Items where Subject is "LB2300 Higher Education"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (271)
- L Education (271)
- LB Theory and practice of education (271)
- LB2300 Higher Education (271)
- LB Theory and practice of education (271)
- L Education (271)
Alexiou, Artemis ORCID:
Using multimedia to teach critical and contextual studies.
In: Betts, Tab and Oprandi, Paolo, (eds.)
100 Ideas for Active Learning.
Open Press, University of Sussex
Alshammari, Eman and Wicaksono, Rachel ORCID:
Teachers' perceptions of oral corrective feedback in form-focussed language classrooms: Why do they correct the way they do.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 11 (4).
pp. 58-69.
Arasa, Josephine Nyaboke and Calvert, Mike (2013) Negotiating professional identities in higher education in Kenya: dilemmas and priorities of faculty. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 18 (4). pp. 402-414.
Asghar, Mandy (2013) Exploring formative assessment using cultural historical activity theory. Turkish online journal of qualitative inquiry (TOJQI)., 4 (2). p. 18.
Asghar, Mandy (2010) Reciprocal peer coaching and its use as a formative assessment strategy for first‐year students. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35 (4). pp. 403-417.
Asghar, Mandy (2014) Staff and student experiences of dialogue days, a student engagement activity. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. pp. 1-10.
Asghar, Mandy (2012) The lived experience of formative assessment practice in a British university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 36 (2). pp. 205-223.
Asghar, Mandy, Laight, Jean and Aslett-Bentley, Avril (2010) Investigating conceptions and practice of formative assessment in higher education. Literacy information and computer education journal, 1 (3). p. 192.
Asghar, Mandy and Pilkington, Ruth (2017) The relational value of professional dialogue for academics pursuing HEA fellowship. International Journal for Academic Development.
Asghar, Mandy and Rowe, Nick (2017) Learning from the unfamiliar: How does working with people who use mental health services impact on students’ learning and development? Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42 (3). pp. 339-351.
Asghar, Mandy and Rowe, Nick (2016) Reciprocity and critical reflection as the key to social justice in service learning: a case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54 (2). pp. 117-125.
Atkinson, David ORCID:
Growing crystals in the classroom: Reflections on applying critical theory—a negative dialectic approach to enterprise and entrepreneurship education.
In: 16th International Enterprise Educators Conference, IEEC2022, 7th–9th September 2022, Swansea University.
Austerlitz, Noam, Blythman, Margo, Grove-White, Annie, Jones, Barbara Anne, Jones, Carol An, Morgan, Sally, Orr, Susan, Shreeve, Alison and Vaughn, Suzi (2008) Mind the gap: expectations, ambiguity and pedagogy within art and design higher education. In: Drew, Linda, (ed.) The Student Experience in Art and Design Higher Education: Drivers for Change. Cambridge, Jill Rogers Associates Limited, pp. 124-148
Bayne-Jardine, C., Hoy, C. and Wood, M. ORCID:
Improving Quality in Education.
1st ed.
Routledge/Taylor and Francis
Bishop, Gillian (2017) International learner voices : an exploratory study of the MBA students' journey to reflective practitioner. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.
Blair, Bernadette, Orr, Susan and Yorke, Mantz (2012) ?Erm, that question... I think I probably would?ve just put something in the middle and sort of moved on to the next one, because I think it?s really unclear?: How art and design students understand and interpret the National Student Survey. Higher Education Academy.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Fostering Metacognitive Awareness in Pre-Service Teachers.
In: Teacher Educator Advancement Network National Conference, May 20th-21st 2024, Manchester.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Fostering Metacognitive Awareness in Pre-Service Teachers.
In: Association of Science Education Teacher Developers National Conference, 21st June 2024, Institute of Physics, London.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
From Good to Outstanding: Pedagogical Excellence.
In: The Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Learning to learn: enabling students to move to deeper learning and ownership.
In: Association for Science Education National Conference, January 2011, Reading.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Research in the classroom: Using Action Research to improve Practice.
In: Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
SOLO Taxonomy Pedagogy Planning Toolkit.
Katy Bloom.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Students and staff working together to increase independent learning.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Bloom, Katy ORCID:
Students understanding success criteria and receiving feedback to promote self-regulated learning.
