro, Norberto and Menezes, Isabel
Participation among youth, women, and migrants: findings from Portugal.
In: Barret, Martyn and Zani, Bruna, (eds.)
Political and civic engagement: Multidisciplinary perspectives.
Routledge, pp. 311-333
Fitton, Dan, Bell, Beth T. ORCID:, Read, Janet C., Iversen, Ole, Little, Linda and Horton, Matthew
Understanding teen UX: Building a bridge to the future.
CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM, pp. 79-82
Garvey, Robert (2014) Mentoring in a Coaching World. In: Cox, Elaine, Bachkirova, Tatiana and Clutterbuck, David, (eds.) The Complete Handbook of Coaching. 2nd ed. London, SAGE, pp. 361-374
Hall, Howard, Jowett, Gareth E. ORCID: and Hill, Andrew P.
Perfectionism: The role of personality in shaping an athlete's sporting experience.
In: Papaioannou, Athanasios G. and Hackfort, Dieter, (eds.)
International perspectives on key issues in sport and exercise psychology.
Routledge, 152 - 168
Higgins, Lee (2014) Community Music, Community Music Therapy, & Applied Ethnomusicology: Building Bridges between Scholarship and Practice. In: Cohen, Mary L., (ed.) CMA XIV: Listening to the World: Experiencing and Connecting the Knowledge from Community Music. ISME, pp. 77-86
Kim, Sebastian (2014) Inter-Asia Mission and Global Missionary Movements from Asia. In: Wildred, Felix, (ed.) Oxford Handbook on Christianity in Asia. Oxford University Press, pp. 145-157
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: Christian Contacts. In: Muck, Terry C., Netland, Harold A. and McDermott, Gerald R., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 276-281
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: Current Issues. In: Muck, Terry C., Netland, Harold A. and McDermott, Gerald R., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 289-294
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: History, Beliefs, Practices. In: Muck, Terry C. and Netland, Harold A., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 269-275
Kim, Sebastian (2014) North Asia: Theological Exchanges. In: Muck, Terry C., Netland, Harold A. and McDermott, Gerald R., (eds.) Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, pp. 282-288
Klaces, Caleb ORCID:
Poem: 'Genit--'.
The White Review.
The White Review
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Come to the Edge and Reach Over: Christian and Muslim Women Creating Communities of Trust.
In: Khadar, J. and Twal, I., (eds.)
Christian Muslim Relations: From Theocracy to Secularism and Between.
University of Bethlehem
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Finding a Path to a Common Future: Religion and Cosmopolitanism in the Context of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In: Rovisco, Maria and Kim, Sebastian, (eds.)
Cosmopolitanism, Religion and the Public Sphere.
Abingdon, Oxon and New York, Routledge, pp. 48-67
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Finding a Way Forward Together: Religion and Cosmopolitanism in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In: Rovisco, Maria and Kim, Sebastian, (eds.)
Religion, Cosmopolitanism and Public Life.
Routledge, pp. 48-67
Koukpaki, Serge (2014) ‘The Learning, Training and Development needs of Strategic Leadership in the Context of Higher Education in a Scottish Research Intensive University: A Qualitative Case Study’. In: Onuka, O.A.U., (ed.) Analysing educational issues : essays in honour of emeritus professor Pai Obanya. Nigeria, Society for the Promotion of Academic and Research Excellence, pp. 386-407
Kramer, Kaley ORCID:
Haunting History: Women, Catholicism, and the Writing of National History in Sophia Lee's The Recess.
In: Kramer, Kaley
ORCID: and Chappell, Julie, (eds.)
Women During the English Reformations: renegotiating gender and religious identity.
New York and London, Palgrave Macmillan (USA), pp. 129-144
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
Performing Cross-cultural culinary discourse: the Case of Levi Roots.
In: Beushausen, Wiebke, Bruske, Anne, Commichau, Ana-Sofia, Helber, Patrick and Kloss, Sinah, (eds.)
Caribbean Food Cultures: Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas.
Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, pp. 153-174
Lucas, Tim and Parker, Keither ORCID:
New Pathways In Initial Teacher Education.