In: Talk about Teaching for Social Justice, 06/07/2021-08/07/2021, York St John, MS Teams Meeting.
Bloom, Katy ORCID: and Dainty, Frances
Moving a Science department to 'Good'.
In: Association of Science Education Annual International Conference, 7-10/1/15, Reading University.
Blythman, Margo and Orr, Susan (2002) A joined up policy approach to student support. In: Peelo, Moira and Wareham, Terry, (eds.) Failing Students in Higher Education. Buckingham, Open University Press
Blythman, Margo, Orr, Susan and Blair, Bernadette (2007) Critiquing the Crit. Higher Education Academy.
Blythman, Margo, Orr, Susan, Hampton, Daphne, McLaughlin, Martina and Waterworth, Harry (2006) Strategic Approaches to the Development and Management of Personal Tutorial Systems in UK Higher Education. In: Thomas, Liz and Hixenbaugh, Paula, (eds.) Personal tutoring in higher education. Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham Books
Bradbury, Janine ORCID:
Black, female and postgraduate: why I cannot be the only one.
The Guardian.
Burrows, Ben ORCID:
Applied Escapology, or How to Foster Creativity Whilst Wearing the Straitjacket of Contemporary Education Culture.
In: Leeds International Music Technology Education Conference 2007, 19th-20th October 2007, Leeds College of Music.
Burrows, Ben ORCID:
The Point of Learning: Exploring Curriculum Design that Enhances the Student Experience.
In: 'Roots and Branches' Learning and Teaching Conference, Wednesday 26th September 2009, Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Calcagno, Licia, Walker, Dawn and Grey, David ORCID:
Building Relationships: A Personal Tutoring Framework to Enhance Student Transition and Attainment.
Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 1 (2).
pp. 88-99.
Calvert, Mike, Lewis, Thérèse and Spindler, John (2012) Negotiating professional identities in higher education: dilemmas and priorities of academic staff. Research in Education, 86 (-1). pp. 25-38.
Calvert, Mike and Muchira-Tirima, Koi (2013) Making sense of professionalism and being a professional in a Kenyan higher education context. Journal of Education for Teaching, 39 (4). pp. 370-382.
Cathcart, Abby, Dransfield, Mark ORCID:, Floyd, Sarah, Campbell, Lauri-Anne, Carkett, Rachel, Davies, Vicky, Duhs, Ros and Smart, Fiona
Tick-box, weasel words, or a transformative
experience? Insights into what educators consider
the real impact of HEA Fellowships.
International Journal for Academic Development.
Chertkovskaya, Ekaterina and Watt, Peter ORCID:
Against idle complicity: challenging the employability agenda in teaching and daily academic life.
In: Huzzard, Tony, Benner, Mats and Kärreman, Dan, (eds.)
The Corporatization of Business Education: Minerva meets the market.
Childs, Mark, Schnieders, H. Lori and Williams, Gweno (2012) “This above all: to thine own self be true”: ethical considerations and risks in conducting Higher Education learning activities in the virtual worldSecond Life™. Interactive Learning Environments, 20 (3). pp. 253-269.
Clark, Tim and Dobson, Tom ORCID:
Going Against the Grain: EdD students’ engagement with arts-based research in the United Kingdom.
Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice.
(In Press)
Clarke, Matthew ORCID: and Parker, Keither
Major teaching reform in England will erode the intellectual basis of the profession.
The Conversation.
Clarke, Matthew and Unsworth, Ruth ORCID:
Immunitas and Teacher Knowledge.
In: Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), June 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Cleaver, E, Wills, D, Gormally, Sinead, Grey, David ORCID:, Johnson, Colin and Rippingale, Julie
Connecting research and teaching through curricular and pedagogic design: from theory to practice in disciplinary approaches to connecting the higher education curriculum.
In: Carnell, Brent and Fung, Dilly, (eds.)
Developing the Higher Education Curriculum: Research-based Education in Practice.
London, UCL Press, pp. 145-159
Corby, Vanessa ORCID:
Art, prejudice and privilege: disciplinary elitism, students from poor and working-class communities and epistemic justice.