International Teacher Education Conference (ITEC 2014) Online Proceedings Book.
ITEC, pp. 1045-1059
Machefert, Sylvain (2014) Quelle place pour les bibliothèques dans les digital humanities? In: Deuff, O., (ed.) Le temps des humanités digitales. Fyp, pp. 94-96
McCaleb, Murphy ORCID:
A question of ensemble.
Embodied Knowledge in Ensemble Performance.
SEMPRE Studies in the Psychology of Music
Ashgate (Routledge), pp. 1-18
McColl, Julie, Canning, Catherine, McBride, Louise, Nobbs, Karinna and Shearer, Linda (2014) An exploration of vintage fashion retailing. In: Mondal, Ibrahim H., (ed.) Textiles: History, Properties & Performance and Applications. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp. 1-19
McIntosh, Esther ORCID:
Issues in feminist public theology.
In: Burns, S. and Monro, A., (eds.)
Public Theology and the Challenge of Feminism.
Routledge, pp. 63-74
Newmark, Pater and Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Art Song in Translation’, co-written with Peter Newmark.
In: Minors, Helen Julia
ORCID:, (ed.)
Music, Text and Translation.
Bloomsbury Advances in Translation
Bloomsbury, pp. 59-68
Orr, Susan and McDougall, Julian (2014) Enquiry into Learning and Teaching in Arts and Creative Practice. In: Cleaver, Elizabeth, Lintern, Maxine and McLinden, Mike, (eds.) Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Disciplinary Approaches to Educational Enquiry. London, Sage
Pari, Seyed Mohammad Asghari, Noormohammadpour, Mohammad, Salehi, Mohammad Javad, Babak, Babak Hossein, Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID: and Katz, Marcos
A self-organizing approach to malicious detection in leader-based mobile ad-hoc networks.
2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD).
Piper, Heather, Taylor, Bill and Garratt, Dean (2014) Hands-off PE Teaching and Sports Coaching in the UK. In: Piper, Heather, (ed.) Touch in Sports Coaching and Physical Education: Fear, Risk and Moral Panic. Routledge
Rezvy, Shahadate ORCID:, Rahman, Shahedur, Lasebae, Aboubaker and Loo, Jonathan
System capacity improvement by on request channel allocation in LTE cellular network.
2014 48th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS).
IEEE, pp. 1-5
Schaefer, Gerald, Doshi, Niraj P., Zhu, Shao Ying and Hu, Qinghua (2014) Analysis of HEp-2 images using MD-LBP and MAD-bagging. In: 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, pp. 4248-4251
Selway, Matt ORCID:
Gender, Melancholia and the ‘Fallen Woman’: Gendered Visions
of Mental Illness in The Hours.
In: Guimaraes Guerra, Lolita and Nicdao, Jose A., (eds.)
Narratives of suffering, meaning and experience in a transcultural approach.
Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 95-104
Seyed, Mohammad Asghari Pari, Noormohammadpour, Mohammad, Khalaj, Babak Hossein, Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID: and Katz, Marcos
An incentive-based leader selection mechanism for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs).
2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD).
Sointu, Eeva ORCID:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
In: Dingwall, Robert and Quah, Stella R., (eds.)
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society.
Wiley, pp. 283-290
Spring, Hannah ORCID:
Health 2.0 and Information Literacy for Rare and Orphan Diseases.
In: Bali, Rajeev K., Bos, Lodewijk, Gibbons, Michael C. and Ibell, Simon R., (eds.)
Rare Diseases in the Age of Health 2.0.
Springer, pp. 101-113
Toth, Nicola, Bell, Beth T. ORCID:, Avramides, K, Rulton, K and Little, L
Is the next generation prepared? Understanding barriers to teenage energy conservation.
In: Reiter, S., (ed.)
Energy Consumption: Impacts of Human Activity, Current and Future Challenges, Environmental and Socio-economic Effects.