In: Meredith, Margaret
ORCID:, (ed.)
Knowing better: Universities and epistemic justice in a plural world.
Knowing better: Universities and epistemic justice in a plural world
Corby, Vanessa ORCID:
‘I’m good at art, but stupid’: time to check and challenge the state of the National Curriculum.
Council of Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD), online.
(In Press)
Costa, Ursula, Kos, Daphne, Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:, Margot, Isabel, Poissant, Lise, Rouleau, Marc and Schiller, Sandra
Join in discussing proposed Master curriculum areas and related example learning outcomes.
In: 21st European Network of Occupational Therapists in Higher Education (ENOTHE) Annual Meeting, 22-24 Oct 2015, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria.
Costello, Robert, Waehning, Nadine, Reed, Kaylara A. and Shaw, Nigel (2016) Researcher-led Training: the PhD Experience Conference 2013 – Supporting the Student in Higher Education. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences. pp. 1-9.
Couper, Pauline ORCID: and Porter, S
‘Environmental awareness’ and rock climbing: changing pedagogies to enhance pro-environmental graduate attributes.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 40 (2).
pp. 207-221.
Crabbe, Sarah ORCID:
I can drive a car, don’t expect me to be able to fly a plane! Computer anxiety among students.
Advance HE.
Crabbe, Sarah ORCID: and Andras, Peter
Computer Anxiety and the Big Five.
In: PPIG Conference 2013, 21/11/2013, London.
Creasy, Rob (2012) HE lite: exploring the problematic position of HE in FECs. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37 (1). pp. 38-53.
Cunningham, Clare ORCID:
“It’s exciting and rewarding!”: Structured mini writing retreats as a tool for undergraduate researchers.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (10).
pp. 1421-1433.
Curtis, Abi ORCID:
Rethinking the unconscious in creative writing pedagogy.
New Writing, 6 (2).
pp. 105-116.
Devet, Bonnie, Orr, Susan, Blythman, Margo and Bishop, Celia (2006) Peering Across the Pond: The Role of Students in Developing Other Students? Writing in the US and UK. In: Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa, (ed.) Teaching Academic Writing in UK Higher Education: Theories, Practices and Models. Universities into the 21st Century . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 196-211
Dobson, Tom ORCID:
How community projects can promote students’ critical thinking skills.
Times Higher Education.
Dobson, Tom ORCID: and Clark, Timothy
Embracing hybridity: the affordances of arts-based research for the professional doctorate in education.
Teaching in Higher Education, 29 (7).
pp. 1862-1878.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID:
‘If you could define it, it would probably cease to be what it is supposed to be.’: A theoretical model of inspiring learning and teaching in UK Higher Education.
Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID:
Trust in professional dialogue: the delicate role and craft of the dialogic host.
SEDA, The SEDA Blog.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID:, Wood, Margaret
ORCID: and Su, Feng
Following the yellow brick road? Developing
inspiring learning and teaching in the pursuit of
teaching excellence in higher education.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (7).
pp. 972-987.
Dransfield, Mark ORCID:, Wood, Margaret
ORCID: and Su, Feng
Following the yellow brick road? Developing inspiring learning and teaching in the pursuit of teaching excellence in higher education.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (7).
pp. 972-9876.
Edgar, Robert ORCID:
Monitoring as developmental practice in the supervision of PhD students.
Innovative Approaches to Doctoral Supervision: Selected Case Studies.
Edward Elgar
(In Press)
Elbra-Ramsay, Caroline ORCID: and Backhouse, Anita
‘So, you want us to do the marking?!’ – peer review and feedback to promote assessment as learning.
Journal of Pedagogic Development, 5 (1).
pp. 19-30.
Enstone, Zoe ORCID:
Blended learning opportunities: skills for working with primary sources.
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 22.
pp. 1-6.
Enstone, Zoe ORCID:
What Blended Learning Taught Me About the Strengths of Collaboration for Interdisciplinarity.
In: Syska, Alicja, Buckley, Carina, Sedghi, Gita and Grayson, Nicola, (eds.)
Transformative Practice in Higher Education: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning.
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria ORCID:, Hamilton, Lorna G.
ORCID:, Heinemeyer, Catherine
ORCID: and Parks, Judith
Qualitative Research Methods in the Living Lab: Reflecting upon a learning and teaching approach for promoting psychological literacy.
Psychology Learning and Teaching, 23 (2).
pp. 235-247.
Ferrari, Liviana and Zhurauskaya, Dasha (2015) Using e-Porfolios for foreign language learning and assessment at beginner and post-beginner level. In: Hernández, R. and Rankin, P., (eds.) Higher education and second language learning. Peter Lang, pp. 65-82
Ferretti, Fabrizio ORCID:, Jones, Simon and McIntosh, Bryan
Economic growth and the harmful effects of student loan debt on biomedical research.
Economic Modelling, 49.
pp. 308-313.
Gillies, Donald (2011) Agile bodies: a new imperative in neoliberal governance. Journal of Education Policy, 26 (2). pp. 207-223.
Gold, Jeff ORCID: and Anderson, Val
The Value of the Research Doctorate: A Conceptual Examination.
International Journal of Management Education, 17 (3).
pp. 1-14.
Grey, David John ORCID: and Osborne, Corrina Lailla
Perceptions and Principles of Personal Tutoring.
Journal of Further and Higher Education.
Grey, Simon, Grey, David ORCID:, Gordon, Neil and Purdy, Jon
Using Formal Game Design Methods to Embed Learning Outcomes into Game Mechanics and Avoid Emergent Behaviour.
International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 7 (3).
pp. 63-73.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Community as Resistance.
The John Macmurray Fellowship Newsletter, 47.
Haines Lyon, Charlotte ORCID:
Inclusive assessment strategies at Masters Level.
Inclusive Education Framework.
Hall, Christopher J ORCID:, Wicaksono, Rachel
ORCID:, Liu, Shu, Qian, Yuan and Xu, Xiaoqing
Exploring teachers' ontologies of English: Monolithic conceptions of grammar in a group of Chinese teachers.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 27 (1).
pp. 87-109.
Hayes, Alison ORCID:
Careers Using Languages: how to set up a conference for schools.
In: Corradini, Erika, Borthwick, Kate and Gallagher-Brett, Angela, (eds.)
Employability for languages: a handbook.
1st ed.
Dublin, Ireland,, pp. 51-55
Hayes, Alison ORCID:
Students’ reflective logs.
In: Thomas, Liz, (ed.)
Compendium of effective practice in directed independent learning.
Higher Education Academy, pp. 105-106
Hayes, Alison ORCID:
Supporting a student with visual impairment.
Vida Hispánica.
Hedger, Rosie and Wicaksono, Rachel ORCID:
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Multilingual Classrooms.
In: Angouri, Jo, Harrison, Tilly, Schnurr, Stephanie and Wharton, Sue, (eds.)
Learning, working and communicating in a global context : proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics.
Scitsiugnil Press, pp. 53-65
Heinemeyer, Catherine ORCID:, Parks, Judith, Pugh, Vicki, Hurst, Lucy, Williams, Sarah, Odell, Adam
ORCID:, Adekola, Olalekan
ORCID:, Jagdev, Manjinder, Turner, Helen, Nattress, Clare
ORCID:, Byrom, Andrew
ORCID:, Cunningham, Clare
ORCID:, Galloway, Morag
ORCID:, McCaleb, Murphy
ORCID:, Reason, Matthew
ORCID: and Mason, Linda
Living Lab: Learning at the Junction - REFLECTION REPORT.
Project Report.
Institute for Social Justice, York St John University, York.
Hickey, Robert (2023) Financial sustainability in a marketised and partially autonomous environment: the case of small new public universities in England. Oxford Review of Education, 50 (3). pp. 332-348.
Hickey, Robert and Davies, Dan (2024) The common factors underlying successful international branch campuses: towards a conceptual decision-making framework. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 22 (2). pp. 364-378.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID:
REF2021: a whole lot of fun prizes to be won.
Hill, Andrew P. ORCID: and Madigan, Daniel J.
Student Health Association – Perfectionism and Burnout in University Students Project.
York St John University, York.
Huntsley, Jennifer ORCID:, Rushton, Ian and Wormald, Jane
Reflective Practice.