Nova Science, pp. 117-140
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Editorial. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sports, Religion and Disability. Routledge, xii-xvii
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Special Olympians as a ‘Prophetic Sign’ to the Modern Sporting Babel. In: Kretchmar, S. and Hopsicker, P., (eds.) Philosophy of sport. Critical concepts in sports studies, 2 . London, Routledge, pp. 167-207
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Emerging Research Areas. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 100-118
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Institutions and Governance of Sport: A Case Study of the Modern Olympic Games. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion : a systematic review of literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 86-99
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Introduction. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-6
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Pioneering Scholars and Initiatives in the Field. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 7-14
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A. (2014) Sport, Religion and Popular Culture. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, A., (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 27-43
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Muscular Christianity and Sports Ministry. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 44-62
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Theological Ethics in Sport (with Psychological considerations). In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 63-85
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Theologies of Play in Sport. In: Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew, (eds.) Sport and the Christian Religion: A Systematic Review of Literature. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 15-26
Wei, Yun-gang, Lu, Yang ORCID:, Hu, Xiao-yan and Sun, Bo
Research and Application of Access Control Technique in 3D Virtual Reality System OpenSim.
2013 Sixth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design.
Zadeh, Afrooz Darooei, Bagheri, Hamidreza ORCID: and Katz, Marcos
Using mobile clouds in medical ICT scenarios: A preliminary study.
2014 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT).
Zoli, Anna (2014) Fiducia, senso di comunità e Transizione: una riflessione sui dati. In: Mazzoni, Davide, Barbieri, Irene, Prati, Gabriele, Cicognani, Elvira and Albanesi, Cinzia, (eds.) Costruire comunità ospitali e sostenibili. Nuove sfide per la Psicologia di Comunità. Cesena, Alma Mater Studiorum Università Di Bologna, pp. 155-156
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar: Reforms to Science at GCSE and A-level: content, delivery and practical skills.
Discussion Paper.
Westminster Education Forum.
Campbell, Patricia Shehan, Myers, David, Sarath, Ed, Chattah, Juan, Higgins, Lee, Levine, Victoria Lindsay, Rudge, David and Rice, Timothy (2014) Transforming Music Study from its Foundations: A Manifesto for Progressive Change in the Undergraduate Preparation of Music Majors. Project Report. The College Music Society.
Weir, David T.H. ORCID:
Ahlem Amana Worries About its Investment in a High Tech Company.
Higher Education Academy.
Conference or Workshop Item
Allen, Georgia, Daniel Rhind, Daniel Rhind and Valsa Koshy, Valsa Koshy (2014) From the sports hall into the classroom: Tackling male underachievement through sport. In: World Congress of Sociology of Sport - “Sociology of Sport and the Challenges of Social Change”,, 9-13th July 2014, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)
Bannigan, Katrina (2014) Occupational therapy and mental health: What’s the evidence? In: The OT Show, 26 November, 2014, Birmingham. (Unpublished)
Beaumont, Alexander ORCID: and Richards, J
Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and the Influential Effects of Alcohol Consumption.
In: British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Student Conference, University of Portsmouth.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Making Action Research more robust?
In: National Teacher Educators Network: ResearchEd.
Bloom, Katy ORCID: and Dainty, Frances
Moving a Science department to 'Good'.
In: Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Burrows, Ben ORCID: and Hepworth-Sawyer, Russ
The Art of Doing is Power in Assessment.
In: Heroes and Monsters, 2-4 June 2014, Salford.
Carter, Sophie ORCID:, Jones, Mark and Gladwell, Valerie
Energy expenditure and heart rate response to breaking up sedentary time with three different physical activity interventions.
In: Physiology 2014, 30 Jun - 2 Jul 2014, London, United Kingdom.
Cronin-Davis, Jane, Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:, Bannigan, Katrina and Brintnell, S.
The WFOT global survey of mental health practice in occupational therapy.
In: 16th International Congress of the World Federation of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, June 18 -21 2014, Yokohama, Japan.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
A 3D spinorial view of 4D exceptional phenomena.
In: Mathematics Seminar, 12th December 2014, Charles University, Prague.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Affine symmetry principles for non-crystallographic systems & applications to viruses/carbon onions.
In: 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, 14th - 18th July 2014, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Affinne symmetry principles for non-crystallographic systems & applications to viruses/carbon onions.