In: Avis, James, (ed.)
Teaching in Lifelong Learning A Guide to Theory and Practice.
Open University Press
Hutchinson, Mark ORCID: and Howell, Tim
Imagined Structures: Creative Approaches towards Teaching Musical Analysis.
In: Haddon, Liz and Burnard, Pamela, (eds.)
Creative Teaching for Creative Learning in Higher Academic Music Education.
London, Routledge, pp. 153-167
Jennings, Helen, Toney, R., Slade, M., Bates, P., Taylor, A. and Crowther, A. (2017) The RECOLLECT Project: first steps in the scientific evaluation of Recovery Colleges. In: Research Reflections Conference, 8th September 2017, York St John University. (Unpublished)
Jiang, Nan and Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
A Case Study of Emerging Challenges and Reflections on Internationalization of Higher Education.
International Education Studies, 7 (9).
pp. 50-56.
Johnston, Alan ORCID:
Rigour in research: theory in the research approach.
European Business Review, 26 (3).
pp. 206-217.
Johnston, Alan ORCID:, Bishop, Gillian and Hemmings, Mike
Jazzing up the classroom: Developing a critical pedagogy in M level teaching.
In: 20th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, 24 -26 June 2019, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Johnston, Alan ORCID: and Johnston, Lyn
Assessment for Employability: Is synoptic assessment the answer?
Forum for Education Studies, 2 (2).
pp. 1-8.
Kavanagh, Owen ORCID: and Jones, Sue
The Pros and Cons of Using Personal Response
Systems in an Interactive Scientific Debate.
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 19 (2).
pp. 1-11.
Kean, Jenny (2016) It’s real life but is it fair? One approach to marking a final year team assessment for journalism students. In: Whatley, J and Nerantzi, C, (eds.) Teaching with Team Projects in Higher Education. Santa Rosa, California, Informing Science Press, pp. 107-115
Kennedy, Eileen, Sherman, Sarah, Weitz, Nancy, Crabbe, Sarah ORCID:, Devaney, Vicky, Tariq, Hifzah and Worsfold, Caro
Get Interactive: The Value of a MOOC for Continuing Professional Learning and Development.
Developing Online Teaching in Higher Education.
Professional and Practice-based Learning
Springer, pp. 43-55
Kollontai, Pauline ORCID:
Emotional intelligence in higher education: using art in a philosophical discussion on God, evil and suffering.
Research in Education, 93 (1).
pp. 66-76.
Koukpaki, A.S.F (2014) The Missing Cog in the Chain of Debate of ‘Higher Education for Sustainable Development’: Understanding the Contexts and the Roles of Strategic Leaders. East Africa Journal of Educational Research and Policy, 9. pp. 1-21.
Koukpaki, Serge (2013) Creating Substantive Theory by using Grounded Theory as an Analytical Tool: strategic leadership for sustainable Higher Education in Africa. In: The 8th Regional Conference on Higher Education for Innovation and Development in Africa, 28 Oct - 01 Nov 2013, Accra, Ghana. (Unpublished)
Koukpaki, Serge (2013) In Search of a New Research Method to Investigate Strategic Leadership for Sustainability in Higher Education in the West of Africa: ‘Joint-Interviewing’. In: The 8th Regional Conference on Higher Education for Innovation and Development in Africa, 28 Oct - 01 Nov 2013, Accra, Ghana. (Unpublished)
Koukpaki, Serge (2014) ‘The Learning, Training and Development needs of Strategic Leadership in the Context of Higher Education in a Scottish Research Intensive University: A Qualitative Case Study’. In: Onuka, O.A.U., (ed.) Analysing educational issues : essays in honour of emeritus professor Pai Obanya. Nigeria, Society for the Promotion of Academic and Research Excellence, pp. 386-407
Koukpaki, Serge (2013) The Missing Cog in the Chain of Debate of ‘Higher Education for Sustainable Development’: Understanding the Contexts and the Roles of Strategic Leaders. In: The 8th Regional Conference on Higher Education for Innovation and Development in Africa, 28 Oct - 01 Nov 2013, Accra, Ghana. (Unpublished)
Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:
Assessment, Evaluation and Outcome Measurement.
In: Cara, Elizabeth and MacRae, Anne, (eds.)
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: An Evolving Practice.
3rd ed.
Cengage, pp. 600-642
Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:
Face Validity and Clinical Utility of the Activity Card Sort -United Kingdom a Student as Co-Researcher project.
In: 21st European Network of Occupational Therapists in Higher Education (ENOTHE) Annual Meeting, 22-24 Oct 2015, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria.
Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:
Principles of Assessment and Outcome Measurement for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists: Theory, Skills and Application.
Chichester, Wiley
Laver Fawcett, Alison ORCID:
Students as Research Partners.
In: Invited 2 hour presentation at Craven College, 8 July 2016, Skipton.
Lawson Welsh, Sarah ORCID:
‘Culinary Cultures’: Theorising Postcolonial Food Cultures'.
Decolonizing the Literature Curriculum.
2022 ed.
Teaching the New English Series
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133-151
Leach, Tony ORCID:
'Cooling out the marks' the ideology and politics of vocational education in an age of austerity.
In: Association for Research in Post-compulsory Education 2nd International Research Conference, 8-10 July 2016, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Graduates'experiences and perceptions of career enactment: identity, transitions, personal agency and emergent career direction.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20 (1).
pp. 50-63.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
'It seems at the moment my career is dependent on factors outside of my control.' Reflections on graduates' experiences of employment and career enactment in an era of economic uncertainty and austerity.
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 45 (2).
pp. 188-198.
Leach, Tony ORCID:
Researching graduates’ lived experiences of vocational learning.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 17 (2).
pp. 261-275.
Lees, Dave and Carpenter, Victoria ORCID:
A Qualitative Assessment of Providing Quality Electronically Mediated Feedback for Students in Higher Education.
International Journal of Learning Technology, 7 (1).
pp. 95-110.
Liefeith, Andreas ORCID: and Wilkie, Brett
Blended Learning and developing an online presence to support inclusivity.
In: Talking About Teaching Conference, January 2015, York St John University, York, UK.
Lu, Yang ORCID:, Xu, Jiyi, Liu, Yongna and Sun, Bo
CVE-SRBAC: Space Role-Based Access Control for Collaborative Virtual Environment and the Teaching Applications.
MINES '13: Proceedings of the 2013 Fifth International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security.
ACM, pp. 73-76
Macmullen, Ruth (2015) Beyond the lens to the new disability exceptions: additional needs and authorised bodies. Library and Information Research, 39 (121). pp. 4-11.
Macmullen, Ruth (2015) Beyond the lens to the new disability exceptions: additional needs in Higher Education. In: CILIP Executive Briefing on latest developments in copyright legislation, 1 April 2015, London. (Unpublished)
McCluskey Dean, Clare ORCID:
Exploring how Reading List Design is Influenced by Power
and Structures with Undergraduate Students.
In: Brookbank, Elizabeth and Haigh, Jess, (eds.)
Critical Library Pedagogy in Practice.
Innovative Libraries Press, pp. 106-132
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID:
10 Days of RefWorks.
ALISS Quarterly, 10 (4).
pp. 18-20.
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID:
Being an embedded research librarian: supporting research by being a researcher.
Journal of Information Literacy, 7 (2).
pp. 4-14.
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID:
Beyond the library: reflections from a librarian in an academic faculty.
Health information & libraries journal, 27 (Sep, J).
pp. 249-252.
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID:
Creating information literacy partnerships in Higher Education.
Library and Information Research, 35 (111).
pp. 59-72.
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID:
An investigation into information literacy communities of practice in higher education.
In: Value and Virtue Conference 2016, 5-6 July 2016, York St John University.
McCluskey-Dean, Clare ORCID: and Watt, Victoria
Academic integrity: a pilot for a compulsory module for all new starters.
In: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference, 8-10 April 2015, Newcastle University, Newcastle.
McDonnell, Peter and McNiff, Jean (2016) Action research for nurses. Sage
McIntosh, Esther ORCID: and Jagger, Sharon
Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Staff and Students.
Technical Report.
York St John University, York.