In: Mathematics Seminar, 16th December 2014, Doppler Institute, Technical University, Prague.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Platonic solids generate their four-dimensional
analogues - a 3D spinorial view of 4D exceptional
In: 10th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, 4th – 9th August 2014, Tartu, Estonia.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Platonic solids generate their four-dimensional
analogues - a 3D spinorial view of 4D exceptional
In: Mathematical Sciences Seminar - Rank 3 root systems/Coxeter groups induce (the exceptional) rank 4 root systems/Coxeter groups via a new Clifford spinor construction, 10th November 2014, Birkbeck, University of London.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Platonic solids generate their four-dimensional analogues.
In: 5th Workshop SIGMAP - Symmetries In Graph, Maps And Polytopes, 7th - 11th July 2014, ELIM Conference Centre, West Malvern.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Platonic solids generate their four-dimensional analogues - a 3D spinorial view of 4D exceptional phenomena.
In: Algebra Seminar, 17th November 2014, University of York.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
Recent developments in affine symmetry principles for non-crystallographic systems.
In: Open Statistical Physics Annual Meeting, 26th March 2014, Open University, Milton Keynes.
Dechant, Pierre-Philippe ORCID:
What Clifford algebra can do for Coxeter groups and root systems.
In: Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar, 21st February 2014, Durham University.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID:
Turnitin’s iPad app – the solution to all your problems?
In: Talking About Teaching, 2014, York.
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Theorising Practice and Writing for Education.
In: Staff and Postgraduate Lecture Series, Salford University.
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID: and Baker, Alison
Using social media to enhance understanding of children's literature.
In: UKLA Conference 2014, Brighton.
Emary, Leah ORCID:, Watt, Victoria and McCluskey, Clare
Little and often: Exploring the potential of information literacy mini lessons.
In: LILAC, 23-25 April 2014, Sheffield, UK.
Gustafsson, H., Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:, Stenling, A., Wagnsson, S. and Söderberg, A.
Perfectionism and burnout in competitive junior athletes: The moderating influence of parent-initiated motivational climate. Burnout in the sports domain, from the individual to the contextual perspectives: New and innovative conceptualizations.
In: French Society of Sports Psychology, May 2014, Nice, France.
Hall, Howard, Smith, E., Jowett, G., Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H. ORCID: and Hill, Andrew P.
Perfectionism in Sport: A critical antecedent of athlete burnout.
In: Performing Under Pressure – International and Interdisciplinary Symposium: 46th Annual ASP Conference & Art in Motion 2014, May 2014, University of Music and Performing Arts, Munich, Germany.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
‘It was good son, but it wasn’t perfect’: The role of parents in the development of perfectionism in junior athletes.
In: Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, September 2014, Oslo, Norway.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
More than the sum of its (unique) parts: Perfectionism in sport and exercise contexts.
In: Loughborough University, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, March 2014, Loughborough, UK.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
Perfectionism: Burning brightly or burning out?
In: Northumbria University, Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, February 2014, Northumbria, UK.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
The comparative predictive ability of perfectionistic self-presentational style and trait perfectionism on exercise dependence.
In: International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)., July 2014, Paris, France.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Davis, P. A.
Perfectionism and Emotion Regulation in Coaches: A Test of the 2 × 2 Model of Dispositional Perfectionism.
In: European College of Sport Sciences (ECSS), 2-5 July 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Inman, Joanne, Bannigan, Katrina, Cronin-Davis, Jane and Reid, Anna (2014) Participation and Mental Health: An Example of Theory Development in Occupational Therapy. In: 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, 18-21 June 2014, Yokohama, Japan. (Unpublished)
Jowett, G., Hall, H. K., Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Curran, T.
Perfectionism and burnout in youth sport: A self-determination theory perspective.
In: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie, May 2014, Munich, Germany.
Jowett, Gareth E. ORCID:, Curran, Thomas, Hill, Andrew P.
ORCID: and Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H.
The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and passion in junior athletes.
In: 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8–13 July, 2014, Palais des Congrés de Paris, France..
Keshtiban, Amir ORCID:
Leadership, Leaderlessness and Social Media: The Case of the Occupy Movement.
In: European Conference on Social Media (ECSM 2014), 10 – 11 July 2014, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Kiely, J. and Liefeith, Andreas ORCID:
Movement Control, Early Specialisation and Injury.
In: Institute of Coaching and Performance: Talent Development Symposium, May 2014, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Exploring Models of Religious Education in the Search for Building Values of Mutual Understanding, Empathy, and Critical Dialogue: Perspectives from Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In: International Symposium on Religious Education and Values, 27 July - 1 August 2014, York St John University, York, UK.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Gender Perspectives in Religious-based Peacebuilding: Women Building Peace and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In: 25th IPRA Conference, 10 - 16 August 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kollontai, Pauline C. H. ORCID:
Story Telling in Religious Education: Promoting Respect and Empathy in Diverse Communities.
In: Sarajevo International Peace Conference, 5 - 9 June 2014, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Koukpaki, Serge (2014) Leadership characteristics for creating and appropriating value for organisations in complex environments. In: 8th International Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Summit, 8-13 September 2014, Columbia/Bogota. (Unpublished)
Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID: and Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H.
The development of the Activity Card Sort - United Kingdom (ACS-UK): Content validity, item generation and selection.
In: 16th International Congress of the World Federation of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, June 18 -21 2014, Yokohama, Japan.
Lee, Ruth ORCID:
What are you implying? Children’s inferences from implicit information in narratives.
In: Development 2014, 7 May 2014, Ottawa, Canada.
Lucas, Tim and Parker, Keither ORCID:
New pathways in Initial Teacher Education.
In: International Teacher Education Conference (ITEC 2014), 5-7 February 2014, Dubai.
Machefert, Sylvain (2014) Improving modern art articles on Wikipedia, a partnership between Wikimédia France and Centre Georges Pompidou. In: Satellite meeting IFLA 2014 - Art libraries meet the challenges of e-publishing : new formats, new players, new solutions, 12-14 August 2014, Paris.
Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H. ORCID:, Hill, Andrew P.
ORCID: and Hall, Howard
Perfectionism and negative youth sport experiences: A further test of the 2 x 2 model of perfectionism.
In: 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 22-24 October 2014, Palais des Congrés de Paris, France..
Mallinson-Howard, Sarah H. ORCID:, Hill, Andrew P.
ORCID: and Hall, Howard
Perfectionism and the experiences of youth sport participants.
In: Performing Under Pressure – International and Interdisciplinary Symposium: 46th Annual asp Conference & Art in Motion 2014, May 2014, University of Music and Performing Arts, Munich, Germany.
McCaleb, J Murphy ORCID:
Developing Ensemble Musicians.
In: From Output to Impact: The integration of artistic research results into musical training. Proceedings of the 2014 ORCiM Seminar, 19–20 November 2014, Orpheus Research Centre in Music, Ghent..
McFetridge, Mark ORCID:, Crooke, Helen, Levita, Liat and Milner, Rebecca
Out of self-harms way? The relationship between specific self-injurious behaviors, trauma history and clinical outcome in the psychological therapy for women with severe Borderline Personality Disorder.
In: BIGSPD 15th Annual Conference, 19-21 February 2014, Lincoln.
Mierzwinski, Mark ORCID:
Bullying in male Physical Education: A figurational perspective.
In: From Past to Present to Possible Futures:, 20-22 June 2014, College Court Conference Centre, University of Leicester, UK.
Mierzwinski, Mark ORCID:
Bullying in male Physical Education: A sociological perspective.
In: International Sociology of Sport Association conference, 9-12th July 2014, Peking University, Beijing, China.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Fusing Words and Music: A Midsummer Night’s Dreams’.
In: Music Research Seminar Series, 24 February 2014, Kingston University.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘Paul Dukas’ Appropriation of Mæterlinck’s Text: Surveying a progress of musical translation in Ariane et Barbe-Bleue (1907)’.
In: Improvisation and Digital Arts Festival, 20 February 2014, Kingston University.
Nesfield, Victoria ORCID:
Striking a balance between memorialising and moralising: exploring Germany's confrontation with the Holocaust’.
In: Cultures of Commemoration conference, 11-12 July 2014, Centre for Studies in Literature, University of Portsmouth.