McNiff, Jean (2013) Becoming cosmopolitan and other dilemmas of internationalisation: reflections from the Gulf States. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43 (4). pp. 501-515.
McNiff, Jean (2011) It takes a township : initiating debate. South African journal of higher education, 25 (7). p. 1253.
McNiff, Jean (2011) New cultures of critical reflection in Qatar. Educational Action Research, 19 (3). pp. 279-296.
McNiff, Jean (2015) Writing up your action research project. Routledge
Mellor, Liz (2011) What is 'known' in community music in higher education? Engagement, emotional learning and an ecology of ideas from the student perspective. International Journal of Community Music, 4 (3). pp. 257-275.
Meredith, Margaret ORCID:
Whose knowledge counts? The academic, academic knowledge and epistemic justice.
In: McNiff, Jean, (ed.)
Representations of the academic: challenging assumptions in higher education.
Routledge, pp. 41-57
Mierzwinski, Mark ORCID: and Cock, Steven
Engaging Students through a Problem Based Learning (PBL) Approach: A 5-Year Case-Study of an Undergraduate Sports Module.
In: Talking About Teaching, 22 January 2016, York St John University.
Minors, Helen Julia ORCID:
The Place of Artistic Research in Higher Education.
In: Blain, Martin and Minors, Helen Julia
ORCID:, (eds.)
Artistic research in performance through collaboration.
Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 11-36
Moores, Alis, Akhurst, Jacqueline and Powell, Janneke (2010) Using a card sort to structure and promote enquiry-based learning. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73 (5). pp. 229-236.
Morrish, Liz and ORCID:
‘Business-facing motors for economic development’: anappraisalanalysis of visions and values in the marketised UK university.
Critical Discourse Studies, 10 (1).
pp. 61-80.
Morrish, Liz and Sauntson, Helen ORCID:
Academic irregularities: language and neoliberalism in higher education.
Routledge Critical Studies in Discourse
New York, Routledge
Muradás-Taylor, Becky ORCID: and Wicaksono, Rachel
Sustainably designing language degrees.
Murata, Mary (2016) The Professional Linguist: language skills for the real world. In: Corradini, Erika, Borthwick, Kate and Gallagher-Brett, Angela, (eds.) Employability for languages: a handbook. Dublin,, pp. 73-82
Murata, Mary (2014) Using e-portfolios for Japanese beginners. BATJ Journal (15). pp. 53-56.
Murata, Mary and Muradás-Taylor, Becky ORCID:
First steps towards Japanese Language Textbook Design: survey of textbooks and students’ needs.
BATJ Journal (18).
pp. 12-18.
Nabi, Ghulam, Holden, Rick and Walmsley, Andreas (2010) From student to entrepreneur: towards a model of graduate entrepreneurial career‐making. Journal of Education and Work, 23 (5). pp. 389-415.
Newton, S. and Rowe, Nick (2018) Students not Patients: Opening up the University to those with mental health problems. In: Billingham, S., (ed.) Access to Success and Social Mobility Through Higher Education. Emerald, pp. 147-162
Nixon, J, Buckley, A, Cheng, A, Dymoke, S, Spiro, J and Vincent, Jonathan ORCID:
‘The ‘questionableness’ of things: opening up the conversation’.
In: McNiff, Jean, (ed.)
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Providing Business school students with online social networking opportunities during remote learning.
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Universities’ online networking operations: expectations and perceptions.
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The key issues Chinese top up students experiencing in a UK university.
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O'Dea, Xianghan (Christine) ORCID: and O'Dea, Mike
Is there still a future for online and blended teaching?
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Cross-Cultural Integration through the Lens of Loneliness: a Study of Chinese Direct Entry Students in the United Kingdom.
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Virtually the same?: Online higher education in the post Covid-19 era.
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How to manage the ‘unprofessional’ online behaviour of students: An emerging dilemma in higher education.
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A socio-political approach on autistic students’ sense of belonging in higher education.
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‘Sociologists shouldn’t have to study statistics’:
Epistemology and anxiety of statistics in sociology students.
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Action Learning Workshop – creating and sustaining a learning conversation.
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How does acting as a research participant impact undergraduate students' experience(s) as researchers?