O'Dea, Xianghan (Christine) ORCID:
The key issues Chinese top up students experiencing in a UK university.
In: SRHE new researcher conference 2014, 2014/12, Newport, Wales, UK.
Parker, Keither ORCID:
PGCE Secondary Programme Selection Processes.
In: Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Conference, 9 April 2014, York, UK.
Parker, Keither ORCID: and Lucas, Tim
School Direct one year on: an analysis of evaluation data.
In: Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, 4-5 November 2014, Birmingham, UK.
Priestnall, Gary, Lorenz, Katharina, Heffernan, Mike, Bailey, Joseph ORCID:, Goodere, Craig and Sullivan, Robyn
Reconstruction and Display of a Nineteenth Century Landscape Model.
In: Digital Humanities conference, Lausanne.
Reifenstein, Tilo (2014) Image and word interpenetrations in Raymond Pettibon. In: Word & Image Crossovers conference and 5th English Literary Meeting, 29–30 Sep. 2014, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland. (Unpublished)
Reifenstein, Tilo (2014) Wave, fold, hinge. In: Riddles of Form: Exploration and Discovery in Word and Image, 10th International IAWIS/AIERTI conference and 21st Scottish Word and Image Group conference, 11–15 Aug. 2014, University of Dundee. (Unpublished)
Rezvy, Shahadate ORCID:, Rahman, Shahedur, Lasebae, Aboubaker and Loo, Jonathan
Instant channel allocation technique to improve system throughput in joint LTE cellular network.
In: 2014 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 13-16 May 2014, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Rezvy, Shahadate ORCID:, Rahman, Shahedur, Lasebae, Aboubaker and Loo, Jonathan
On demand-based frequency allocation to mitigate interference in Femto-Macro LTE cellular network.
In: Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2013), 12-14 Nov. 2013, London, UK.
Saklofske, D. H., Nordstokke, D., Smith, Martin M. ORCID: and Prince-Embury, S.
The three factor model of resiliency: Measuring resiliency in youth and adults.
In: Symposium conducted at the Canadian Psychological Association's 75th Annual Convention, 5-7 June 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Smith, Martin M. ORCID: and Saklofske, D. H.
Perfectionistic strivings moderates the effect of perfectionistic concerns on depression, anxiety, and stress.
In: 75th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, 5-7 June 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Smith, Martin M. ORCID:, Saklofske, D. H. and Keefer, K. V.
Personal resiliency moderates the effect of coping strategies on psychological outcomes.
In: 75th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, 5-7 June 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Smith, Martin M. ORCID:, Saklofske, D. H. and Nordstokke, D. W.
Neuroticism and perfectionistic concerns: The mediating effect of personal resiliency.
In: 75th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, 5-7 June 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Smith, Martin M. ORCID:, Saklofske, D. H. and Yan, G.
The effect of culture on the perfectionism-psychological outcome link.
In: 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8–13 July 2014, Paris, France.
Spring, Hannah ORCID:
Information literacy when there is no information: the case of rare and orphan diseases.
In: 10th Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) 2014, 23rd–25th April 2014, Sheffield, UK.
Spring, Hannah ORCID:
Planning your research project: a workshop from the HEALER network [Workshop].
In: Health Libraries Group conference 2014, 24th-25th July 2014, Oxford.
Spring, Hannah ORCID:
Research engagement in health librarianship: outcomes of a focus group.
In: Health Libraries Group conference 2014, 24th-25th July 2014, Oxford.
Spring, Hannah ORCID: and Sen, B.
Supporting young people’s health information needs.
In: 10th Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) 2014, 23rd–25th April 2014, Sheffield.
Tohver, G. C., Smith, Martin M. ORCID: and Saklofske, D. H.
Forgive or forget? Perfectionistic concerns, propensity for forgiveness, and the mediating role of Emotional Intelligence.
In: 75th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, 5-7 June 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Tohver, G. C., Smith, Martin M. ORCID: and Saklofske, D. H.
Perfectionistic concerns, propensity for forgiveness, and the mediating role of Emotional Intelligence.