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Rand, Jane ORCID:
How does acting as a research participant impact undergraduate students' experience(s) as researchers? A call for a national, comparative, study.
In: Inspire: Sharing great practice in Social Science teaching and learning, 3-4 December 2015, The Studio, Manchester.
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Misunderstandings and mismatches: The collective disillusionment of written summative assessment feedback.
Research in Education, 97 (1).
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Rand, Jane ORCID:
Misunderstandings and mismatches: the collective disillusionment of written summative assessment feedback.
Research in Education, 96 (1).
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Rand, Jane ORCID:
Researching undergraduate social science research.
Teaching in Higher Education, 21 (7).
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Rand, Jane ORCID:
"Sticky moments" - how Action Learning can help.
In: Talking About Teaching Conference.
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Student Involvement theory - a way we might design for learning at York St John.
In: Talking About Teaching, 22/1/16, York St John University.
Rand, Jane ORCID:
Synergies in Practice: educators from education and the medical profession engage. Symposium.
Changing epistemological paradigms – Dimensions of knowing.
In: BERA Conference 2016, 12-15th September, University of Leeds.
Rand, Jane ORCID:
The disorder of academic leadership.
Rand, Jane ORCID:
The emergence of open-logic sense-making: A practitioner-researcher’s experience of openness and criticality.
In: McNiff, Jean, (ed.)
Values and Virtues in Higher Education Research. Critical Perspectives.
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An evaluation of summative assessment feedback forms: students as co-creators of knowledge.
In: SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference, 12-13 May 2016, Edinburgh.
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An evaluation of summative assessment feedback forms: students as co-creators of knowledge.
In: Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Seminar: Transforming Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education on a wider scale: the challenge of change at institutional level, 30 June 2016, Manchester.
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Beyond the sage on the stage: PubMethods as radical research practice.
In: Value and Virtue Conference 2016, 5-6 July 2016, York St John University.
Reason, Matthew ORCID:
Students as Arts Activists: Insights and analysis from a politically engaged assessment.
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Ritchie, Lewis, Swain, Spencer ORCID:, Bottomley, Stuart and Smith, Helen
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Ritchie, Lewis Scott (2020) Service children’s thoughts on applying for university: a qualitative study exploring why young people from army families in North Yorkshire are under-represented in higher education institutions. Masters thesis, York St John University.
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The End of Surprise? The State of the Subject of Secondary English and Implications for Initial Teacher Education.
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Simpson, Gill and Stern, Julian ORCID:
The Educational Use of Holocaust Novels.
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Sloanes, Owen, Swain, Spencer ORCID:, Bottomley, Stuart and Smith, Helen
Barriers to accessing university in coastal communities: a qualitative study exploring why young people living along the North Yorkshire Coast are underrepresented in Britain's higher education institutions.
Project Report.
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Smart, Fiona, Davies, Vicky, Dransfield, Mark ORCID: and Floyd, Sarah
Travelling by canoe: dialogue in the context of professional recognition.
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Smart, Fiona, Dransfield, Mark ORCID:, Floyd, Sarah and Davies, Vicky
Dialogic assessment in the context of professional recognition: perspectives from the canoe.
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International collaborations in learning and teaching: perspectives from a visiting professorship.
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Stern, Julian ORCID:
Curiosity killed the SAT: The role of research in redirecting performativity in initial teacher education.
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Monologue or dialogue? Stepping away from the abyss in higher education.
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Less is more: scaffolding learning to support individual success through a vibrant community of practice.
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A Launch Pad for Future Success: Using Outcomes-based Approaches to Scaffold the Pandemic Year and Build for the Future.
Wood, Margaret ORCID:
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Navigating old and new terrains of academic practice in
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What makes an excellent lecturer? Academics’ perspectives on the discourse of ‘teaching excellence’ in higher education.
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Yang, Hongzhi and Clarke, Matthew ORCID:
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Asia-Pacific Journal of Education.
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Learning and teaching approaches in Higher Education: Promoting deep learning through constructive alignment.
Teaching Matters Blog.
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What's the point of writing essays?
Forward Thinking.
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One size fits none in international higher education: A UK-based case study on how to foster inclusive participation and active engagement in the classroom.
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