In: 75th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, 5-7 June 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Can sport build character? Exploring faith, love and “big hits” in the world of sport. In: Exploring the Link between Sport and Spirituality, 24-25 January 2014, St Patrick's College, Thurles, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Sport, Christianity and disability. In: The Spirit in Sport Conference, 12 June 2014, The Charterhouse, London. (Unpublished)
Watson, Nick J. (2014) Sport, religion and disability: reflecting on brokenness and weakness in mind and body. In: Exploring the Link between Sport and Spirituality, 24-25 January 2014, St Patrick's College, Thurles, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Wilkie, Brett ORCID: and Liefeith, Andreas
Impact of Audio Video Feedback on Student Success.
In: Higher York e-learning Conference, May 2014, York.
Chappell, Julie and Kramer, Kaley ORCID:, eds.
Women During the English Reformations: renegotiating gender and religious identity.
New York and London, Palgrave Macmillan (USA)
Barnes, Robert ORCID:
The US, the UN and the Korean War: Communism in the Far East and the American Struggle for Hegemony in the Cold War.
Library of Modern American History
London, IB Tauris
Charura, Divine ORCID: and Paul, Stephen
The Therapeutic Relationship Handbook: Theory & Practice.
Cousins, Mark and Hepworth-Sawyer, Russ ORCID:
Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production.
Focal Press
Dobson, Tom ORCID:
Naming the Unnamable : Researching Identities through Creative Writing.
Flanagan, Liz (2014) Dara’s Clever Trap. Oxford, Barefoot Books
Garvey, Robert (2014) Fundamentals of Coaching and Mentoring. London, SAGE
Garvey, Robert, Stokes, Paul and Megginson, David (2014) Coaching and Mentoring theory and practice. 2nd ed. London, SAGE
McCaleb, J Murphy ORCID:
Embodied Knowledge in Ensemble Performance.
1st ed.
SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music
Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate
McDonald, Keith ORCID: and Clark, Roger
Guillermo del Toro : film as alchemic art.
London, Bloomsbury
Merrison, Andrew ORCID:, Bloomer, Aileen, Griffiths, Patrick and Hall, Christopher J
Introducing Language in Use.
2nd ed.
London, Routledge
Moreh, Chris ORCID:
Alcalái Románok. Migráció és társadalmi differenciálódás [Romanians of Alcalá. Migration and Social Differentiation].
Budapest, Hungary, L'Harmattan
Paul, Stephen and Charura, Divine ORCID:
An Introduction to the Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Sanders, Robert, Lyons, Minna, Harrison, Neil and Robertson, Sarita (2014) Critical Thinking in Psychology: Biological Psychology. London, Sage
Stern, Julian ORCID:
Loneliness and Solitude in Education: How to Value Individuality and Create an Enstatic School.
Oxford; New York, Peter Lang
Watson, Nick J. and Parker, Andrew (2014) Sport and the Christian religion : a systematic review of literature. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Padmini Ema, Uma ORCID:
Asian financial crisis and Efficient Market Hypothesis: Actions and reactions on 20th century.
Masters thesis, Queen Mary University of London.
Brooks, Duncan (2014) 'Blue Danube' Interactive immersive media space. [Artefact]
Hind, Claire and Winters, Gary (2014) A Song for the Archive Performed at MIT, USA. [Show/Exhibition]
MacDonald, Juliet ORCID:
Drawology: one year on.
MacDonald, Juliet ORCID:, Lycett, Robert and Emmanouil, Sophia
trace.[instructions for mapping space].
Taylor, Sally (2014) Jerwood Drawing Prize 2014 - Group Exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]
Taylor, Sally (2014) Paint like you mean it. [Show/Exhibition]
Taylor, Sally (2014) Shortlisted and included in exhibition and UK Tour 2014 -2015, Derwent Art Prize. [Show/Exhibition]
Lancaster, David ORCID:
Goodwin, Elizabeth (2014) A balanced argument? Communicating the power of argument to History undergraduates. Historical transactions.
Jeff, Paul ORCID:
Paul Jeff.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
‘How can music deliver the story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?’.
Taylor, Sally (2014) That Head That Head. Sally Taylor.
Turner, Helen (2014) Bodies out of Place: Art, Activism, Feminism and Folk Music. Helen Turner.